Published by:
© Imran N. Hosein 2009
Sūrah al-Kahf Quartet of Books
Volume 1: Sūrah al-Kahf: Text Translation and Modern Commentary;
Volume 2: Sūrah al-Kahf and the Modern Age;
Volume 3: An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age
Volume 4: Dajjāl the False Messiah or Antichrist
Khul ga’ay Ya’jūj aur Ma’jūj kay lashkar tamām,
Chashmay Muslim dekh lay tafsīray harfay yansilūn!
[Bāng-e-Darā ─ Zarīfāna:23]
“Set loose are all the hordes of Gog and Magog;
To the Muslim eye manifest is the meaning of the word yansilūn” (i.e. the
two verses of the Qur’ān, al-Anbiyāh’, 21:95-6, which end with the word
Dedicated to Dr Muhammad Iqbal who responded
with the above insightful verse in Urdu poetry to the
European Crusader conquest of Jerusalem in 1917
“There is a ban on a town (i.e. Jerusalem) which we destroyed
(and whose people were then expelled) that they (i.e. the people of
the town) can never return (to reclaim that town as their own) until
Gog and Magog are released and they spread out in all directions
(thus taking control of the world while establishing the Gog and
Magog world-order).”
(Our comments are in brackets) (Qur’ān, al-Anbiyāh’, 21:95-6)
Ansari Memorial Series
Introduction by Dr Tamman Adi
Chapter One: The Importance of ‘Signs of the Last Day in the
Modern Age’
Appearance and reality are opposite to each
Can all of these events be occurring by
Responding to Islamic sectarianism
The Shia sect
The Wahhabi sect
Tableegh Jamaat (i.e. Jamā’ah al-Tableegh)
Islamic Modernism
Elitist sectarian Sufism
Chapter Two: Methodology of study
The Qur’ān sits in judgement on the Hadīth
and not vice-versa
Need to locate ‘system of meaning’
Methodology of explaining the Qur’ān
through application and analysis of external
Gog and Magog in other scriptures
Chapter Three: Explaining terminology
The end of the material universe
The end of history
The Key to the subject of the Last Hour
W ‘ad al-Ākhirah (The Last Warning)
Chapter Four: A Profile of Gog and Magog
The Qur’ān introduces the subject of Gog
and Magog
Gog and Magog are human beings
A double-faced people who are capable of
swift motion
Possess extraordinary military power
Use ‘power’ to oppress
Make possible the return of people to their
Absorb mankind into their global godless
melting pot
Can wage ‘star wars’
Would target Arabs in particular for
Would be sent/raised only after Jesus (‘alaihi
al-Salam) has returned and after he has killed
Consume an excessive amount of water
Gog, Magog and the Sea of Galilee
Will take most of mankind into the hellfire
hence they are an essentially godless and
sinful people
Are linked to the abandonment of the Hajj
Chapter Five: Identifying Gog and Magog
Gog is the Anglo-American-sraeli alliance
and Magog is Russia
Winston Churchill identifies Gog and Magog
Chapter Six: Have Gog and Magog been released into the
world as yet?
Search for the barrier
The strange world today
The Judeo-Christian alliance
Hadīth reveals Gog and Magog’s release
Water in the world and in the Sea of Galilee
Hadīth linking Gog and Magog to Jerusalem
Iqbal Ansari and Said Nursi
Chapter Seven: Implications of the Release of Gog and
Stages of Release of Gog and Magog
into the world
Chapter Eight: Conclusion
Ansári Memorial Series
The Ansāri Memorial Series is published in honor of the
distinguished Islamic scholar, philosopher and Sūfi Shaikh,
Maulāna Dr. Muhammad Fadlur Rahmān Ansāri (1914–1974).
Publication of the Series began in 1997 to commemorate his 25th
death anniversary.
Maulānā Ansāri was an Islamic scholar, a teacher and
spiritual guide who spent his entire life struggling in the sacred
cause of Islām in what had become an essentially godless world.
His labors in that sacred cause took him on travels completely
around the world several times on Islamic lecture-tours in the
1950’s to 1970’s. He would leave his new home in Karachi
(having migrated from India when Pakistān came into being in
1947) and travel west, and then return to his home months later
from the east.
Maulāna was a graduate of Aligarh Muslim University, India,
where he studied Philosophy and Religion. He derived his Islamic
philosophical and spiritual thought from the Islamic scholar, Dr.
Muhammad Iqbāl, who was the author of that masterpiece of
Islamic scholarship, “The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in
Islām.” Maulāna Ansāri’s great work of Islamic scholarship, “The
Qur’anic Foundations and Structure of Muslim Society” (in two
volumes), itself constituted a response to Iqbāl’s call for
“reconstruction of religious thought.”
He received his spiritual training from his mentor Maulānā
Muhammad ‘Abdul ‘Aleem Siddiqui, an Islamic scholar, Sūfi
Shaikh, and roving missionary of Islām. Most important of all, he
received the Sūfi epistemology from both Iqbāl and Maulānā
Siddiqui and delivered it to his students. The Sūfi epistemology
recognized that when Truth is embraced (i.e., Islām is accepted) and is lived with sincerity and devotion to Allah Most High, it
eventually enters the heart (i.e., Islām grows into Imān). In the
Hadīth al-Qudsi it is reported that Allah Most High declared: “My
heavens and My earth are too small to contain Me, but the heart of My
faithful servant can contain Me.” This Hadīth vividly describes the
implications of the entry of Truth into the heart.
When Truth enters the heart, then a divine light (nūrullah)
also eventually enters, and that light permits the believer’s powers
of observation and internal intuitive spiritual insight to penetrate
beyond the ‘external’ appearances of things to reach their ‘internal’
reality. At this stage of the growth of Truth in the heart the believer
now sees with two eyes – the ‘external’ and the ‘internal’ (Dajjāl,
the False Messiah, sees with only one eye – the ‘external’). The
believer who pursues a ‘Jihād fillah’ (i.e., a struggle ‘in’ Allah) is
blessed with growth from Imān to the stage of Ihsān. This is also
known as Tasawwuf, but it is better recognized as al-Ihsān.
It is only with inner light in the discerning heart of a true
believer that the continuously unfolding Signs of Allah (Ayātullah)
can be recognized, and only thus can the world today be read and
correctly understood. Those who perceive the reality of the world
today know that we live in the age of Fitan, i.e., the Last Age or
the age of al-Qiyāmah (which would first culminate with the end
of history and the triumph of Islam, and then, subsequently, with
the end of the world and its transformation into a new world).
Maulānā Ansāri devoted the last ten years of his life (1964–
1974) to the establishment of the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic
Studies in Karachi. He struggled at Aleemiyah to train a new
generation of scholars of Islām who would be spiritually and
intellectually capable of using the Qur’ān and Ahadīth to
understand the mysterious modern age, and to then respond
appropriately to its awesome challenges. Out of his labors emerged
scholars such as Dr. Waffie Muhammad and Imran N. Hosein
(Trinidad, West Indies), Dr. Abul Fadl Mohsin Ebrahim, Dr.
Abbas Qasim (marhūm), Muhammad Ali Khan and others (Durban,
South Africa), Siddiq Ahmad Nasir, Raouf Zaman and Muhammad
Saffie (Guyana, South America), Ali Mustafa (Suriname, South
America), Basheer Ahmad Keeno (Mauritius), and so many others
who graduated from the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies,
Karachi, Pakistan.
The Ansāri Memorial Series consists of the following books,
all written by one of Maulānā’s students:
• Jerusalem in the Qur’ān – an Islamic View of the Destiny of
• Sūrah al-Kahf: Text Translation and Modern Commentary;
• Sūrah al-Kahf and the Modern Age;
• The Religion of Abraham and the State of Israel –– A View
from the Qur’ān;
• Signs of the Last Day in the Modern Age;
• The Importance of the Prohibition of Ribā in Islām;
• The Prohibition of Ribā in the Qur’ān and Sunnah;
• Dreams in Islām – A Window to Truth and to the Heart;
• The Caliphate, the Hejāz, and the Saudi-Wahhabi NationState;
• The Strategic Significance of the Fast of Ramadan, and Isrā
and M’irāj;
• One Jamā’at - One Amīr: The Organization of a Muslim
Community in the Age of Fitan, and
• An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern World.
The Series, which depict at least some of the ‘fruits’ of the
‘tree’ that was planted by the Maulāna, is devoted to an effort of
understanding the ‘reality’ of the world today, explaining it
accurately, and responding to its unprecedented challenges
Three new books were recently included in the Series. Two of
them, on Sūrah al-Kahf, form part of a proposed quartet of books
on that Sūrah. The third new book in the Series is comprised of a
collection of essays on the theme of ‘Signs of the Last Day in the
Modern Age’. The present work on Gog and Magog is the third in
the series on Sūrah al-Kahf, while a proposed book on Dajjāl the
false Messiah or Anti-Christ would be the fourth and last.
The Series would be incomplete without a biography of that
great scholar himself – his life, works and thought. Work has
already commenced on that biography and we hope that it can be
successfully completed Insha’ Allah.
Maulānā Ansāri honored his own Shaikh, Maulānā
Muhammad ‘Abdul ‘Aleem Siddiqui, by establishing the
Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Pakistan, and by
publishing the Aleemiyah Memorial Series. The Ansāri Memorial
Series represents a humble effort to follow in that noble tradition.
I began my study of Gog and Magog more than fifteen years ago in
the early 90’s while resident in New York. My subsequent public lectures
on the subject never failed to provoke keen interest from my Muslim
audiences in several parts of the world. The evidence and arguments
presented in the chapter on Gog and Magog in my book, ‘Jerusalem in
the Qur’an’, succeeded in convincing many who read the book that we
now live in a world dominated by Gog and Magog. They were easily
convinced that the ‘town’ mentioned in the Qur’ān in Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’
(21:95-6) was Jerusalem and hence, that Gog and Magog (and Dajjāl)
explained the ominously unfolding ‘war on Islam’ with slaughter and
destruction of Muslims in so many parts of the world. As a consequence,
such readers also understood Israel’s mysterious imperial agenda, and
many have been making efforts to extricate themselves and their families
from the embrace of Gog and Magog – an embrace that will take 999 out
of every 1000 of mankind into the hellfire.
Despite my best efforts, however, I failed miserably, again and
again, to convince my learned peers, the scholars of Islam, that Gog and
Magog were even released into the world. I earnestly hope and pray that
this book might make a difference Insha’ Allah.
Praise and thanks are due to Allah Most High on the successful
completion of this humble pioneering book entitled ‘An Islamic View of
Gog and Magog in the Modern World’, the third in our quartet of books
on Sūrah al-Kahf of the Qur’ān. The previous two books were entitled:
‘Sūrah al-Kahf: Text Translation and Modern Commentary’ and ‘Surah
al-Kahf and the Modern Age’. The fourth and last book would be
devoted, Insha’ Allah, to the subject of Dajjāl the false Messiah or
Antichrist. It is part of the miracle of Islam that these books should be
written in a tiny Caribbean island off the coast of Venezuela in South
America by someone whose ancestors were brought from India generations ago to work as indentured laborers in the Britsh-owned
sugarcane plantations.
I am profoundly grateful to Dr Tammam Adi, the Qur’ān
Semanticist who has been resident in USA since 1986, for his valuable
advice, guidance and assistance during the writing of this book. I also
thank him for kindly consenting to write an Introduction in which he has
expressed views which largely coincide with mine. I recognize his
expertise in Qur’ān Semantics, of which we have more than a glimpse in
this brilliantly-written Introduction, to be a precious asset of the
contemporary world of Islam. He was born in Damascus in a family
which traces its origins to the clan of Umar (radiallahu 'anhu). A
computational linguist with a Ph.D in computer science, he inherited a
keen interest in Arabic and linguistics and his research of the use of
Arabic in the Holy Qur'ān has led him to discover a theory of language.
He has agreed to soon begin work on an essay on ‘The Qur’ān and the
Return of Jesus (‘alahi al-Salām.).’
Muhammad Alamgir, Dr Imran Chaudhry and Dr Hatim Zaghloul
were all kind enough to go through the manuscript correcting mistakes
and offering valuable suggestions. Tarek Jammal and his team of
independent film-makers (; in the
Arab world also went through the manuscript and responded with
valuable suggestions, as did Salman al-Haq and his team of university
students in Islamabad. My dear wife Aisha who has shown infinite
patience with me, also assisted. May Allah Most Kind bless them all.
The writing of this book was kindly sponsored in the names
of Rabia Aboobakar Hussein Jakhura and Aboobakar Hussein Jakhura of
Malawi in Africa. May Allah Most Kind have mercy on them both.
Imran N. Hosein
Safar 1430
In the Caribbean island of Trinidad
Dr. Tammam Adi
We are witnessing destruction on a global scale. There is an
urgent need to understand the nature of this destruction and to find
out what we can do about it. Religious scholars are competing to
deliver answers. The religion that delivers the most useful answers
will prevail in the minds of those who honestly seek the truth.
Muslim scholars put Islam at a great disadvantage in this
competition because they offer a solid alibi to the primary suspects
of global destruction. The scholars say that Gog and Magog, a
destructive force that is prophesied to spread everywhere, are still
locked up behind a barrier.
This belief makes Muslims look like the foolish man whose
house began crumbling down around him because termites filled
up the walls. Still, this man goes to bed every night thanking Allah
that the bug inspector has not found any termite infestation in the
Allah subhanahu wata'aala promised to preserve the Holy
Qur’ān. But He did not promise to preserve Hadith (reports about
what the blessed Prophet of Islam said or did) or tafseer (Qur’ān
commentary). The confusion about Gog and Magog results from
two sources:
1. accepting errors and omissions in tafseer
2. accepting false ahadeeth (hadiths) or hadith
misinterpretations that are contrary to the Qur’ān
The latter problem can be resolved by adhering to the
principle that all ahadeeth must be based on the Holy Qur’ān.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyya rahimahullah was a prolific scholar
of Qur’ān and Hadith. He memorized the Qur’ān and countless
ahadeeth, and was able to instantly recall all the verses and
ahadeeth on any subject. He confirmed the above-mentioned
principle in his Fatawa and stated that for every good hadith he
knew, he was able to cite one or more Qur’ān verses upon which
that hadith was based. The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam
would state a hadith (containing a decision, a judgment, or an
instruction) and then he would cite a supporting Qur’ān verse. The
Companions of the Prophet, radiyallahu 'anhum, regularly used
this method.
On the other hand, tafseer errors and omissions on the subject
of Gog and Magog are so pervasive that we can no longer find a
tafseer that discusses even the remote possibility that they may
have been released. To find out what the Qur’ān really says about
Gog and Magog, one is better off starting from scratch. Shaykh
Imran Hosein has done just that.
In this book, Shaykh Hosein challenges the scholars to revisit
the belief that Gog and Magog have not been released yet. He
shows that—although apparently supported by a hadith—the belief
contradicts the Qur’ān. He makes a compelling case that Gog and
Magog were unleashed long ago. He does so by examining
contemporary and historical facts and connecting them to verses
from the Qur’ān.
For the last 25 years, I have been conducting independent
research on the nature of meaning in the Qur’ān (Qur’ān
semantics). The principles that I arrived at support Shaykh
Hosein's methodology outlined in Chapter Three. World events
must be judged by a special kind of Qur’ān analysis called ta'weel.
Ta'weel is the use of analogical reasoning to properly connect the
possible meanings of Qur’ān verses to historical and political data.
The precious ta'weel insights of a scholar like Shaykh Hosein are
not simply the outcome of his elaborate studies of data and
meaning, but also are made possible by special light (noor) from
Allah that he is lucky to receive from time to time. Moreover,
Shaykh Hosein is right to point out that allegorical ta'weel
sometimes must be consulted, especially on spiritual issues where
there is no physical data.
In the following section, I will introduce the principles of
ta'weel and Qur’ān semantics. Then, I will use these principles to
develop fresh ta'weels of verses about Gog and Magog and their
patterns of behavior. My ta'weels largely coincide with Shaykh
Hosein's own fresh ta'weels of such verses. Both sets of ta'weel
equally show that when we apply the verses of the Qur’ān to judge
the facts of reality, we must conclude that Gog and Magog were
unleashed long ago.
Ta'weel: principles of Qur’ān semantics
To correctly understand the language of the Holy Qur’ān, one
needs to remember that Allah subhanahu wata'ala, not the Arabs,
designed and created the Arabic language. This is precisely why
Allah can compose a text that no Arab can ever make the like of,
not even a single short surah
The way Allah uses Arabic in the Qur’ān is often very
different from the way Arabs use Arabic. Arabs regularly make
mistakes in the use of their own language and frequently
misunderstand Arabic terms. Even great Arab poets,
lexicographers (dictionary makers) and mufassiroon (writers of
Qur’ān commentaries) often misunderstand and misuse Arabic. On
the other hand, Allah's use of Arabic is perfect, clear and selfexplanatory (wa haadha lisaanun 'arabiyyun mubeen, Qur’ān, anNahl, 16:103).
Therefore, the study of Qur’ān meanings, Qur’ān semantics,
must rely on the Qur’ān itself. I have developed a theory of Qur’ān
semantics over many years of study. I recently read that Dr. Fazlur
Rahman Ansāri rahimahullah (Shaykh Hosein's teacher) believed
that the Qur’ān has a system of meaning which consistently relates
all the verses to each other and also serves to explain and interpret
them. This is my experience, too.
A stand-alone term usually is ambiguous (has multiple
meanings). For example, daraba means to hit, to propose an
argument, to impose, to travel, and so on. Each of these meanings
often is like a formula that can be used in different ways to model
real-life situations (hit the rock with your cane, the angels hit their
faces). This two-dimensional flexibility (multiple meanings, each
with a multi-purpose formula) is the basis of human intelligence. It
is found in every language. It allows the mind to wander, explore
and research. It is the power that Allah granted to Adam
'alaihissalaam, and just because of this power, He ordered the
angels to prostrate to him out of respect.
To make a term (e.g., daraba) useful, two things must happen:
1. Put term in context to limit choice of meaning. Put
this term in a sentence (the context). For example, wa
daraba lanaa mathalan . . . (he proposed to us an
argument by way of analogy [likeness], Qur’ān,
Yaaseen, 36:78). The context often dictates that we
have fewer meanings to choose from, maybe only one
(propose an argument). But at this stage, a single
meaning simply is a broad formula with an openended range of possible applications (unknown
purpose of argument). It usually is too abstract to be
2. Connect meaning formula to reality (ta'weel). With
Allah's permission, one can connect the meaning
formula that is chosen by the context to a real
situation. The verse continues: wa nasiya khalqahu
qaala man yuhyil 'idhaama wa hiya rameem (but he
forgot his own creation; he said, “who could bring
crumbled bones to life?”). By being connected to a
real situation, the meaning formula (propose an
argument) becomes useful. Now we can use this
formula to understand reality (someone, who forgot
his own creation, is proposing an analogical
argument about bringing bones to life), and then to
deal with it (understand the analogy and see that it is
false). This connection between meaning formula and
reality is called realization of formula or ta'weel.
Meaning formulas usually allow analogical ta'weel:
connecting to something in reality that is similar to the formula.
This is the basis of analogical reasoning which is the main tool of
thinking and jurisprudence. For different situations in reality, the
same meaning formula may have different ta'weels, depending on
what guidance we receive from Allah.
Depending on context, allegorical ta'weel may be the proper
thing to do: connecting to something that is apparently similar to
the formula but not of the same kind of reality. Dreams and
spiritual meaning formulas often are only meant to be allegorical.
The spiritual reality is different from the physical reality.
Moreover, allegorical ta'weel may become necessary because the
reality of this world is deceptive and non-final (mataa'ul ghuroor:
experience of deception). Reality is absolutely factual and final
only in the hereafter.
But Allah may decide to block the connection between
meaning formula and reality altogether. The verse “fa darabna
'alaa aadhaanihim fil kahfi sineena 'adadaa” (Qur’ān, al-Kahf
18:11) is translated: therefore, we caused them to “sleep” in the
cave for many years by doing “daraba,” something unspecified, to
their ears. The ta'weel of this meaning formula is impossible. We
are not told about the reality of what Allah did to those young
men's ears. We cannot make the connection between the meaning
formula (darabnaa 'alaa aadhaanihim, we “struck on” or “sealed
off” or “placed something on” their ears) and the reality of what
Allah did to their ears. Such a verse is called mutashabih (bears
false similarity to our reality). Only Allah knows the ta'weel of
such verses. When the deviant-minded pursue them, they only
make wild ta'weel guesses about the hereafter, thus creating occult
concepts or false prophethood.
All important terms in the Qur’ān are put in one or more
contexts (verses containing the term) that limit the choice of
meaning, and also enable us to make connections between the
meaning formula and real situations. Ta'weel is possible. The
section below entitled “What is fasaad?” illustrates this approach.
If a verse has a ta'weel of any kind (analogical or allegorical),
then the verse is called muhkam (literally: made firm, Qur’ān, Aal
'Imraan 3:7). The meaning formula of a muhkam verse usually
allows analogical ta'weel, and consequently, analogical reasoning.
In some muhkam verses, only allegorical ta'weel is possible.
Muhkam verses are the basis of the Qur’ān (ummul kitab).
They are part of Allah's promise to preserve the Qur’ān. They are
the framework, system of meaning, that preserves and controls the
ta'weel of the Qur’ān's essential rules and messages. Allah wishes
each of us, not just scholars, to use muhkam verses to perform
ta'weel—connect them to reality according to our mental
capability, with light (noor) from Him, and with His help (tawfeeq,
arrangement of favorable circumstances)—in order to judge reality
by what Allah has sent down (hukm bi maa anzalallah). This
includes all aspects of reality, not just what is usually contained in
books of fiqh (interpretation of law).
As many scholars have pointed out, applying the muhkam
verses of Allah to such things as politics and social issues was
frowned upon by Muslim authorities, beginning with the Umayyad
period. Tafseers must have been censored accordingly.
If Gog and Magog were released just before Islam, wouldn't
they have quickly started gaining power over Muslims? The
Prophet sallalahu 'alaihi wasallam told us that Umar radiallahu
'anhu was like a closed gate (a barrier) standing between Muslims
and the dreaded wave-like fitnah (difficult test, Gog and Magog), and that this gate would be broken so that it could never be closed
again. Wouldn't Gog and Magog have broken this barrier
(assassinated Umar)? Wouldn't they have censored discussing Gog
and Magog in Islamic literature and scholarship, just as Zionists
nowadays censor their own mention in the American media by
calling it anti-Semitic?
Gog and Magog: a destructive nation capable of
becoming the sole superpower
Dhul Qarnain's kingdom was an unchallenged superpower
with unlimited technology (innaa makkanna lahoo fil ardi wa
aataynahu min kulli shay'in sababaa, Qur’ān, al-Kahf 18:84). He
conquered every nation of the known world, from the far west to
the far east, punished the unjust and rewarded the righteous
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf 18:85-91). When he reached a place near the
middle of the Two Barrier-Mountains (assaddain, Qur’ān, al-Kahf
18:93), he received a peculiar cry for help from a people who lived
“They said, 'O Dhul Qarnain, [the nation of] Gog and Magog are certainly
perpetrators of destruction on Earth [or perpetrators of global destruction,
mufsidoona fil ard]. Shall we raise a tax for you in return for converting
(taj'ala) what is between us and them [the Two Barrier-Mountains,
assaddain, which have a pass between them and thus are not a complete
barrier] into a [complete] barrier [saddan, a single barrier without a
pass]?' ” (Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:94)
One would think that Dhul Qarnain would conquer the nation
of Gog and Magog and punish them as he did with other unjust
peoples. Instead, he agreed to convert the mountains into a barrier
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf 18:95). This can only mean that he knew that it
was Allah's will that the nation of Gog and Magog could not be
vanquished by man, not even by a superpower like his that
possessed advanced technology. This means that Gog and Magog
are capable of becoming the sole superpower on earth. In Chapter
Four, Shaykh Hosein includes these properties of Gog and Magog
in his depiction of their profile.
Al-Radm: the barrier of Gog and Magog consists of
two mountains and a crack between them that was
patched by Dhul Qarnain
Gog and Magog traveled through the only existing pass
between two mountains which are very high and barrier-like
(assaddain, Qur’ān, al-Kahf 18:93) and attacked their neighbors on
the other side of the mountains.
The victimized people asked Dhul Qarnain to convert (taj'ala)
what is between them and Gog and Magog (baynana wa
baynahum, i.e., a mountain range with a crack for a pass) into a
perfect barrier (saddan, Qur’ān, al-Kahf 18:94). He replied: “aj'al
baynakum wa baynahum radman,” i.e., “I shall patch (aj'al . . .
radman) what is between you and them (Qur’ān, al-Kahf 18:95).
Dhul Qarnain blocked the pass outlet with heated iron ore upon
which he poured molten copper. The barrier of Gog and Magog
consists of two mountains and a crack between them that was
patched by Dhul Qarnain (al-Radm).
If someone wears a patched shoe, we say he wears radman
(something patched). Because of the phrase “aj'al baynakum
wabaynahum radman” (I shall convert what is between you and
them into radman), it would be wrong to assume that the term
radman refers to the patch alone. Grammatical imprecision has led
this researcher and others to make this mistake. The above
clarification allows for better ta'weel.
In Chapter Five, Shaykh Hosein identifies the geographical
location of al-Radm based on ta'weel of Qur’ān, al-Kahf 18:93-97.
The Two Barrier-Mountains are the eastern and western sections of
the Caucasus mountain range, separated by a narrow pass called
the Daryal Gorge. The Caucasus mountain range stretches from the
Black Sea in the west to the Caspian Sea in the east.
A large gap in the barrier was created before Islam—a
hilly coastal passage was exposed by the receding Caspian
Allah declared that Gog and Magog initially could not climb
over the patched barrier nor were they able to penetrate it (fa
mastaa'oo an yazharoohu wa mastataa'oo lahoo naqba, Qur’ān,
al-Kahf 18:97). Dhul Qarnain knew that the barrier only offered
temporary protection. He announced, on authority from Allah,
“This [al-Radm, the patched mountain barrier] is mercy from my
Lord-God, but when the Promise of my Lord-God comes, then He
shall turn it into dakkaa' [dakkaa' = 'hilly area' or 'demolished']”
(qaala haadha rahmatun min rabbee, fa idha jaa'a wa'du rabbee
ja'alahoo dakkaa', Qur’ān, al-Kahf 18:98).
Allah promised each of His prophets that a last prophet would
come with a great final law (the Qur’ān). In some scriptures (e.g.,
the Torah), this is referred to as “The Promise.” The Promise that
Dhul Qarnain refers to is Islam. A few decades before the birth of
the Prophet of Islam sallalahu 'alaihi wasallam, around 550 A.D.,
the Caspian Sea receded to expose a hilly coastal passage on the
east end of the Caucasus Mountains. Gog and Magog used this
passage to invade Persia before Islam. Umar radiallahu 'anhu
launched military campaigns against Gog and Magog through this
Many ahadeeth confirmed that “The Promise” was Islam by
warning that the Arabs were targets (wailun lil 'arab) because a
gap in the Gog and Magog radm (patched barrier) was opened.
What frightened the Prophet sallalahu 'alaihi wasallam was the
width of this gap: 90 units, possibly 90 farsakh (1 farsakh = 3.5
miles). This is wide enough to allow large waves of Gog and
Magog to devastate the Arabs. The prophecy was fulfilled: “And
on that day [when the barrier is opened], we shall let them merge
into each other like waves (wa taraknaa ba'dahum yawma idhin
yamooju fee ba'd, Qur’ān, al-Kahf 18:99).
Moreover, Gog and Magog are described as “coming out of
every hill” (min kulli hadabin yansiloon, Qur’ān, al-Anbiyaa'
21:96). The use of the term hill (hadabin) in this context strongly
supports the choice of the meaning “hilly area” for dakkaa'.
The wide passage by the sea made the patch itself
insignificant. The patch came down later and the narrow Daryal
Gorge was opened.
Based on Hadith terminology, early Muslims referred to Gog
and Magog as al-Turk (the Turks), named after their ancestor Turk.
This is not to be confused with modern day Turks.
The age of Gog and Magog
When Allah declares, “and on that day, we shall let them
merge into each other like waves (wa taraknaa ba'dahum yawma
idhin yamooju fee ba'd, Qur’ān, al-Kahf 18:99), what does He
mean by “that day”?
One “day” (yawm) of Allah's time—a divine day—is not 24
hours, but a period lasting a thousand lunar years or more. There
are divine days of different length, but in general, a divine day is
1,000 lunar years long, a millenium (wa inna yawman 'inda
rabbika ka alfi sanatin mimmaa ta'uddoon, Qur’ān, al-Hajj 22:47).
In Chapter Three, Shaykh Hosein discusses different divine days.
The Qur’ān discusses the lengths of only three special divine days:
1. A divine day that is 50,000 lunar years long in which
all the angels ascend to Allah (Qur’ān, al-Ma'aarij
70:4). Surah al-Ma'aarij describes what happens in
this long period. Among other things, people are
resurrected and the disbelievers are sent to the
hellfire. Some mufassiroon believe that it is Yawm alQiyamah, the Day of Resurrection.
2. A divine management cycle that consists of two
divine days: a management millennium in which
Allah uses angels to manage the sending and
execution of commands from the sky down to the
earth, followed by an accounting millennium in which
these angels ascend to Allah to report about the
deployed commands so that people are judged
accordingly (yudabbiru al-amra minas samaa'i ilal
ardi thumma ya'ruju ilayhi fee yawmin kaana
miqdaruhu alfa sanatin mimmaa ta'uddoon, Qur’ān,
as-Sajdah 32:5).
As we have seen above, the coming of Islam and the release
of Gog and Magog (around 550 A.D.) both happened at the dawn
of a single divine day. It may be safe to assume that it is in fact a
management millennium. If so, this millennium ended five
centuries ago and we are now in the middle of the accounting
millennium that follows every management millennium. The
management millennium started about 1,460 solar years or 1,505
lunar years ago. Only Allah knows when The Hour will come.
Maybe during the accounting millennium, maybe later.
Gog and Magog are now the sole superpower, but they will be
After over 1,500 years of merging like waves with Gog and
Magog, most of humanity has either adopted their lifestyle or is
going along with it. Nowadays, it is very difficult to tell who is an
original member of Gog and Magog and who simply has joined
them. This is the basis of the hadith that 999 out of every 1,000
people in Hell shall be from Gog and Magog.
Gog and Magog are already coming out of every hill, every
position of power (min kulli hadabin yansiloon, Qur’ān, alAnbiyaa' 21:96). They are now the sole superpower on earth. This
superpower is nothing but an unjust civilization (qaryatin
zaalimatin), and like every other unjust civilization, it will be
destroyed before the arrival of the Hour (al-Hajj 22:45-48).
Gog and Magog have realized the meaning (formula) of their
Arabic name, Ya'jooj wa Ma'jooj. These two terms are active and
passive word forms derived from the root “hamza jeem jeem” (the
sounds “a j j”). The only other contexts containing this root in the
Qur’ān, use the the word ujaaj which describes the taste of salty
water as burning. Gog and Magog thus are those who burn others
(Ya'jooj) and are themselves burned (Ma'jooj).
Why would Allah condemn Gog and Magog—along with
most of humanity who have adopted their lifestyle—to burning in
Hell? How can one recognize and avoid the lifestyle of Gog and
Magog? Insha’ Allah, the following sections will elicit answers
from muhkam verses.
What is fasaad?
Gog and Magog are described as mufsidoon fil ard (Qur’ān,
al-Kahf, 18:94). I have loosely translated this phrase as
“perpetrators of destruction on Earth.” Let us take a closer look.
Mufsidoon is the plural of an actor form, mufsid. This means
“people who collectively do something.” In this case, it refers to a
group whose collective profession or lifestyle is to cause a certain
type of harm called fasaad. Both terms, fasaad and mufsidoon, are
derived from the word root “fa seen dal” (the sounds “f s d”). So,
what kind of harm is fasaad?
Allah uses terms derived from this root (yufsidoona, yufsidu,
yufsida, tufsidoo, al-mufsideen, and so on) in many verses of the
Qur’ān in conjunction with certain types of behavior. Below are
some verse examples that realize the formula of fasaad. Please
note that the plural forms of verbs indicate collective or social
activity. Also, the article al (the) and certain grammatical
structures indicate comprehensiveness or totality. This is similar to
“all the” or “the whole.”
1. Religious fasaad. Blatant abandonment of the whole
Divine Covenant by a group that has solemnly
committed itself to this covenant (yanqudoona 'ahda
Allaahi min ba'di meethaaqihi . . . wa yufsidoona fil
ard, Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:27). When an avowedly
strict or orthodox religious sect systematically breaks
the laws of their own scripture, this is called fasaad.
This behavior destroys the life of the Hereafter for the
2. Family ties fasaad. Systematic tearing up of all family
ties (yaqta'oona ma amara Allahu bihee an yoosala
wa yufsidoona fil ard, Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:27). This
means separating wives from husbands, children from
parents, brothers from each other, and so on.
3. Genocidal fasaad. Mass murder (yufsidu feeha wa
yasfikud-dimaa', literally, “sheds all the bloods,”
Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:30).
4. Agricultural fasaad. Systematic destruction or
spoiling of all crops (li yufsida feeha wa yuhlika alharth, Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:205). This includes, for
example, the ruining of whole agricultural systems or
the genetic modification and insertion of poisons into
5. Fasaad to offspring (nasl). Systematic destruction of
all human reproduction or mass murder of all children
(li yufsida feeha . . . wa yuhlika . . . an-nasl, Qur’ān,
al-Baqarah, 2:205).
6. Economic fasaad. A trade system that enables the
powerful to underpay people or deny them their dues
(fa awful kayla wal meezaana wa la tabkhasoo annaasa ashya'ahum wa la tufsidoo fil ardi ba'da
islaahiha, Qur’ān, al-A'raaf, 7:85).
7. Sodomy fasaad. Socially acceptable practice of
homosexuality (ta'toona ar-rijaala . . . al-mufsideen,
Qur’ān, al-'Ankaboot, 29:29-30). This culminates in
“gay marriage” and undermines real marriage.
Fasaad is then the deliberate and systematic destruction of
human life by mass murder or by thorough destruction of key
elements of life, including the life of the hereafter. Gog and Magog
are called mufsidoon, but no type of fasaad is specified. They are
thus a group whose collective profession or lifestyle is the creation
and practice of all kinds of fasaad. They verily earn the wrath of
Allah and deserve to burn in Hell. They are the kind of people who
are referred to as almaghdoobi 'alayhim (the ones who earned
Allah's wrath) in al-Fatiha.
In Chapter One, Shaykh Hosein identifies many types of
fasaad that can be observed on a global scale. In Chapter Seven, he
points to the genocidal fasaad that has been increasing in recent
centuries, certainly the work of Gog and Magog. But how did they
bring humanity to adopt such horrible collective and individual
Profiles of Gog and Magog and the fasaad groups they
At the beginning of surah al-Baqarah of the Qur’ān, Allah
depicts a group of people who collectively practice fasaad. He
describes their false mission statement, their strange beliefs, their
mode of operation (modus operandi), their organizational structure,
and He even names their secret masterminds. As it turns out, these
verses actually describe Gog and Magog and other fasaad groups
that work for them.
1. False religious front. The group deceptively pretends
to believe in Allah and the Last Day (wa minan naasi
man yaqoolu aamanna billahi wa bilyawmil aakhiri
wamahum bi mu'mineen, yukhaadi'oona Allaha
walladheena aamanu . . . Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:8-9,
2. Uncommon articles of faith. The group is too proud to
share the straightforward faith of ordinary people
whom they call “stupid” (wa idhaa qeela lahum
aaminoo kamaa aamanan naasu qaaloo anu'minu
kamaa aamanas sufahaa', Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:13).
3. Mentally twisted. The members of the group have
mental and spiritual diseases (sick hearts) which
Allah causes to become worse (fee quloobihim
maradun fazaadahumu Allahu maradaa, Qur’ān, al-
Baqarah, 2:10). This may include a warped logic,
bizarre rituals and sexual perversions.
4. Positive mission statement. The group falsely claims
to have a positive, constructive mission in society (wa
idhaa qeela lahum la tufsidoo fil ardi qaaloo innamaa
nahnu muslihoon . . . Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:11-12).
5. Secret meetings, conspiracies. Leading members of
the group regularly hold secret meetings with the top
leaders to renew allegiance and discuss activities (wa
idha khalaw ilaa shayaateenihim qaaloo innaa
ma'akaum . . . Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:14, see also 2:76
and Aal 'Imraan 3:119-120).
6. Top leaders are “satans.” Leading members report to
top leaders whom Allah identifies as satans (wa idha
khalaw ilaa shayaateenihim . . . Qur’ān, al-Baqarah,
2:14). This is the first mention of the term “satan” in
the Qur’ān. It happens to be in the plural form. In the
next two sections, I will discuss who these satans are
and how they recruit, motivate and lead the fasaad
groups that work for Gog and Magog.
In Chapter One, Shaykh Hosein points to centralized global
monetary and financial fasaad that could only have been
accomplished by the organization described above, Gog and
Magog. In Chapter Four, Shaykh Hosein discusses the profile of
Gog and Magog and identifies features similar to those mentioned
Satans: charismatic leaders with sweet and deceptive
In addition to Satan (Iblis, father of the jinn), the great
deceiver (al-gharoor), Allah has designated human and jinn satans
as masterminds of opposition to prophets (wa laqad ja'alnaa likulli
nabiyyin 'aduw-wan shayateena al-insi wal-jinn, Qur’ān, alAn'aam 6:112). These satans inspire (yoohi, tell secretly or
indirectly) each other with golden language (zukhrufal qawli) that
is used as a tool of deception (ghuroora). The hearts and minds
(quloob) of those who do not believe in the Hereafter (al-aakirah)
would listen to such language, accept it, and consequently commit
whatever sins they would commit (Qur’ān, al-An'aam 6:113).
Who are these masterminds of fasaad?
Top leaders of Gog and Magog and allied fasaad groups
belong to the Children of Israel
In another description of secret fasaad group meetings, the
leading members and the top leaders (satans) are identified as
belonging to the same group (“when they secretly meet with each
other,” wa idhaa khalaa ba'duhum ilaa ba'd qaaloo
atuhaddithoonahum bimaa fataha Allahu alaikum. . . Qur’ān, alBaqarah, 2:76). Who is this group?
The context here refers to a group that conspires to reject
Islam despite precise Torah description of its prophet. The group is
identified as the Children of Israel whose fasaad behavior has not
changed over the ages (Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:40-73) and will not
change in the future (hearts turned into stone, will never believe in
the Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:74-75). Their conspiratorial behavior is
characterized by the cow incident (Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:67-73):
Allah ordered them to slaughter a cow and hit the victim's body
with its parts. The victim temporarily came back to life and named
his killers (qataltum nafsan, you [plural] killed a person). The
whole community of the Children of Israel had conspired to cover
up who did it (wallahu mukhrijun ma kuntum taktumoon, and Allah
will bring out what you [plural] were concealing).
In the Qur’ān, the Children of Israel (banu isra'eel) also are
referred to as Jews (al-yahood) or the People of the Scripture (ahl
al-kitab). This last term also refers to Christians. Sometimes the
context of the Qur’ān determines which community is meant, but
sometimes it is left open to refer to both communities.
Allah also tells us that “a group from among the People of the
Scripture” (the context implies that these are either all Jews or a
subgroup of them) abandoned the Torah and adopted in its place
the recitations of jinn satans (ma tatloo ash-shayaateen, Qur’ān, alBaqarah 2:101-102). These recitations may be included in the
Talmud, one of the holy books of Judaism.
Moreover, Allah tells us that all Jews (al-yahood) collectively
work hard (yas'awna, plural) to create fasaad (wa yas'awna fil ardi
fasaadan, Qur’ān, al-Maa'idah 5:64). This includes religious
fasaad and all other kinds of fasaad. Righteous People of the
Scripture (righteous Jews), the exception to this rule, are those who
accept the Qur’ān (Aal 'Imraan 3:113-115).
Based on the above arguments, I conclude that the human
satans who lead Gog and Magog and the fasaad groups that work
for them must belong to the Children of Israel who follow the
recitations of jinn satans.
In the previous sections, I have established the Qur’ānic basis
of the relationship between Gog and Magog. This link is crucial
for the discussion of the second set of verses that mention Gog and
Gog and Magog have returned the Children of Israel to
“their city” (Jerusalem)
In surah al-Anbiyā', verses 21:95-97, Allah mentions a city in
connection with Gog and Magog.
The city had been destroyed and the verses state that its
people are prohibited from returning to it until the following
conditions have been fulfilled:
1. Gog and Magog have been unleashed.
2. Gog and Magog have spread their presence all over
the world. “Min kulli hadabin yansiloon” has at least
the following realizations:
a) Gog and Magog have interbred with and have
descendants in every royal family and ruling
b) Gog and Magog have infiltrated every
organization (hadab = raised structure,
c) Gog and Magog are rushing down every hill
(are launching attacks or making war
These conditions suggest that Gog and Magog would be
helping the people of the destroyed city to return to it. In Chapter
Six, Shaykh Hosein successfully connects these verses to the
history of Jerusalem. He points out that the Children of Israel have
indeed been brought back to Jerusalem in the last century after the
city was destroyed long ago and they were chased out of it. These
verses explain why Israel has been created and why the Children of
Israel were forced to return to their old city (Jerusalem). Shaykh
Hosein correctly argues that those who accomplished this act must
be Gog and Magog.
The fact that the leadership of Gog and Magog belongs to the
Children of Israel explains the motivation for this feat.
By the time Gog and Magog have accomplished this mission,
the True Promise (al-wa'd al-haqq, the Last Hour) would be near.
This possibly means the return of Jesus whom the Children of
Israel rejected and tried to crucify. At this time, those who
disbelieved in his true mission will stare with wide-open eyes at
the truth (shaakhisatun absaarul ladheena kafaroo) and realize that
it is too late to avoid certain doom.
Shaykh Hosein's argument about Jerusalem being the
destroyed city in the verse is confirmed by the following. Allah
tells us that He has decreed that the Children of Israel shall twice
rise to power on Earth and establish fasaad (Qur’ān, al-Israa', 17:4-
8). The first rise to power has already happened (wa kaana wa'dan
maf'oola: and it was an appointment executed). I argue that we are
witnessing the second rise to power of the Children of Israel (the
phrase “wa'dul aakhirati” in this verse means “the appointment of
the last one [rise to power]”). As prophesied in a later verse, when
this last rise happened (same phrase: “wa'dul aakhirati”), the
Children of Israel were brought to Jerusalem by others from many
different countries (fa idhaa jaa'a wa'dul aakhirati ji'naa bikum
lafeefa, Qur’ān, al-Israa', 17:104).
Dajjal (False Messiah), the leader of Gog and Magog
I have established above that the top leaders of Gog and
Magog must be from those Children of Israel whose holy book is
the recitations of jinn satans. One of them must be the very top
leader of Gog and Magog. Hadith confirms this conclusion and
refers to a Jewish personality named al-Maseeh (the Messiah) adDajjal (liar, confuser, conman) which refers to the False Messiah
(they rejected the real Messiah, Jesus 'alaihissalaam). The Prophet
salla Allahu 'alaihi wa sallam identified him as Ibn Sayyad, a
young Jewish man living in Medina. Hadith also told us that Dajjal
was present at the same time in a different form on a certain island.
Obviously, Dajjal appears in different forms and phases. In his
book, Jerusalem in the Qur’ān, Shaykh Hosein deals with the
phases of the Dajjal.
Gog and Magog have infiltrated religious sects
Based on the Qur’ān's description of the typical structure of
fasaad groups, Ibn Mas'oud radiallahu 'anhu (the famous
companion of the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) called the
Muslim sects emerging in his time “the Jews of Islam.” What he
meant was that they manifested typical characteristics of fasaad
groups that are masterminded by Jews. Hadith tells us that all sects
are in Hell. Only the mainstream who stick to Qur’ān and Sunna
are saved.
In Chapter One, Shaykh Hosein reviews Muslim sects and
challenges them to take a proper stand on the issue of Gog and
Certain Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist and polytheist
sects also manifest some characteristics of fasaad groups.
Naturally, these sects ally themselves with the most powerful
fasaad group, Gog and Magog. As we speak, the leaders of these
sects may be coordinating with Dajjal.
Maybe this is why Allah prohibits Muslims from ever taking
Jews or Christians as sponsors or allies (awliyaa'). He warns that
they are only sponsors and allies of each other (ba'duhum
awliyaa'u ba'd, Qur’ān, al-Maa'idah, 5:51). Shaykh Hosein
specifically points to the alliance between European Jews and
Christians as the embodiment of Gog and Magog.
Shaykh Hosein ponders in depth the spiritual, social and
political consequences of the release of Gog and Magog. I believe
that the most important question is this: how do we avoid being
persuaded by the sweet talk of charismatic satanic leaders into
joining apparently good activities that are in fact evil fasaad
activities? Surah al-Kahf offers an answer: withdraw from cities.
Hadith recommends this approach, too. In Chapter Seven, Shaykh
Hosein suggests the “Muslim Village.
The collective integrity of the Ummah (the global Muslim
community) has been shattered long ago. The Islamic Khilafah
(central government) can never be restored so long as the Gog and
Magog world order maintains its control over the earth. Surah asSaff 61:1-14 gives an overview of world history and future events.
Those of the Children of Israel with twisted minds who have
betrayed Moses and Jesus 'alaihimassalaam will try in vain to
blow out Allah's light. They offer their False Messiah, Dajjal,
instead of Jesus. Their Gog and Magog troops have overrun the
globe. But Imam al-Mahdi ‘alaihissalaam will start the final battle
against them, and Jesus ‘alaihissalaam will end it. And then he
will rule the Earth according to Islam.
Tammam Adi
Safar 1430
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him)
said: “The world is like a garment torn from end to end and hanging by a
thread that would soon be cut off.”
(Sunan Baihaqī)
A grasp of the subject of ‘Signs of the Last Day’, or more
precisely ‘Last Hour’, in which Dajjāl the false Messiah and Gog
and Magog are located, is crucially important for a number of
reasons. Most important of all, it allows Islamic scholarship to
expose the inadequacy of all rivals – secular and religious, internal
and external – when they seek to explain the strategic, political,
economic, religious and spiritual reality of today’s corrupted and
collapsing world characterized by universal Fasād.
The test of the pudding is in the eating, hence if this writer’s
views on subjects such as the return of Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām), Dajjāl
the false Messiah or Anti-Christ, and Gog and Magog, correctly
explain the reality of yesterday’s Pax Britannica and today’s Pax
Americana, and correctly anticipates tomorrow’s Pax Judaica
(some may say that ‘tomorrow’ has already arrived), a summary
rejection of his views by befuddled doctrinaire critics, Jewish,
Christian, Muslim or otherwise, would indeed be foolish.
‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’ was published six years ago in 2002 and despite the fact that it has become a best-seller this writer still
awaits a scholarly refutation of the basic thesis of that book.
As events continue to unfold in the world validating
‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’ as well as ‘An Islamic View of Gog and
Magog in the Modern World’, we hope to provoke our critics to
accept the belief that Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām) would one day return
and, that Dajjāl the false Messiah or Anti-Christ as well as Gog
and Magog have long been released into the world and are now the
dominant actors in world affairs.
The supreme importance of the subject of Gog and Magog lies
in the fact that it is grounded in the Qur’ān, whereas the ‘word’
Dajjāl never appears in the Qur’ān (even though there are passages
in the Qur’ān which indirectly relate to him). It is with this subject
therefore, that Islamic scholarship must make the effort to provoke
a reluctant world of scholars to grapple with major ‘Signs of the
Last Day’ as they impact upon the modern age.
Appearance and reality are opposite to each other
What is the reality of the world today? Our first response is
that appearance and reality are opposite to each other; and while
those who, like Dajjāl the false Messiah, see with only ‘one’ eye
(the external) and recognize today’s world to be the best ever, there
are others like Khidr (‘alaihi al-Salām) of Sūrah al-Kahf of the
blessed Qur’ān who see with ‘two’ eyes (the external and internal),
and who consequenrly recognize it to be the worst ever.
The blessed Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)
declared in a Hadīth recorded in Sahīh Muslim that Dajjāl would
come with two things, namely “a river and a fire”, but his “river” would in reality be a “fire”, and his “fire” would be “the cool
waters of a river”. There were many, including distinguished
Islamic scholars, who were convinced by the lies that “hatred for
America” caused enemies who were inspired by ‘radical’ Islam to
plan and execute the 9/11 attack on America. Such people were
duped because they based judgement on appearance and failed to
penetrate the reality of what transpired. From that day, so filled
with misery, to this similar day, many of them have devoted
themselves to sinfully support the Western world’s consequent
unjust war on so-called ‘Islamic terrorism’. The fictitious
definition of a ‘terrorist’ (i.e. anyone who dares to raise his hand in
order to resist Western/Israeli oppression) did not dawn upon such
people until it was too late for them to extricate themselves from
the hole into which they had fallen. They failed miserably to
hearken to the divine warning located in Sūrah al-Hujurāt of the
blessed Qur’ān:
“O ye who have faith (in Allah Most High)! If a sinful person comes to
you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest you harm people unwittingly
and afterwards become full of regret for what you have done (in making a
false accusation for example).”
(Qur’ān, al-Hujurāt, 49:6)
Those who were duped by the official explanation of 9/11
must know that the perpetrators of that terrorist attack on America
have a long list of previous and subsequent such gory
accomplishments in London, Madrid, Mumbai and other places,
and unless they understand the reality of such events as explained
through the study of Dajjāl as well as Gog and Magog, such people
will continue to be duped again. And again!
It was because of this writer’s understanding of those subjects
that he was not deceived by lies and was able to recognize, within
days of the 9/11 attack on America, the link between this act of
false-flag terrorism and a similar false-flag terrorism which
occurred in the summer of 1914, launching the first world-war. ‘A
Muslim Response to the Attack on America’ was published within
three months of that 9/11 event with the following comment: “I
believe that those who are hell-bent on eventually ruling the whole world,
are responsible for both terrorist attacks, and that the Israeli Mossad and
its allies acted on their behalf in planning and executing the attack of
September 11th.”
‘The Islamic Travelogue’ was published seven years later with
this challenge: “I was present at New York’s J F Kennedy Airport on
that fateful 9/11 morning when the American CIA and the Israeli Mossad
jointly planned, attacked and demolished the World Trade Center’s Twin
Towers in Lower Manhattan and then falsely put the blame for that
supreme act of terrorism on Arabs and Muslims. The mysterious and
essentially godless Jewish-Christian alliance that now rules the world on
behalf of the Euro-Jewish State of Israel may wish to challenge my claim
of CIA/Israeli Mossad responsibility. They may do so while insisting
instead that the American government is truthful in assigning
responsibility, and hence blame, on Arabs and Muslims. In that case I invite them, as well as others who are stubbornly of the same view to
come forward that we might jointly pray for the eternal curse of the One
God and of His Prophets on whoever assigns responsibility and blame
falsely in this matter.”
Can all of these events be occurring by accident?
A grasp of the subject, ‘Signs of the Last Day’, allows a
believer to so penetrate reality to be capable of responding
appropriately to many other unique and mysterious events
unfolding in this strange age. That grasp of reality would explain:
• Contemporary globalization in which all of mankind is
being absorbed into one essentially godless and decadent
global society;
• The emergence of world government and a universal
political dictatorship which makes a mockery of state
• An interconnected global usury-based economy that
spawns unprecedented permanent global poverty and
unheard of permanent wealth;
• A bogus and fraudulent international monetary system of
non-redeemable paper currencies which makes it possible
for some to fraudulently enrich themselves at the expense
of others when they thus create wealth out of nothing. In
addition, when currencies lose their (fictitious) value they
cause the loss of the many to become the gain of the few;
• The imminent establishment of a new international
monetary system of one global cashless electronic
currency, controlled by a universal centrally-controlled
banking system subservient to the State of Israel
• A feminist revolution transforming the ‘night’
(symbolizing the female) into ‘day’ and in the process
causing the disintegration of the family;
• Mega sporting and entertainment extravaganzas such as
Olympic Games, World Cup football and cricket, Miss
World and Miss Universe beauty contests and US
Presidential elections that function as brilliantly conceived
and designed distractions which effectively detract
attention from the ominous reality of the modern age; and
• Television (including Islamic cable) that distorts reality and
brainwashes those who uncritically absorb lies and in the
case of Islamic cable television it’s 5% of skillfully
delivered poison, etc.
In fact this subject provides compelling evidence which
permits the reader to distinguish true religion from false, as well as
to expose false sects within the true religion. Common to all fase
religions and sects are their incapacity to accurately explain the
reality of constantly unfolding mysterious events described above
and elsewhere in this chapter.
Can all of these events be occurring by accident? If not, what
is it that explains them? We argue that only the subject of ‘Signs of
the Last Day in the Modern Age’ can explain these mysterious
events, and we have offered a basic explanation in ‘Jerusalem in
the Qur’ān’. Allah Most High declared that He had placed a ban on
a town which He had destroyed, that the people of that town could
never return to reclaim that town as their own until Gog and
Magog were released and had spread out in every direction
(Qur’ān, al-Anbiyāh’, 21:95-6). Basic to our interpretation of ‘Signs
of the Last Day in the Modern Age’ is our identification of that town to be ‘Jerusalem’. (See chapter two on methodology for an
important explanation of the method through which we interpret and
explain certain verses of the Qur’ān.)
The reality of the modern age is that Dajjāl the false Messiah
or Anti-Christ is now close to the culmination of his mission on
earth of impersonation of the true Mesiah. Jews have already
returned to Jerusalem to reclaim it as their own. An impostor State
of Israel has already been successfully installed in that Holy Land
and it has already grown from strength to strength (protected by
countless US vetoes in the Gog and Magog-controlled UN Security
Council) to the extent that it will soon replace USA as the rulingstate in the world. A “young”, “well-built”, “curly-haired” ruler of
Israel will soon declare that he is the Messiah. In fact he would be
Dajjāl the false Messiah or Anti-Christ and he could never have
progressed this far in his mission without using Gog and Magog as
his foot-soldiers.
It is this basic thesis in this writer’s interpretation and
explanation of ‘Signs of the Last Day in the Modern Age’ that
must be tested for its validity and not some peripherally important
comment made years ago. Islam is truth. Truth must explain
reality. Hence the gentle reader should not be surpised when we
return again and again in this chapter and book to this central
theme concerning Israel. We do so to impress upon the reader that
authentic scholarship would not cling obstinately to theory which
repeatedly fails to explain that ominously evolving reality.
An unusual scholarly silence, as well as the poor quality of
many of the books on the subject produced in the modern age, has
raised legitimate suspicions. Dr Tammam Adi, the Qur’ān
semanticist, for example, has directed special attention to Gog and
Magog while commenting on the subject in correspondence with
this writer. He is of the view that there was a deliberate corruption
of data in order to obstruct proper interpretation and understanding
of the subject:
“I think you will agree that Islamic literature, including
tafseers and hadith commentaries, has been thoroughly
influenced and censored to omit or twist any mention of the
fact that Gog and Magog were unleashed during the life of the
blessed Prophet
Dr Adi went on in the Introduction to this book to comment:
“On the other hand, tafseer errors and omissions on the subject
of Gog and Magog are so pervasive that we can no longer find
a tafseer that discusses even the remote possibility that they
may have been released. To find out what the Qur’ān really
says about Gog and Magog, one is better off starting from
This book directs attention to the true Messiah, Jesus the son
of Mary (may Allah Most Kind bless them both) and to his miraculous
return as prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam) as the ‘Sign of all Signs’ of the Last Hour (Qur’ān, alZukhruf, 43:61). It is by far the most important event remaining to
occur in history and is now so close that children now at school
should live to witness it.
Prophet Muhammad’s (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) Ahadīth on the
sbject indicate that before the true Messiah can return, Dajjāl the
false Messiah must first be released into the world and must then
complete his mission of impersonation of the true Messiah. As a
logical consequence, Dajjāl would have to attempt to rule the
world from Jerusalem (from an impostor State of Israel) and to
then declare “I am the Messiah”. Only at that time, and not before,
can Jesus the true Messiah return to this world to confront, expose
and destroy Dajjāl. Only then can he pray to Allah, as prophesied
by Prophet Muhammad, to bring an end to the evil world-order of
Y’ajūj (i.e. Gog) and M’ajūj (i.e. Magog).
It is this system of meaning which allows us to recognise
Dajjāl as the mastermind who brought this Gog and Magog worldorder into being to function as the basic instrument for achieving
his rule over the world. Dajjāl launched his attacks medieval
European Crusades quite some time ago to eventually gain control
over the Holy Land, restore a State of Israel in that Holy Land, and
establish Pax Judaica i.e. a universal messianic Israeli dictatorship
over all of mankind. He could not do this without destroying the
Islamic Caliphate (Khilāfah). He has been using his people (i.e.
Gog and Magog) from the very commencement of his mission to
fight his battles for him. . (Cf. ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’ān’ and ‘Sūrah
al-Kahf and the Modern Age’,
We have previously explained in ‘Sūrah al-Kahf and the
Modern Age’ that this Sūrah holds the key to the Qur’anic
explanation of the ‘Signs of the Last Hour’. The blessed Prophet
asked believers to recite the first ten verses of the Sūrah for
protection from the tests and trials (Fitnah) of Dajjāl the false
Messiah, and it was in this Sūrah that the Qur’ān first introduced
and explained the subject of Gog and Magog
It is quite significant that this Sūrah commenced with a verse
directing attention to a people who declared that Allah Most High
took unto himself a son:
Furthermore, (this divine writ is meant) to warn all those who assert,
“Allah has taken unto Himself a son.”
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:4)
The Sūrah then proceeded to narrate the story in which some
young men with faith in their hearts (and who were thus not afraid
to grow their beards) fled from enemies who were waging war on
Islam. Those enemies worshipped gods other than Allah Most
High. Today’s modern world that wages war on Islam is comprised
of precisely such people. They are Dajjāl’s peoples and they seize
such young and ardent Muslims and subject them to statesponsored terrorism/torture in places such as Guantanamo, the US
military base in Cuba. Those young men in Sūrah al-Kahf fled for
safety to a cave. They acted in that way in order to preserve faith in
Allah Most High. They then prayed to Allah for help. Allah Most
High then put them to sleep and they slept for 300 years. Divine
intervention saved the youths from harm. The Sūrah went on to
establish a link between this story and the Divine warning (Wa‘d)
of a terrible age of trials and tribulations (i.e. the age of Fitan) that
was to come. When that age arrives it would witness the
continuous unfolding of Signs of the Last Hour (Sā‘ah):
“And in this way have We drawn attention to their story, so that they (i.e.
mankind) might know (whenever this subject is studied or discussed) that
Allah’s warning (concerning an age to come that would be one of great
trials and tribulations) is true, and that there can be no doubt as to (the
coming of) the Last Hour . .
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:21
That age of Fitan concerning which both Allah Most High
and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)
had warned has already arrived! Muslims around the world are
now targeted and terrorized by a ‘war on terror’ — mearly a
repetition of that ‘war on Islam’ described in the Sūrah. The story
helps our readers to recognize the reality of that war to be a ‘Sign’
of the ‘Last Hour’. The Sūrah helps us to recognise those ‘people
of Dajjāl’ who are now waging war on Islam to be Gog and
Magog. They are a people who declare that Allah Most High took
unto Himself a son!
In order to survive that war on Islam with faith intact,
Muslims would have to follow the example of the youth in Sūrah
al-Kahf. They responded to war on Islam at that time by avoiding a
head-on confrontation with that evil storm. Rather they opted for
strategic withdrawal and sought refuge in a cave.
Today’s war on Islam would constantly intensify until an evil
messianic Israeli political economic financial and, of course,
military dictatorship is eventually imposed upon the whole world.
But Israel must first wage a big war or wars. That war could involve a US/ Indian attack on Pakistan’s nuclear plants
simultaneous with an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear installations.
It is possible that nuclear weapons would be used in those attacks.
Mumbai’s 9/11 act of terrorism, which occurred as this book was
nearing completion, was meant to eventually pave the way for that
attack on Pakistan that would eliminate that country from the
nuclear club. When big wars succeed in eliminating all such
obstacles, a universal dictatorship would then be successfully
imposed upon all of mankind. At that time, the world would
witness such oppression that Muslims would eventually have to
follow the same strategy of strategic withdrawal from the path of
the evil Gog and Magog storm while retreating to places like the
remote countryside. The blessed Prophet anticipated the advent of
precisely such a time and advised as follows:
Narrated Abū Sa'īd Al-Khudri: Allah's Messenger said, "There will come
a time when the best property of a Muslim will be sheep which he will
take to the tops of mountains and the places of rainfall so as to flee with
his religion from trials and afflictions (i.e. Fitan).”
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
It is only in such remote communities that freedom would
exist in which young Muslims can be nurtured into men and
women with backbones made of iron and steel. Only such Muslims
would continuously resist oppression. Only they would refuse to
submit to and make peace with an evil messianic Israeli
dictatorship that continues to oppress innocent believers and to
hold on to the blood-stained fruits of its oppression in the Holy
Land in particular.
Any religion or ideology with a claim to truth must be capable
of explaining the reality of such amazing events as the nowemerging universal political, economic, financial and military
dictatorship over all of mankind. This dictatorship is clearly
connected to a mysterious role that the State of Israel is playing in
the world. Failure to explain such events would render claims to
truth to be at least doubtful. This is so because these unfolding
signs increasingly threaten to confirm an outcome in the rivalry
between religions, ideologies and sects. We argue that these events
ought to be recognized as ‘Signs of the Last Hour’.
Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and the
mysterious European Jewish-Christian alliance that created modern
Western secular civilization, all make rival claims to truth none
louder than the last-named. How do they explain strange things
that are happening in the world?
Fourteen hundred years ago Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu
‘alaihi wa sallam) of Arabia, who could neither read nor write and
who never travelled out of his native Arabia except for two
business trips to Damascus, prophesied very strange things that
would eventually happen in the world. He explained that they
would be ‘Signs of the Last Hour’. He prophesied, for example:
• “Women would dress like men”. They now dress with jackets and
trousers and even a tie in ‘working clothes’ that are quite
masculine. A woman who has worked in Trinidad’s Hilton Hotel
(managed by a Muslim) for fourteen years and was recognized
for her good work, was recently consigned to the ‘dog house’
because she resisted a new uniform requiring her to dress like a
man, tie and all! Women now wear ‘blue jeans’ that appear to be
an exact replica of men’s trousers. They do so in consequence of a modern feminist revolution master-minded by Dajjāl the false
Messiah. He misled them into compromising their basic
functional role in society as wives and mothers while seeking to
assume the functional role of men instead. As a consequence so
many of the young have grown up with part-time mothers and
that has been something very grievous to them. Some women
also dress like men projecting masculinity, sometimes attracting
other women and creating opportunity for the establishment of
lesbian sexual relationships;
• “Women would be dressed and would yet be naked”. Nakedness
in dress has now become commonplace amongst women
influenced by Dajjāl’s modern feminist revolution. First, the leg
below the knee was exposed. Then the hemline kept on rising
until it soared above the knee and threatened to expose intimate
underwear. Tight-fitting clothing left nothing for the imagination
since the ‘feminine assets’ were on display. The ‘one-piece
bathing suit’ was eventually replaced by the ‘bikini’, which then
made way for the ‘thong’, which would eventually make way for
who knows what! The natural consequence of this feminine
nakedness has been a sexual revolution that eventually made sex
as freely available as sunshine. Marriage and marital vows
constituted an obstacle to such ‘sunshine sex’. As a consequence
the institution of marriage was attacked in such a way that it is
now likely to eventually disappear. Sexual promiscuity and the
attack on marriage, in turn, wreaked havoc on the institution of
the family and is leading inevitably to the collapse of society;
Whoever lowers his gaze from what Allah has forbidden, may
Allah give his inner sight abundant light. Āmīn.
• “Men would dress like women”. A man cannot dress as a woman
and yet keep a beard on his face. The disappearance of the beard
from the face of the male that has already taken place in modern
Western civilization, and has already impacted on the rest of the
world of men, makes the eventual fulfilment of this amazing
prophecy connected to Dajjāl now possible. The Saudi ‘apology
for a beard’ made its appearance in the heartland of Islam, only
to be rivalled by Shuyukh of Al-Azhar University, Islam’s
famous institution of higher Islamic learning, who shaved off
their beards completely. It is almost certain that a man would
want to dress like a woman so that he could attract other men.
Hence prevalence of homosexuality would be a Sign of the Last
Hour. Already the so-called democratic Western world is
shamelessly imposing its perverted homosexual agenda upon
schools. A Canadian Muslim has drawn this writer’s attention to
what is in store for mankind and for Muslims: “We have a major
problem in British Colombia in Canada. The government has
appointed two homosexuals (who live together as man and wife)
to revise the school curriculum. These two, who cannot
themselves have offspring, have been given the right to rule for
the 99% of others who can and do have offspring! The new
curriculum requires that every child from kindergarten to grade
12 must be taught that homosexuality is socially and morally
acceptable. No teacher may refuse; no school board may refuse.
Children will be taught that they have the right to question the
values of their parents. Neither student nor parent, however, may
question the values of the homosexuals. The government insists
that it will not accept any religious argument opposing the
revision of the school curriculum. Worse is yet to come next
year, when even private schools will have to follow the revised
curriculum. Muslim schools will be obliged to do the same or
face prosecution.” It thus appears that a reconstruction and
redefinition of the male and female conduct and roles in sexual
relations as well as in society, as a prelude to the transformation
of society, is a necessary corollary of Dajjāl’s modern feminist
• “People would have sexual intercourse in public like donkeys”.
Widespread pornography with explicit sexual intercourse now
publicly available just a click away on the main Yahoo and
Hotmail webpage banners on the internet, on cable television
and in video shops at street corners in cities around the world did
not appear by accident. Rather it represents dramatic fulfilment
of this prophecy. The prophecy also indicates that a time would
come when people who are under the control of Dajjāl would
prefer to engage in sex in public rather than in private. Sexual
intercourse in places like public parks or in motor cars etc., is
already taking place in major cities of the modern secular EuroWestern world in fulfilment of this prophecy. It should not be
long before Bombay, Dubai, Karachi, Jakarta, Ankara, etc.,
would also be inundated with pornography and the youth of
these places as well, would join in the ‘fun’.
Readers should pause to reflect and to discern a movement in
which skimpy female clothing gives way to a phenomenon of
‘flashing’ (i.e. temporary nudity in public on occasions such a
footbal matches) until finally sex in public is tolerated. Perhaps
the sexual revolution’s by-product of insatiable lust and sexual
addiction explains this eventual preference for public sex. It is
also possible that diabolically clever genetic re-engineering of
food and drink as well as hormonal drugs (e.g., Viagra) can
explain the creation of uncontrollable sexual appetite;
• “A slave woman would give birth to her mistress”. This indicates
that a form of slavery would occur at the end of history in which
the wombs of women enslaved in permanent poverty and
destitution would become factories to bear babies for (mostly
upper and middle class) women rendered infertile in
consequence of Dajjāl’s feminist revolution. That Ribā-based
economy in which money is lent on interest and bogus and
utterly fraudulent non-redeemable paper-currencies constantly lose value, has already imprisoned the masses in permanent and
ever-increasing poverty, while establishing permanently wealthy
ruling elites whose wealth constantly increase. The Ribā
economy originated in modern Western civilization and has
already trapped all of mankind in its poisonous embrace. In
addition, Dajjāl’s feminist revolution causes women to become
infertile as they seek to assume the functional role of men in
society and as a consequence, delay pregnancy until it is too late,
hence the need to rent-a-womb (i.e. a surrogate mother). The
poor surrogate mother is paid for her services after the baby is
born and she then returns to slavery while her daughter joins the
slave-master class that rules over the slaves, hence a slave
woman gives birth to her mistress;
• “Naked bare-footed shepherds would compete with each other in
the construction of lofty buildings. Already the rest of the world
is faithfully following the Manhattan model of skyscrapers. They
do so with dogmatic conviction that tall buildings are a symbol
of progress and a source of pride. They believe that tall buildings
convey a message to the world that non-Europeans, with their
‘Petronas’ twin towers in Kuala Lumpur, the ‘Songdo Incheon’
tower in Seoul, the ‘Burj’ in Dubai, etc., are now equal to the
modern Euro-West as “developed societies” and are no longer a
poor and backward people. In fact, such people have the
intellectual acumen of “naked barefooted shepherds”. In the
Arab world the Bedouins of the time of the blessed Prophet, who
were sometimes described as “naked barefooted shepherds”, are
today competing with each other in Kuwait, the Emirates, Dubai
and Saudi Arabia in the height of their buildings in a literal
fulfilment of the prophecy;
• “The worst people would become leaders” and “the worst
member of a tribe would become the leader of the tribe. People
would obey and follow him, not because of respect for his
leadership but because of fear of the evil he can do”. Around the
world today, and even in our native Caribbean island of
Trinidad, this prophecy has already come to pass. However,
nowhere in the world has it continuously come to pass more
clearly than in USA
• “I see Harj falling on your rooftops like rain”, said the Prophet.
They asked, “what is Harj?” He replied “killing and slaughter”.
He went on to prophesy that this explosion of killing and
slaughter that would overtake society in the Last Age would be
so random and senseless that “the one who was killed would not
know why he was killed, and the one who was killing would not
know why he was killing”. He also prophesied that each new day
would be worse than the one which preceded it. Around the
world today violent crines have escalated and no government can
control such crines. However it is modern Western civilization
and, in particular, USA, that has the evil distinction of being the
greatest perpetrator of state-sponsored killing and slaughter.
Beside prophecies that have been mentioned above, there
are many other prophecies of events that would take place
constituting ‘Signs of the Last Hour’, but the most important are
those pertaining to the destiny of Jerusalem and the Holy Land.
The blessed Prophet prophesied, for example, the miraculous
return of the true Messiah, Jesus the son of the Virgin Mary (peace
and blessings of Allah Most High be upon them both):
Narrated Abū Hurairah: Allah's Messenger said, "By Him in Whose
Hands is my soul, surely (Jesus) the son of Mary will soon descend
amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a just ruler); he will break
the cross and kill the pigs and there will be no more Jizyah (i.e. punitive
taxation of a subject people who have been defeated in a just war and
whose territory has been occupied). Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it and a single prostration to Allah (in prayer) will be
better than the whole world and whatever is in it." Abū Hurairah added
"If you wish, you can recite (this verse of the Holy Book): -- And there is
none of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) but must
believe in him (i.e. Jesus, as the true Messiah, as a Messenger of Allah,
and a human being) before his death. And on the Day of Judgment he will
be a witness against them." (4.159)
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
We now describe amazing events, still unfolding in the world,
all of which are related to the Holy Land. These are events which
cannot be explained without recourse to Prophet Muhammad’s
prophecies of ‘Signs of the Last Hour’ and in particular his
prophecies that pertain to the advent of the ‘people of Dajjāl’, i.e.
Gog and Magog:
• The so-called ‘liberation’ of the Holy Land through an armed
struggle that commenced with the launch of Euro-Christendom’s
‘Holy Wars’ called the crusades. Those ‘Holy Wars’ were
declared to have ended almost 1000 years later in 1917 when a
British army defeated the Ottoman Muslim Army. When the
British General, Allenby, victoriously entered Jerusalem in
October 1917 he declared “today the Crusades have ended”. In
fact the Holy Land was ‘occupied’ and ‘enslaved’ rather than
‘liberated’. The European Holy Wars (i.e. the Crusades) against
Islam and Muslims still continue to this day. The AngloAmerican-Israeli military occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan
and the proxy occupation of Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan,
Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and other countries are examples of
such continuing Holy War;
• The return of the Israelite Jews (distinct from European Khazar
Jews who have no descent from Abraham) to the Holy Land to
reclaim it as their own. Two thousand years ago they were
expelled from that Land and were banned by divine decree from
ever returning to reclaim it as their own (until the advent of the
Last Age and the release of Gog and Magog). In the process of
reclaiming and repossessing the Holy Land however, they have
been trapped into inflicting the most heinous and barbarous
oppression upon the innocent non-Jewish Palestinian people
resident in that land;
• The restoration in that Holy Land of a State of Israel. Two
thousand years ago the Holy State of Israel, created by the
Prophets David and Solomon (peace be upon them both), was
destroyed by divine decree. That Holy Israel was founded on
godliness truth and justice. It has now been replaced by an
imposter Israel that is founded on godlessness, lies, deception,
aggression and ever-escalating oppression;
• The movement within Western civilization through continuous
wars of aggression and political and economic oppression to
three successive ruling states. The first was Pax Britannica, i.e.
Britain as a ruling state of the modern world. This was followed
by Pax Americana, i.e. USA as a second ruling state. Finally the
world awaits the imminent advent of Pax Judaica in which an
imposter Israel would become the third and last such ruling state.
The world had to experience two world wars before USA could
replace UK as the ruling state in the world. Similarly the world is
now witnessing the beginnings of a war of all wars waged by the
State of Israel (assisted by USA, UK, NATO and the like),
through which it would eventually replace USA as the ruling
state in the world. When that happens the lie that Israel was
created as a Jewish homeland would be finally and completely
exposed. Rather Europe struggled for a thousand years to
liberate the Holy Land in order to create an imperial Israel that
would eventually rule the whole world.
We believe that war of all wars would essentially seek to destroy
Pakistan’s and Iran’s capacity to ever wage nuclear war, and that
in turn would pave the way for the destruction of the Arabs (see
chapter seven). The North of Pakistan and the whole of Iran as
well as Afghanistan and Iraq are geographically located within
the frontiers of ancient Khorasan from where a Muslim army
would emerge, according to Prophet Muhammad that would
liberate every oppressed territory on its unstoppable way to
Jerusalem. When Israel wages that great war it would seize not
only the Suez Canal but also all the oil of the Persian Gulf and
with the convenient rise in the price of oil at just the right time
and the consequent irreversible decline of the US dollar (since
the ‘price’ and ‘trade’ in oil is linked to the US dollar), Israel
would command the world economy in such wise as to replace
USA as the ruling state in the world.
The collapse and possible disappearance of the US dollar is a
matter of absolutely central importance for Israel since it would
eventually bring down in its wake all the non-redeemable papercurrencies in the world. Cashless electronic money controlled by
the Jewish-dominated universal banking system would then
replace paper-money to usher in a new monetary system in
which anonymous exchange and transfer of money would no
longer be possible. Every financial transaction would leave an
electronic trail and with anti-terrorism legislation delivering to
Israel coercive authority over all the money in that moneysystem of the world, the road would be paved for the installation
of an evil messianic dictatorship over all of mankind. When
Israel takes over rule of the world secular Western scholarship as
well as political and economic elites around the world would
then perform strange intellectual gymnastics to support the
declaration of the (non-secular) messianic end to history. They
will be forced to do so since a ruler who will rule the world from Jerusalem will declare himself to be the Messiah! In fact he
would be Dajjāl the false Messiah or the Anti-Christ.
• The two actors in that continuing drama who were responsible
for achieving all of the above as well as that which is about to
occur, have been European Christians and Jews. They reconciled
their profound differences and mutual hatred to create a
mysterious European Jewish-Christian alliance which in turn,
gave birth to modern Western secular civilization. That
essentially godless and amazingly decadent civilization, in which
a man could legally marry another man, has continued to dazzle
the world with a scientific and technological revolution that
changes and refashions the entire world time and again.
What can possibly explain the mysterious reconciliation
which has taken place between European Christians and Jews
which paved the way for the creation of European Jewish-Christian
friendship and alliance? After all, Christians had always accused
Jews of responsibility for the crucifixion of a Jesus whom they
worshiped as God. Indeed the Qur’ān itself has recorded the
Jewish boast of such responsibility
and their boast, "Behold, we have slain the Messiah Jesus, son of
Mary, a Messenger of Allah!" (Since they did not recognize him as the
Messiah, nor as a Messenger of Allah, this appears to sarcastic language
on their part.)
(Qur’ān, al-Nisā’, 4:157)
There must be something which explains not only this
surprising reconciliation, friendship and alliance between European
Christians and Jews, but also their publicly proclaimed new
identity as the ‘allies’ and as the ‘allied powers’. There can be no
doubt that the mysterious event of the Nazi killing of Jews in
Europe (sometimes described as the Jewish holocaust) during the
second world-war played a strategic psychological role in keeping
European Christians full of guilt, and in doing so it facilitated the
final and complete consummation of that historic reconciliation.
And this explains why those who control power in Western
civilization have been so sensitive about the alleged holocaust and
have consistently sought to silence all those who have questioned
the validity of the ‘six million’ holocaust figure. Their strange
behavior has nothing to do with the validity or invalidity of the
historical criticism. Rather it is simply that they do not want the
fraudulent glue which was used to bond two people together to be
ever diluted and weakened!
That mysterious alliance in Europe startled the world by
creating a modern Western secular civilization with a unique and
continuing scientific and technological revolution. It delivered to
them unprecedented power. The alliance proceeded to use their
new-found power to invade, occupy, oppress, subjugate and
colonize most of the rest of the non-European world. And so, for
the first time in history, an alliance of two peoples ruled the whole
world. That process of brutal oppression and subjugation of nonEuropeans was intensely pursued against Arabs and Muslims in
particular but was lately camouflaged as a clash of civilizations.
Indeed such oppression still continues to this day in Somalia,
North-West Pakistan, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and all
other places where Muslims continue to resist oppression. But on
one side of that continuing Crusading clash is an entirely innocent
victim, i.e. Islamic civilization, while on the other side is a so-
called Judeo-Christian civilization which is mysteriously obsessed
with waging such unjust Holy War on behalf of Isreal
Along the way Europe’s mysterious Jewish-Christian
alliance deceptively decolonized the non-European world but they
did so only after having cunningly put into place institutions
through which they could continue their Jihād by manipulating and
controlling by proxy that so-called decolonized world.
Among those institutions was the modern secular state that
was built on the foundations of Shirk (i.e. blasphemy). EuroChristian and Jewish civilization used to be based on faith in God
and in His Sovereignty and Supremacy. Euro-Christianity
proclaimed its faith in the Divine Rights of Kings administered by
‘God’s representative on earth’, i.e. the Church of Rome. But in
consequence of mysterious and revolutionary change that overtook
Euro-Christendom, that civilization no longer recognized the God
of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salām) as Sovereign. It no longer recognized
His Authority and His Law as Supreme. The ‘modern secular state’
was now recognized as sovereign and that was Shirk. The authority
and law of the modern secular state were now recognized as
supreme and that also was Shirk. The state had the authority to
declare Halāl (i.e. legal and permissible) that which the God of
Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salām) had declared to be Harām (illegal and
prohibited) and it proceeded to do so and that also was Shirk.
Jewish civilization, on the other hand, was built on the
foundations of the Holy State of Israel, established by the Prophets
David and Solomon (peace be upon them both). Holy Israel recognized
God as sovereign and his authority and law as supreme. This
concept of State was abandoned by European Jews as well when
they embraced the modern secular state with its blasphemy against
Allah Most High. There are many verses of the blessed Qur’ān
such as al-Kahf, 18:26; Banū Isrāīl, 17:111; al-Furqān, 25:2, that make
it quite clear that sovereignty belongs to Allah Most High and He
shares it with no one.
After ensuring mankind’s imprisonment within the model of
the modern secular state, the Jewish-Christian alliance then
proceeded to imprison the entire system of secular states within a
United Nations Organization (which succeeded the League of
Nations). They fashioned the UNO in such a way that they could
control it and, in turn, use it to further control and transform the
rest of the world.
The subjects of Dajjāl and Gog and Magog, within the ‘Signs
of the Last Day’, explain all of the above.
Also among those institutions was the monetary system of
non-redeemable paper currencies cunningly devised and imposed
upon the decolonized world. That bogus and utterly fraudulent
monetary system was then used to rip off such masses around the
world as resisted their rule. It was also used to enrich others who
submitted to them and supported them. As a consequence some
Muslims fell into Dajjāl’s ‘fire’ while others enjoyed the ‘cool
waters’ of his river. The masses of Muslims belonging to
communities such as Somalia, Bangladesh and Indonesia that
resisted Dajjāl became impoverished and imprisoned in destitution
while treacherous so-called Muslim elite belonging to client states
of the West and who served the interests of those enemies of Islam
became more and more wealthy.
The British sterling pound became the international currency
when Britain became the first ruling-state in the modern world.
Control over money that Britain long enjoyed, in addition to
becoming the world’s financial capital, played a strategic role in
delivering capacity to rule the world. USA replaced Britain as the
ruling-state and as a corollary the US dollar replaced the Stirling
pound as the international currency. Control over money that the
United States then enjoyed, in addition to that country becoming
the financial capital of the world played a similar strategic role in
delivering capacity to rule the world.
A logical study of prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him) pertaining to ‘Signs of the Last Hour’ indicate that a third
and last ruling-state would have to emerge to replace USA. But for
this to take place, a new monetary system would have to replace
what is now built on the foundations of the US dollar. This would
be similar to the event in which the present monetary system
replaced what was built on the foundation of the British sterling
A new monetary system of cashless electronic money would
emerge from a centrally-controlled universal banking system.
Those who control the banking system would in turn use their
unique and unprecedented control over cashless electronic money
for advancing the carefully-concealed agenda of the State of Israel.
As a consequence, Israel would replace USA as the third and last
ruling-state in the world. Already the Israeli shekel is dramatically
gaining strength as the US dollar collapses. Even the powerful
Euro has had a hard time competing with what has become
probably the strongest currency in the world since the beginning of
2008, i.e. the Israeli shekel. Israelis are themselves waking up to
the realization that the strength of the shekel is a portent for Israel
to eventually become the center of the world.
The corruption of money described above and the stage-bystage growth of the monetary system that would soon culminate
with Israeli rule over the world cannot be explained without
reference to Dajjāl, as well as to Gog and Magog, within the
‘Signs of the Last Day’.
Also among those institutions was the secular system of
education with its crown in the modern secular university. The
secularization of knowledge eventually led to a secular
interpretation of the universe and of reality in which the subject of
‘Signs of the Last Hour’ faded away from consciousness. Modern
secular mankind no longer believes in the existence of a Last Day
and so ‘Signs of the Last Hour’ has become a meaningless subject.
The Qur’ān responded to this secular brainwashing of
mankind. The response is located in Sūrah al-Kahf which is the
same Sūrah which introduced the subject of Gog and Magog. The
Sūrah describes the element of fantasy with which secularized
humanity would respond to the subject of the Last Day and to a life
hereafter. A rich man was so corrupted by his wealth that he
considered himself to have become a ‘somebody’, as distinct from
the poor man who, because of his poverty, was considered to be a
‘nobody’. The rich man declared about the Last Hour: “And neither
do I think that the Last Hour will ever come. But even if (it should come,
and) I am brought before my Lord-God, I will surely find something even
better than this as (my last) resort!" (Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:36). (see also
Fussilat, 41:50; Sabā, 34:3)
The subject of ‘The Last Day’ and its ‘Signs’, which include
the return of Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām), Dajjāl, Gog and Magog, etc.,
distinguishes believers with faith in the Last Day from disbelievers
who reject such belief, pour scorn on that ‘Last Day’ and ask for its
speedy advent. Indeed the Qur’ān recognized that most people
would eventually disbelieve in the Last Day: “Those who do not
believe in it (mockingly) ask for its speedy advent, whereas those who
have attained to faith stand in awe of it, and know it to be the truth. Oh,
verily, they who call the Last Hour in question have indeed gone far
astray!” (Qur’ān, al-Shūra, 42:18); “Verily, the Last Hour is sure to come:
of this there is no doubt; yet most men will not believe it”. (Qur’ān. alGhāfir, 40:59)
European secularism and materialism united to demolish faith
in religion and hence, belief in the Last Day. The so-called
decolonized non-European world was then slowly transformed to
eventually be merged with Europe to create one godless global
society. As the process of globalization slowly but surely advanced
towards its goal of transforming all of mankind into one godless
global society, non-Europeans began turning away from the
religious way of life and began imitating instead, the secular,
decadent and essentially godless Western way of life. That was an
ominous achievement on the part of the mysterious European
Jewish-Christian alliance which had brought modern secular
Western civilization into being.
But that civilization’s greatest obsession resided in something
that extended beyond the subjugation of all of mankind and their
absorption into one decadent godless global society. The
mysterious European Jewish-Christian alliance was obsessed with
liberating the Holy Land for the Jews, in bringing them back to that
Holy Land to reclaim it as their own, in restoring a State of Israel
in that Holy Land and in aiding and abetting the growth of that
Israel until it could assume the role of ‘ruling state’ in the world.
The explanation of ‘Signs of the Last Day in the Modern
World’ confirms Islam’s claim to truth since it explains the
mystery of Jewish-Christian reconciliation in Europe and the
subsequent creation of a secular and essentially godless modern
Western civilization. It is Dajjāl as well as Gog and Magog that
explain that Jewish-Christian alliance. They explain that European
civilization’s obsession with the Holy Land.
Islam’s claim to truth is also validated through its capacity to
anticipate events that are yet to occur, particularly in relation to the
destiny of the State of Israel. The Qur’ān has boldly proclaimed its
capacity to “explain all things” (Qur’ān, al-Nahl, 16:89).
Responding to Islamic sectarianism
There are many today who beat their sectarian drums with
fury while portraying themselves as the only rightly-guided
believers. They also relish in exposing their sectarian rivals,
particularly the people of Tasawwuf, as misguided, while splitting
hair over trivia and pouncing upon issues of peripheral importance.
This book directs attention to that sectarian rivalry with dogmatic
claims to truth, and challenges those sects to produce scholarly
works on ‘Signs of the Last Day in the Modern Age’ in which are
located Dajjāl as well as Gog and Magog.
There would be some readers who would probably have no
knowledge whatsoever of Islamic sectarianism, hence the need to
provide information about at least some of those sects. And then
there would be other readers who, despite the above paragraph,
would still be curious about the identity of Islamic sects. Since the
blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) himself prophesied the emergence of Islamic sectarianism and warned Muslims to stay
away from such sects, Muslims need a criterion by which they can
identify such sects. The subject of ‘Signs of the Last Hour’ and the
method of response to those Signs provides such a criterion. Dajjāl
as well as Gog and Magog are most certainly located within the
‘Signs of the Last Hour’, hence the relevance of this subject as a
response to Islamic sectarianism.
The Shia sect
Islamic sectarianism emerged within a few decades of the
Prophet’s death when the Shia sect was born. The most cherished
of all their beliefs concerning prophecy is that a descendent of the
Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) known as Imām al-Mahdi would
eventually emerge and lead Muslims to victory over those waging
war on Islam. The Prophet himself clearly prophesied that such
would occur and both Sunnis and Shias have held firmly to this
prophecy. Shias also believe that the advent of Imām al-Mahdi
would validate their sectarian claim to truth within Islam.
However Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) clearly
located the advent of Imām al-Mahdi to occur at a time that would
be contemporaneous with the return of the true Messiah, Jesus the
son of Mary:
“How would you be (i.e. how wonderful a time that would be for you)
when the son of Mary descends amongst you and your Imām (i.e. Imām
al-Mahdi) would be from your own (ranks).”
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
This prophecy concerning a time when the Imām (i.e. ruler) of
the Muslims would be from within their own ranks indicates that
for some time prior to that event they would be ruled by nonMuslims. In other words the world of Islam would lose its freedom
to rule itself. Perhaps the entire post-Caliphate Sunni world is
today ruled (by proxy) by the European Jewish-Christian rulers of
the world. They force so-called Muslim (Sunni) governments into
such a state of submission that those countries become client-states
of the West. It is almost impossible for any Sunni Muslim
community today to escape from their vicious grip and recover
such independent self-rule that would free them from JudeoChristian political and economic influence and control.
Shia Iran, on the other hand, has claimed that the successful
Iranian Islamic revolution has taken that country out of the sphere
of influence and control of the non-Muslim rulers of the world. So
long as Shia Iran continues to successfully defy the West (Imām alKhomeini demonised USA, appropriately so, as the “Great Satan”)
while maintaining a credible claim to independent self-rule, Shias
would have to concede that a valid Imām or ruler from within their
community rules over them. The implications for the Shia claim to
truth in the context of the above Hadīth concerning the advent of
Imām al-Mahdi and the return of Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām) should be
The above Hadīth also makes it clear that the advent of Imām
al-Mahdi cannot take place until the time draws close for the return
of Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām). But Jesus cannot return until Dajjāl the
false Messiah has completed his mission of impersonation of the
true Messiah. And Dajjāl cannot complete that mission of
impersonation until the Holy Land is liberated for the Jews and the
Israelite Jews are brought back from exile to the Holy Land to
reclaim it as their own.
The Qur’ān itself has declared in Sūrah al-Anbiyah’, 21:94-5
that a return to the “town” from which they were expelled (we
recognize that town to be Jerusalem) would take place only when
two things have occurred:
• when Gog and Magog are released, and
• they have spread out in all directions.
Now that the Israelites have returned to reclaim the Holy Land
as their own, it should be clear that a Shia sectarian claim to
represent the true Islam cannot be validated in the absence of
demonstration of understanding and penetration of the subjects of
Gog and Magog as well as Dajjāl. The world continues to await
scholarly Shia works on those subjects as they impact upon the
modern world.
Pride of place in the galaxy of deviant sects in the
contemporary world of Islam belongs however, and mysteriously
so, to the most-favored of modern Western secular civilization and
of the State of Israel, i.e. the Ahmadiyyah Movement. A
remarkable feature of this manifestly and dangerously misguided
sect is that its founder, a man named Mirza Ghulam Ahmad,
correctly located Gog and Magog in the nations of modern
Western civilization. Indeed this false Prophet was amazingly
correct on several other very important issues. However, despite
the fact that he so exposed modern European nations, his
movement yet continued to find abiding favor with them. Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad deceptively corrupted the subject of ‘Signs of the
Last Hour’ by falsely identifying Dajjāl the false Messiah with
Gog and Magog. (See ‘The Antichrist and Gog and Magog’,
Muhammad Ali. No date.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad also startled the world with the equally
false claim that the Hadīth prophecy concerning the return of the
true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary (‘alaihi al-Salām), was fulfilled in
him. Even while he accepted the truth of the blessed Prophet’s
prophecy pertaining to the return of the true Messiah, he argued
that Jesus died in Kashmir, was buried there, and will not himself
return. Rather, he claimed, Prophet Muhammad was actually
referring to him, i.e. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, when he made that
prophecy. Mirza made that false claim in shameless denial of the
fact that he was the son of a Punjabi woman while Prophet
Muhammad clearly identified the Messiah who would return to be
son of the Virgin Mary:
“ . . .
It will be at this very time that Allah will send the Messiah, the
son of Mary. He will descend at the white minaret on the eastern side of
Damascus, wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing
his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he lowers his head, there
will fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he raises it up,
beads like pearls will scatter from it. Every Kāfir (i.e. disbeliever) who
smells the odour of his body will die and his breath will reach as far as he
is able to see . . . .”
(Sahīh Muslim)
In another Hadīth, also prophesying that momentous return, the
blessed Prophet made mention of Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam) by name:
“Hudhaifa bin Usaid Ghifāri reported that Allah’s Messenger came to us
all of a sudden as we were (busy in a discussion). He asked: “What are
you discussing about?” They (the Companions) said, “We are discussing
about the Last Hour”. Thereupon he said: “It will not come until you see
ten signs” and (in this connection) he made mention of the ‘smoke’,
‘Dajjāl’, ‘the beast’, ‘the rising of the sun from the west’, ‘the descent of
Jesus the son of Mary’, ‘Gog and Magog’, and sinking of the earth in
three places, one in the east, one in the west and one in Arabia at the end
of which fire would burn forth from Yemen, and would drive people to
their place of assembly.”
An Ahmadiyyah claim to represent true Islam (and this
applies to both sections of the Ahmadiyyah movement) should
have provoked Ahmadi scholars to respond to ‘Jerusalem in the
Qur’ān’ published in 2002
The Wahhabi sect
Among the strange and misguided sects is one that
mysteriously emerged out of the region of Najd in Arabia to
declare all its Muslim rivals to be Mushrikūn (i.e. a people who
blaspheme against the one God), and to further declare it
obligatory to kill all such rivals. Members of that Najdi Wahhabi
sect entered into an alliance with a Saudi clan in order to win
control over first, the Nejd, and then the Hejazi Arabian heartland
of Islam. They sought this control over the Hejaz in order to
cleanse it of what they considered to be Shirk (blasphemy) and to
thus restore the true faith. When they succeeded in winning that
control they proceeded to slaughter thousands of innocent
The raison d’etre for the mysterious emergence of the SaudiWahhabi alliance was clearly revealed when both the Saudi clan
and the Wahhabi sect conspired in the creation in Arabia of a Saudi
Anglo-American client-State that they audaciously named Saudi Arabia. In the process of creating that client State they destroyed
Dār al-Islām and the Caliphate (i.e. Khilāfah State) that the blessed
Prophet had himself established. They were duped by Dajjāl since
their betrayal of Islam paved the way for Gog and Magog to fulfill
their mysterious role described in the Qur’ān (al-Anbiyah’:95-6).
The Saudi-Wahhabi alliance also joined Europe’s mysterious
Judeo-Christian alliance in preference to fraternal solidarity with
those who proclaimed their faith in Islam.
The final and formal consummation of this momentous deal
with the very heartland of Islam was of such critical importance to
the Judeo-Christian alliance that an American President had to
travel himself on an American warship to meet personally with the
Saudi King. The USS Murphy secretly took King Abdul Aziz Ibn
Saud from the Arabian port of Jeddah to the Great Bitter Lake in
Egypt’s Suez Canal where the USS Quincy waited with US
President Roosevelt on board. The two leaders met on February 14,
1945, to seal their alliance. The Saudi Wahhabis reaped the bitter
fruit of that alliance just three years later when the State of Israel
was born and USA was proud to be the first State to recognize
The fact that the Saudi-American alliance has not only
survived but also prospered since that cataclysmic event in 1948
clearly indicates that the Wahhabi sect is complicit in the betrayal
of Islam.
So long as the Saudi-Wahhabi alliance maintained its clientState relationship with the European Jewish-Christian alliance
which ruled the world, it remained impossible for any Muslim or
combination of Muslims to dislodge them from control over the Hejaz, the Haramain and the Hajj. The predictable result was that
this upstart sect with a claim to represent the true religion of Islam
actually played a crucial role in delivering to the Jewish-Christian
alliance the capacity to eventually rule over the entire world of
Islam. (See ‘The Caliphate the Hejaz and the Saudi-Wahhabi NationState’,
Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) clearly
anticipated this betrayal when he declared of Najd, in a Hadīth
recorded in Sahīh Bukhāri, that from it would emerge “earthquakes
trials tribulations and the ‘Qarn’ (i.e. age) of Satan” (the Saudi clan
and leadership of the Wahhabi sect have both emerged from Najd).
There was much debate in early Islam concerning the geographical
location Najd. Some argued that it was located in Iraq rather than
in Arabia. Sufficient time has now elapsed, however, for concrete
evidence on the ground to confirm that the blessed Prophet’s
prophecy has today been fulfilled. The courageous Muslims of Iraq
are waging a magnificent armed struggle to liberate that territory
from American/Israeli occupation while the Najdi religious and
political leadership of Saudi Arabia slavishly and religiously
preserve their ‘satanic’ alliance with those oppressors.
A curious feature of Wahhabi religious thought in the modern
age is its insistence on a literal interpretation of verses of the
Qur’ān as well as Ahādīth that deal with the subject of ‘Signs of
the Last Hour’. As a consequence the Wahhabi scholars (with few
exceptions) remain handicapped by a methodology which renders
them incapable of penetrating and correctly interpreting religious
allegory and hence the reality of both Dajjāl and Gog and Magog
in the modern age. On the other hand Shia religious scholarship
seems to be more willing to interpret allegory in the Qur’ān and
Hadīth, and hence we hope to find them more receptive than others
of such interpretations found in this book.
Tableegh Jamaat (i.e. Jamā’ah al-Tableegh)
Yet another strange and mysterious Indian sect declared those
within its fold to be a people of Tablīgh (i.e. missionary
preaching). Their methodology of reaching out and leading people
back to the non-strategic Sunnah of the blessed Prophet has
succeeded in many peripheral parts of the Muslim world. Many of
their members are sincere Muslims who do lead lives of overt
piety. Hence it is quite mysterious that members of this apolitical
sect would oft-times rather close their ears than join in a
conversation or discussion that questions the truth of the American
Government’s false claim that Arabs and Muslims planned and
executed the 9/11 attack on America.
The blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) indicated very
clearly that Muslims should respond in a different way to
oppression. He declared about Dajjāl:
An-Nawwas b. Sam'an reported that the Prophet said (concerning Dajjal):
. . . If he comes forth while I am among you, I shall argue with him on
your behalf (i.e. I shall respond with arguments against him), but if he
comes forth while I am not amongst you, then each must himself argue
(i.e. respond with arguments against him) . .
(Sahih Muslim)
Members of this sect betrayed their sectarianism by
establishing their exclusive control over the Masājid of Allah Most
High and then stubbornly excluding all others from preaching or
teaching in Masājid under their control. They have stubbornly
insisted on monopolizing knowledge imparted in the Masjid. Even
so, this sect also adopted ‘an ostrich with its head in the sand’
policy in responding to the political, economic and other forms of
oppression inflicted on Muslims by modern Western secular
civilization. It was certainly not a question of defective
methodology that has rendered scholars of this sect incapable of
penetrating the reality of Dajjāl as well as Gog and Magog in the
modern age – rather this subject has been avoided as a matter of
policy and principle, or rather as a plague.
The only concern that the enemies of Islam harbor in respect
of this strange and mysterious sect appears to be the fear that it can
be infiltrated by Muslims (inspired by the likes of Malcolm X) who
embrace the strategic Sunnah and respond courageously and
fearlessly to the European Judeo-Christian alliance’s unjust war on
Islam, and to their racism and oppression in the modern world.
The world continues to wait for a scholarly work from the
Tableegh Jama’āt on the subject of ‘Signs of the Last Day in the
Modern Age’.
Islamic Modernism
This is a sect of secularized Muslims who are enamored by
the scientific and technological achievements of modern Western
secular civilization and by its political and military power and
economic prosperity. They recognize and interpret this power and
these achievements as a validation of secular Western civilization’s
claim to truth. Indeed some of them actually claim that modern
Western secular civilization emerged out of Islam and represents
the blossoming of all that is best in Islam. The sect made its debut
in post-Caliphate Turkey.
‘Islamic modernists’ wish to see the world of Islam so
modernized that Muslims could comfortably embrace the Western
way of life complete with its political Shirk, economic and
monetary Ribā, feminist revolution, and the like. Islamic
modernists usually come to terms with the State of Israel and enter
into friendship and alliance with that state. Modernist Turkey did
so, and Musharraf’s modernist regime in Pakistan attempted to do
the same. Other Islamic modernists find it expedient to maintain a
convenient silence in response to oppression in the Holy Land.
They accept Israel’s moral and legal right to exist. They do so
despite Israel’s record of continuing oppression from the moment
of its tortured immoral and unjust creation and throughout its
bloodstained existence. Some Islamic modernists even criticize
mainstream Islam in its conflict with the Ahmadiyyah Movement.
Others identify themselves with the West to the extent that when
they reside in USA, UK, Australia, Canada, etc., they refer to
members of the US and British armed forces engaged in brutal
occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan as ‘our’ troops. They function
as sponges that readily soak up all that they receive at the altar of
the West. They can be easily identified through their denunciation
of Jihād and those whom they demonize as Jihādists. They adopt
terminology as “Islamists” and “Islamism” and hurl abuses against
“Mullas”, “Islamic obscurantism” and “Islamic fundamentalism”.
The late, Oxford-educated, Benazir Bhutto, was a typical product
of Islamic modernism.
They are quick to lecture Muslims against committing acts of
terrorism but in doing so these Islamic modernists actually deliver
false unspoken recognition of Muslim responsibility for such acts
of terrorism as the 9/11 attack on America. In doing so they
subliminally advance a sinister agenda on behalf of the JewishChristian alliance that now controls power in the world. They
never recognize and denounce the greatest terrorist-States that the
world has ever known, since if they were ever to criticize Israel,
USA, UK and Europe for state-sponsored terrorism and for
genocide in occupied Gaza in the Holy Land for example, and
extend tangible support to the oppressed Palestinian Muslims and
Christians, their modernist platform and alliance with the West
would not survive. They close their ears and eyes and refuse to join
the majority of American people in rejecting as lies the official US
government explanation of the 9/11 terrorist attack on America.
Such misguided ‘Islamic modernists’ lack the capacity to
recognize that while both civilizations have benefited from each
other, the foundation of modern Western civilization is the antithesis of Islam. The religion of Islam is founded on truth, absolute
moral values and a spiritual interpretation of the universe which
transcends the visible material world. On the other hand this
godless and decadent rival to Islam rejects belief in any reality
beyond material reality, and constantly creates its own secular
values in which, for example, homosexuality and lesbianism are no
longer morally evil. There can be no synthesis betweem truth on
the one hand, and godlessness, decadence, ethical relativism and
metaphysical materialism on the other, yet the raison d’etre of
Islamic modernism is located in the effort to realize precisely such
a synthesis.
This writer has recognized Dajjāl as the mastermind
responsible for bringing modern Western secular civilization into
being, and just as Dajjāl has the word Kāfir (disbeliever) written between his eyes on his forehead so too is Kufr (disbelief) indelibly
imprinted on the face of this civilization.
Islamic Modernism is emphatically entrenching itself in the
modern West in countries such as USA and UK. But it has also
raised its ugly head in the Muslim world as was evident from
recent events in Malaysia for example. Prime Minister Ahmad
Abdullah Badawi has championed the cause of Islamic Modernism
with his Islām Hadari movement.
Common to all these misguided sects is their reluctance to
teach or write on the subject of ‘Signs of the Last Day in the
Modern Age’. They also share with many in the rest of the world
of Islam a curious, highly regrettable and utter lack of interest in
seeking to locate the iron barrier that Dhūl Qarnain had built
which must necessarily be still standing if Gog and Magog have
not as yet been released into the world.
Also common to these sects is their demonization of those
Muslims who pursue the authentic path of al-Ihsān or Tasawwuf
(i.e. Islamic spirituality) despite the fact that this is a path and a
struggle which can eventually deliver Nūrullah (i.e. light from
Allah Most High) and with it a capacity to see with two eyes (the
internal and external) while Dajjāl the false Messiah and his many
disciples see with only one eye (i.e. the external eye).
The world continues to wait for a scholarly work from Islamic
modernists on the subject of ‘Signs of the Last Day in the Modern
Elitist sectarian Sufism
Finally we must make mention of certain modern-day elitist
Sufis who wield a magical pen in proclaiming the gospel of Islamic
spirituality yet remain amazingly blind and incapable of
recognizing the reality of much of what was described above, or
are mysteriously silent on the subject. Neither can they recognize
that the Hajj in the Saudi-American Kingdom is now controlled by
the enemies of Islam and has therefore lost much of its validity, nor
that modern non-redeemable paper currencies, as well as the
cashless electronic money that is now poised to replace paper
money, to be bogus, fraudulent and hence Harām. They cannot
recognize the bogus nature of much of so-called Shariah-compliant
Islamic Finance (the so-called Murābaha center-piece transaction
of modern so-called Islamic finance is, in fact, Ribā disguised as a
sale), nor can they recognize voting in elections of the modern
secular State to be an act of Shirk, and the list goes on and on.
Most significant of all however is their non-participation, even
with the pen, in the struggle of the cotemporary world of Islam for
liberation from western political and economic oppression. Yet
many of these so-called Sufis constitute themselves as
condescending elitist Muslims while others participate in sectarian
rivalry with gusto.
In demonstrating its capacity to use the Qur’ān and Ahadīth to
accurately explain the strange world today, Islamic scholarship
would not only validate truth in Islam but also distinguish itself
from such elitist and sectarian Islamic scholarship. In explaining
the subject of ‘Signs of the Last Day in the Modern Age’ Islamic
scholarship would blaze a trail that would benefit Muslims who
seek to distinguish between the very many spurious sectarian
claims to authenticity in Islam on the one hand and the true faith on
the other.
Finally let us remind readers that many ‘Signs’ of the ‘Last
Day’ are directly linked to the worst forms of oppression that are
constantly escalating in the Holy Land. True Muslims can be
recognized and distinguished from their counterfeit sectarian rivals
through their determined resistance of the godless decadent
oppressors who now rule the world on behalf of the imposter EuroJewish State of Israel. The rightly-guided community of Muslims
(i.e. Jamā’ah) would be those blessed with the capacity to locate
that explanation of ‘Signs of the Last Day’ in the blessed Qur’ān
and Ahadīth which explains events now unfolding in the Holy
Land, and which guides to a proper response. They would be those
who, as a consequence, wage a courageous struggle to realize in
that Holy Land the triumph of truth and justice over falsehood,
injustice and barbaric oppression.
“The conformability however, signifies in the estimation of the best
Qur’anic authorities, not only uniformity of teaching but also the
principle that all the verses of the holy book are inter-related as parts of
an intelligible system whereby the existence of a system of meaning in
the Holy Qur’ān is positively established, as also the technique of the
exposition of that system.”
(Ansari, FR: ‘Qur’anic Foundations and Structure of Muslim Society’,
Volume 1, p. 192)
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon
him) declared that ‘the rising of the sun from the west’ would be
one of the ‘Signs’ of the ‘Last Day’ (Sahīh Muslim). This ‘Sign’
poses a number of questions such as:
• Is the ‘sun’ that would one day rise from the west be
the same one always rising from the east, or would it
be another sun?
• Would the sun literally rise from the west one day or
is this a case of religious symbolism that must be
• Would the perception of the sun rising from the west
constitute an optical illusion?
• Can the ‘Sign’ of the sun rising from the West have
more than one application all of which would be
correct? For example, can it be explained
symbolically as a false Western sunrise as suggested
by this writer, as well as an actual Western sunrise to
occur at that time when the material universe would
be transformed into ghair al-ard or a different earth
(Qur’ān, Ibrahīm, 14:48)?
We hasten to dismiss any interpretation of the prophecy
requiring recognition of a ‘sun’ other than the ‘sun’ described in
the Qur’ān. Such would constitute deception. For the same reason
we dismiss the theory of an optical illusion as a possible fulfillment
of the prophecy.
The Qur’ān has declared that the ‘sun’ rises from the East (alBaqarah, 2:258) and that is daily confirmed by visual observation
even from here in our native Caribbean island of Trinidad where
this book is being written. The ‘sun’ to which it refers is of course,
the one which we see daily in the sky. The Qur’ān has also
declared (Rūm, 30:30) that Allah’s creation does not change,
implying that the ‘sun’ must always rise from the east and can
never literally rise from the West.
Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salām) disputed with a king concerning the
worship of the One God and challenged him as follows: “It is my
God who causes the sun to rise from the east. You cause it to rise from
the west!” Here is the passage in the Qur’ān:
“Are you not aware of that (king) who argued with Abraham about his
Lord-God, (simply) because Allah had granted him kingship? Lo!
Abraham said: "My Lord-God is He who grants life and deals death."
(The king) replied: "I (too) grant life and deal death!" Said Abraham:
"Verily, Allah (Most High) causes the sun to rise in the east; cause it then
to rise in the west!" Thereupon he who was bent on denying the truth
remained dumbfounded: for Allah (Most High) does not guide people
who (deliberately) do wrong.”
(Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:258)
Despite this clear declaration from the Qur’ān that:
Allah causes the sun to rise from the East, and
Allah’s creation does not change,
there is a Hadīth with a declaration generally interpreted to the
effect that the ‘sun’ (i.e. the one that the Qur’ān refers to as the
‘sun’) would one day literally rise from the West, and it is
generally assumed that the Western sunrise referred to in the
Hadīth would be the same as that which would be a ‘Sign of the
Last Hour’ prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alahi wa
Narrated Abu Dharr: I entered the Masjid while Allah's Messenger was
sitting there. When the sun had set, the Prophet said, "O Abu Dharr! Do
you know where this (sun) goes?" I said, "Allah and His Messenger know
best." He said, "It goes and asks permission to prostrate, and it is allowed,
and (one day) it, as if being ordered to return whence it came, then it will
rise from the west." Then the Prophet recited, "And the sun runs on its
fixed course (for a term decreed)," (36.38) as it is recited by 'Abdullah.
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
The Qur’ān sits in judgement on the hadīth and not viceversa
Our first methodological response to the above is to recognize
at least the appearance of a conflict, if not an actual conflict,
between the Qur’ān and a literal interpretation of the Hadīth to the
effect that a western sunrise would occur prior to the return of
Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām), and to respond to such conflict by holding
firmly to the Qur’ān in preference to such a misinterpretation of
the Hadīth. This methodology, which was articulated by Islamic
scholar, Maulānā Dr Ansāri, recognizes that “it is the function of the
Qur’an to sit in judgement on the hadīth and not vice-versa” (Qur’anic
Foundations and Structure of Muslim Society Volume 1, p xxiv).
We accept that a Western sunrise as described in the Hadīth
can occur at the time of the end of the world since Allah Most
High has declared that a Tabdīl or change in the Samawāt and
Earth would take place at that time (Qur’ān, Ibrahīm, 14:48).
However a literal Western sunrise occurring at the time of the end
of the world would have no relevance whatsoever to the end of
history – the key to which is located in the return of Jesus (‘alaihi alSalām) (See next chapter for difference between the ‘end of the
world’ and the ‘end of history’). Hence such a possible literal
Western sunrise cannot function as one of the ten major Signs of
the Last Hour. Secondly such a literal Western sunrise would be
possible only at that time of Tabdīl or change of the Samawāt and
Earth mentioned above, and cannot occur before that event because
of the declaration in the Qur’ān that Allah’s creation does not
We consequently recognize the Sign of ‘the sun rising from
the west’ to be allegorical in nature and we insist that it has to be
interpreted. We recognize the emergence and triumph of modern
Western secular civilization with its scientific and technological
revolution and its ever-increasing dominance over the whole
world, to symbolize that (false) Western sunrise that is a major
‘Sign of the Last Hour’. And Allah Knows best!
If there is allegory in the ‘sun rising from the west’ it follows
that other ‘Signs of the Last Hour’ as well can be allegorical, hence
we need a methodology with which to interpret such allegory in the
Qur’ān and Ahadīth.
The Qur’ān has described its verses to be comprised of
Muhkamāt and Mutashābihāt:
“He it is who has sent the Book (i.e. the Qur’ān) down upon thee (O
Muhammad), containing verses that are muhkamāt - and these are the
essence of the Book – as well as others that are mutashābihāt. Now those
whose hearts are given to swerving from the truth go after that part of the
Book which has been expressed in tashabbuh (allegory) seeking a
(mis)interpretation of their meaning that sows confusion and discord. But
none save Allah, as well as those who are deeply rooted in knowledge,
know the interpretation (of such mutashābihāt verses). They (i.e. the
learned scholars) say: "We have faith in it; the whole (i.e, both the
muhkamāt and mutashābihāt verses) are from our Lord-God”. But none
takes this to heart save those who are endowed with insight."
(Qur’ān, Āle ‘Imrān, 3:7)
There are those who have arbitrarily inserted a waqf lāzim (i.e.
a mark of punctuation equivalent to a full-stop) after the word
‘Allah’ in the text of the above passage. As a consequence of this
arbitrary punctuation they understand the verse to declare that
‘only’ Allah, and no one else beside Him, knows the meaning of
the mutashābihāt verses of the blessed Qur’ān. While this is
undoubtedly true of verses such as those that refer to the moment
when the world would end, etc., which no one knows but Allah,
there are other verses whose interpretation by the learned scholars
is both possible and permitted. In the case of such verses the
insertion of waqf lāzim punctuation would be wrong.
What could possibly have been the divine intent for the
revelation of verses in the blessed Qur’ān which are
mutashābihāt? Our view, and Allah Knows best, is that divine
wisdom and grace would so continuously manifest itself that
believers would be capable of distinguishing between learned
scholars who correctly interpret such verses and others such as the
misguided Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who create Fitnah with their
misinterpretations of such verses of the blessed Qur’ān. Thus the
continuous correct interpretation of the blessed Qur’ān by learned
scholars would not only be a sign of divine grace but would also
assist believers in recognising and avoiding false sects.
Need to locate ‘system of meaning’
In order to correctly interpret the meaning of mutashābihāt
verses learned servants of Allah Most High must employ a
methodology which recognises the ‘totality’ of the Qur’anic
guidance on any subject to be from Allah Most High. And it is
precisely for this reason that they declare in the above verse, the whole (of the Book, or the whole of the divine guidance
on a particular subject) is from our Lord-God”. As a consequence,
understanding of the ‘part’ would be possible only when they have
a grasp of the ‘whole’ (i.e. both muhkamāt and mutashābihāt).
Indeed the Qur’ān has itself delivered a subtle warning of the
danger inherent in the use of a deficient methodology of focusing
attention on a single stand-alone verse of the Holy Book or a single
stand-alone Hadīth and deriving there-from conclusion concerning
meaning. It has done so in the passage which describes the Divine
announcement to the angels that a Khalīfah (i.e. viceregent or a
person who acts in the place of a ruler, governor, or
sovereign) would be placed on earth (Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:30).
The Qur’ān then informed us that Allah Most High ordered the
angels to prostrate before Adam (‘alaihi al-Salām) “and they (all) did
so, illa Iblīs”. Here is the verse with Muhammad Asad’s translation:
And when We told the angels, "Prostrate yourselves before Adam!" - they
all prostrated themselves, save Iblis, who refused and gloried in his
arrogance: and thus he became one of those who deny the truth.
(Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:34)
There is great wisdom indeed in the Divine choice of words
and subtle construction of this sentence informing of that command
to the angels to prostrate before Adam (‘alaihi al-Salam) fa sajadū illa
The Arabic word illa has many different meanings such as,
“unless”, “except”, “save”, “only”, “not until”, "certainly not,"
"but," "but ... not," "on the other hand ...did not...," a conditional "if
not," etc. A deficient methodology which focuses on the study of a
single stand-alone Qur’anic verse in isolation and without
reference to a system of meaning (or in other similar cases to a
single Hadīth) can lead in this case to illa being understood as
‘exception’, and hence to the conclusion that at the time of the
command Iblīs was an angel. His refusal to obey the command led
to him becoming a fallen angel. There is absolutely nothing in the
stand-alone verse indicating that he was not an angel!
When, on the other hand, the subject is studied with a
methodology (i.e. Usūl al-Tafsīr) that seeks to grasp the totality of
the subject or its system of meaning, that false conclusion is soon
exposed. Angels do not have a free will. They do not have ‘choice’
and so, when ordered by Allah Most High, they have to obey.
There are no exceptions! (see Qur’ān, al-Nahl, 16:50, al-Anbiyāh’,
21:27). Had Iblīs been an angel he would have had no choice in the
matter. He would have had to obey the Divine command to
prostrate before Adam (‘alaihi al-Salām). The fact that he disobeyed
very clearly indicated the presence of ‘free will’ and ‘choice’, hence he could not have been an angel. Sure enough the Qur’ān
elsewhere repeated the same divine command to the angels to
prostrate before Adam “and they (all) did – but not Iblīs”, but then
went on to declare that “he was a Jinn!” (Qur’an, al-Kahf, 18:50).
Iblis could never have been an angel who became a fallen angel,
and then a Jinn, since Allah’s creation does not change la tabdeela
li khalq Allah (Qur’ān, Rūm, 30:30)
Our conclusion is that the Divine wisdom ordained the subtle
construction of the verse 2:34 above in order to direct attention to
the proper methodology for study of the Holy Qur’ān, i.e. never to
study any verse or Hadīth stand-alone in isolation, but rather to
study the whole of which it is a part, and only then to derive
Maulānā Dr Ansāri has described that grasp of the ‘whole’ as
the system of meaning which binds and integrates the totality of a
subject into a harmonious and integrated whole:
“Now, besides consistency, the conformability of the Holy Qur’ān in its
various parts . . . brings us to the logic of theoretic consciousness, which
too is inherent in the holy book, even as the logic of religious
consciousness is enshrined therein. The conformability however, signifies
in the estimation of the best Qur’anic authorities, not only uniformity of
teaching but also the principle that all the verses of the holy book are
inter-related as parts of an intelligible system whereby the existence of a
system of meaning in the Holy Qur’ān is positively established as also the
technique of the exposition of that system.”
(Ansari, FR: ‘Qur’anic Foundations and Structure of Muslim Society’,, Volume 1, p. 192)
A grasp of the system of meaning of the entire Qur’ān is not
possible without a prolonged and dedicated struggle in the path of
knowledge and without internal intuitive spiritual insight; and that
in turn is not possible unless one sees with the Nūr (i.e. light) of
Allah Most High. Thus Allah Most High keeps with Himself the
keys of such understanding which He delivers to those of His
learned servants whom He chooses to bless with Nūr and with
capacity to correctly interpret certain verses of the Qur’ān. When
such explanation is given, regardless of whether or not it is given
for the very first time, it is naturally recognized as Truth.
Very few scholars of Islam in this age can, perhaps, qualify to
be among those who have grasped the system of meaning of the
entire Qur’ān and this writer is most certainly not one of them. We
have struggled rather, to grasp the system of meaning in the Qur’ān
as it pertains to this subject.
Our methodology of study requires us to locate the system of
meaning which binds the totality of our data pertaining to the
subject of ‘Signs of the Last Day’ into a harmonious and integrated
whole. That system of meaning, in turn, would allow us to identify
those Ahadīth which are, or appear to be, in conflict or discord
with the main body of data of the subject as derived from the
Qur’ān and the Ahadīth. Since the Qur’ān has proclaimed that
discrepancies, contradictions and discord would have been found
in abundance within its text had it come from a source other than
divine, the implication is that no contradictions (external or
internal) exist in the text.
Our method is therefore one of incrementally expanding on
the system of meaning of the subject as derived from the Qur’ān by
integrating into it those Ahadīth pertaining to ‘Signs of the Last
Hour’ that are in harmony with the Qur’ān. We then exclude from our study such Ahadīth or interpretations of Ahadīth that are in
contradiction or discord with that expanded system of meaning.
Others who adopt a different methodology of study than the
one here explained, and who may not wish to exclude such a
Hadīth (or interpretation thereof) from their study, would perhaps
arrive at conclusions different from ours.
We found one such Hadīth in our study of this subject i.e. the
Hadīth which has been understood to imply that Gog and Magog
would be released only after Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām) returns and only
after he kills Dajjāl:
“. . .
It will be under such conditions that Allah will reveal to Jesus
these words: I have brought forth from among My servants such people
against whom none will be able to fight; you take these people safely to
the mountain, fa yab’athullahu Y’ajūja wa M’ajūj (and then Allah Most
High will send or raise Gog and Magog) and they will spread out in
every direction or occupy every place of advantage. The first of them will
pass by Lake Tiberias (i.e. the Sea of Galilee) drink out of it, and when
the last of them passes, he will say: ‘There was once water here . . . .’”
(Sahīh Muslim)
A deficient methodology which focused on this solitary standalone Hadīth led many to conclude that Allah Most High would
release Gog and Magog into the world (and hence destroy or level
the barrier built by Dhul Qarnain) only after Jesus (’alaihi al-Salām)
returns and kills Dajjāl. But the Hadīth uses the word send or
raise. It does not use the word ‘release’.
A methodology which seeks to grasp the system of meaning of
the subject has led us, on th eother hand, to recognize that the
release of Gog and Magog commenced when, in the Prophet’s lifetime, Allah Most High destroyed the barrier built by Dhūl
Qarnain. Their gradual release since then has continued, and still
continues, in batches in different periods of history connected to
and leading up to the return of Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām) and to final
release (see above Hadīth) when the Sea of Galilee would be dry.
The world would then witness an eventual Gog vs Magog ‘star
wars’ climax in and around the Holy Land. How else do we
• The return of the Jews to the ‘town’ of Jerusalem to
reclaim it as their own and to restore a State of Israel
in that Holy Land,
• The waterlevel in Sea of Galilee is now so low that it
is only a matter of time before the Sea dries up,
• There is absolutely no physical evidence whatsoever
that Dhūl Qarnain’s iron barrier is still standing
somewhere on earth,
• Numerous Ahadīth in Sahīh Bukhāri and Sahīh
Muslim which record the extraordinary vision in the
life of the blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alahi wa salaam) in
which he was informed that “a hole was made in the
barrier built by Dhūl Qarnain” and hence that the divine
destruction of that barrier was taking place and the
release of Gog and Magog has commenced, and
• The universal Fasād (i.e., that which corrupts and
destroys) with ‘war on Islam’ and growing
enslavement and slaughter of Muslims that has now
overtaken the world of Islam as well as those parts of
the non-Mulsim world which dares to resist those who
rule the world
Methodology of explaining the Qur’an through
application and analysis of external data
Our methodology also recognizes the Divine wisdom
ordaining that some verses of the Qur’ān convey a meaning which
can only be discerned through an examination of data located
outside the Qur’ān. The classic example of such is the verse in
Sūrah Āle ‘Imrān of the Qur’ān in which Allah Most High
declared that “the first House (of worship of the One True God) to be
built for mankind was that at blessed Bakkah . . .” (Qur’ān, Āle ‘Imrān,
3:96). All authorities are in agreement that Bakkah was the old
name for Makkah. The verse referred to the old name of Bakkah
even though elsewhere in the Qur’ān the word Makkah is used (see
Qur’ān, al-Fath, 48:24). Why did Allah Most High return in the
above verse to the old name Bakkah rather than the name Makkah
used elsewhere in the Qur’an?
The answer to that question cannot be located without a study
of the Bible. When we do so we find that all references to the
following are strangely absent from the Bible:
• Abraham’s several visits to Arabia,
• Hājar and Ishmael were both left in a barren valley in
• Zam Zam is a spring in that barren valley in Arabia,
• the first Masjid was established in that barren valley in
Arabia and
• Abraham and Ishmael constructed a building at that spot
in Arabia,
• Abraham established the pilgrimage to that House of
Allah (Hajj) in Arabia,
• Ishmael was the child of the sacrifice and
• the trial of the sacrifice took place in Arabia
However the Bible still has the word Baca preserved in its text (see
below). The word Baca seems to have escaped the attention of
those who sinfully rewrote of the holy text to remove or distort all
of the above. Perhaps it was Allah Most High Who Himself caused
them to leave behind this word. It is quite clear that the Divine
intent in returning in the Qur’ān to the old name of Bakkah was to
direct attention to evidence of truth still preserved in the otherwise
corrupted Bible, and to thus expose the corrupted text:
Psalm 84 (New International Version)
1 How lovely is your dwelling place,
O LORD Almighty!
2 My soul yearns, even faints,
for the courts of the LORD;
my heart and my flesh cry out
for the living God.
3 Even the sparrow has found a home,
and the swallow a nest for herself,
where she may have her young—
a place near your altar,
O LORD Almighty, my King and my God.
4 Blessed are those who dwell in your house;
they are ever praising you.
5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
6 As they pass through the Valley of Baca,
they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools .
There is manifest evidence above in the words ‘Valley of
Baca’ ‘spring’ ‘pool’ ‘pilgrimage’ ‘your house’ and ‘your dwelling
place’, of reference to the Ka’aba or Baitullah (i.e. Allah’s house)
in Makkah and to Zam Zam, the spring of water in Makkah which
flowed when Hājar sought water for Ishmael (‘alaihima al-Salām).
The above explanation of verse 96 of Sūrah Āle ‘Imrān of the
Qur’ān establishes methodology (i.e. Usūl al-Tafsīr) for
understanding the totality of meaning conveyed by the verse. It is
only through a study of data located outside of the Qur’ān that
such meaning can be penetrated. It should not matter whether such
data existed at the time of revelation of the Qur’ān or whether it
emerged in the historical process long after the revelation of the
Qur’ān. After all the Qur’ān itself declared that ‘Divine Signs’
would eventually emerge that would confirm truth in that holy
“In time We shall make them fully understand Our Signs (conveying
messages through what they perceive) in the utmost horizons (of the
universe) and within themselves (which includes the unfolding historical
process), so that it will become clear unto them that this [revelation] is
indeed the truth. (Still,) is it not enough (for them to know) that thy LordGod is witness unto everything?”
(Qur’an, Fussilat, 41:53)
We argue that ‘Signs of the Last Day’ is precisely such a
subject in which certain verses of the Qur’ān could not be fully
understood until certain events had unfolded in the historical
process. Perhaps the most important of all such events was the
return of the Jews to the Holy Land to reclaim it as their own and
the restoration in that Holy Land of a State of Israel. It is through
acute observation of such unfolding events that certain verses of
the Qur’ān pertaining to this subject can be understood.
Finally, our method is to scrupulously avoid any reference
whatsoever to Gog and Magog in previous scriptures, while
restricting ourselves to the study of the subject as located in the
Qur’ān and the Ahadīth of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam). We do so in order to so simplify the subject that our readers
might face no unnecessary complications while evaluating this
Gog and Magog in other Scriptures
It is only when one is convinced that one has penetrated and
understood the subject as explained from the blessed Qur’ān as
well as from the supporting data provided by Prophet Muhammad
(sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) that additional material located in previous
scriptures can be included in the study of the subject. Such
material, located in the Bible as well as in such Hindi scriptures as
the Kalki Purana (which makes mention of Koka and Vikoka
who will fight against Kalki) should be very carefully studied
and analyzed to determine harmony or discord with the system of meaning derived from the Qur’ān and Ahadīth. Only thus can such
data be validated, and only then can such data shed legitimate
additional light on the subject.
An example of this is the critically important verse which identifies
‘someone’ or ‘something’ as the ‘Ilm (i.e. knowledge) of the Sā‘ah. That
‘someone’ or ‘something’ therefore constitutes the veritable key with
which to both unlock the subject of the Last Hour as well as to recognize
the Sā‘ah when it arrives and it is from that ‘Ilm that we derive the core of
the system of meaning of our subject.
The subject of Gog and Magog is located in al-Sā‘ah (i.e. the
Last Hour) and that term is itself linked to a number of other
related terms which must be understood before we can explain Gog
and Magog in the modern age. Let us therefore attempt to explain
those terms as well as distinguish between them.
Youm al-Qiyāmah is generally used in the Qur’ān to refer to
the Day of Resurrection (i.e. Youm al-B’ath) but it has also been
used to refer to the Day of Judgment (i.e. Youm al-Dīn). However,
the material universe must first end with what is known as the
Sā‘ah, or Last Hour, before the resurrection and judgment can take
place. The Sā‘ah, Youm al-B’ath, Youm al-Qiyāmah, Youm al-Dīn,
etc., are, in turn, all contained in yet another term, Youm al-Ākhir
or the Last Day.
Before the material universe ends with the Sā‘ah or Last
Hour, however, Allah Most High has ordained that a number of
‘Signs’ would unfold in the world. These are known as the ‘Alamāt
al-Sāah (i.e. ‘Signs of the Last Hour’) and have generally been
recognized to consist of ‘major’ and ‘minor’ Signs.
Among the so-called ‘minor’ Signs (although this writer
recognizes nothing minor about them) are “women dressing and yet
being naked”, “women dressing like men”, “men dressing like women”,
“people engaging in sexual intercourse in public like donkeys”, “the
worst people become the rulers”, “the worst member of a tribe becomes
the ruler and people obey him out of fear of his evil”, and other such
Signs. But the ‘major’ Signs are generally understood to have been
mentioned in the following Hadīth that was previous quoted in this
“Hudhaifa bin Usaid Ghifāri reported that Allah’s Messenger came to us
all of a sudden as we were (busy in a discussion). He asked: “What are
you discussing about?” They (the Companions) said, “We are discussing
about the Last Hour”. Thereupon he said: “It will not come until you see
ten signs” and (in this connection) he made mention of the ‘Smoke’,
‘Dajjāl’, ‘the Beast’, ‘rising of the Sun from the West’, ‘the Descent of
Jesus the son of Mary’, ‘Gog and Magog’, and Sinking of the earth in
three places, one in the East, one in the West and one in Arabia at the end
of which fire would burn forth from Yemen and would drive people to
their place of assembly.”
Sahīh Muslim)
Our readers should carefully note that there is no evidence
that the blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) made mention of
these ten Signs in the chronological sequence in which they would
occur, hence the mention of ‘Gog and Magog’ after ‘the return of
Jesus the son of Mary’ does not imply that they would be released
into the world after his return.
Now the blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) once
experienced a vision which revealed to him that a hole had been
made in the barrier built by Dhūl Qarnain implying that the
Divinely-ordained release of Gog and Magog had commenced:
Zainab bint Jahsh said: "...once the Messenger of Allah awoke from such
a sleep that his face was red and these words were on his tongue: 'There is
none worthy of worship except Allah. Destruction is upon the Arabs on
account of the evil which has come close to them. Today a hole as big as
this has opened up in the barrier of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj and the Prophet
indicated the hole by forming a ring with his index finger and thumb."
(Bukhāri and Muslim)
“Narrated Zainab bint Jahsh: One day Allah’s Apostle entered upon her in
a state of fear and said: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah!
Woe to the Arabs from the Great evil that has approached (them). Today
a hole has been opened in the barrier of Gog and Magog like this. The
Prophet made a circle with his index finger and thumb. Zainab bint Jahsh
added: I asked: O Allah’s Apostle! Shall we be destroyed though there
will be righteous people among us? The Prophet said: Yes (it will come to
pass) when wickedness increases (i.e. scum, evil, disgusting conduct,
sexual perversity, etc., overtakes the world).” (This indicates not only
political, economic and military oppression of Arabs but also, they would
be demonized in every conceivable obscene and malicious way.)
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
The Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) also once raised two of
his fingers and declared about Youm al-Qiyāmah as follows:
“I and Youm al-Qiyāmah are like these two (and he showed his index and
middle fingers).”
(Sahīh Muslim)
The above two incidents reveal that the Last Age which is the
age that would conclude with the Sā‘ah and Youm al-Qiyāmah
commenced in the blessed Prophet’s lifetime. This in turn implied
that other Signs of the Sā‘ah (Last Hour) would continuously
unfold in the world from the time of the advent of the last Prophet.
This writer has argued in his book entitled ‘Jerusalem in the
Qur’ān’ that the release of Dajjāl the false Messiah or Anti-Christ
also took place in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu
‘alaihi wa sallam).
The Qur’ān has warned, time and again, that mankind would
experience divinely-ordained tests and trials meant to determine
whether or not they had any faith in Allah Most High. Those tests
and trials are described in the Qur’ān as ‘Fitnah’:
“And beware of tests, trials, temptations to evil which would not target
only those among you who commit acts of injustice and wickedness, to
the exclusion of others; and know that Allah is severe in punishment.”
(Qur’ān, al-Anfāl, 8:25)
But Allah Most High also delivers other warnings known as
‘Wa’ād’, i.e. Divine prophecies conveying warnings of that coming
Fitnah in the form of specific events that would occur. The Qur’ān
declared quite ominously, for example, that the Israelite people
would face a special trial and punishment at that time since Allah
Most High would raise against them those who would inflict upon them, “until the very end of Youm al-Qiyāmah, the worst possible
“And lo! Thy Lord-God made it known that He would most certainly
raise against them (i.e. the Israelite people), up to the Day of Qiyāmah,
those who would afflict them with the worst possible punishment: verily,
your Lord-God is swift in punishment - yet verily He is (also) muchforgiving, a dispenser of grace.”
(Qur’ān, al-A‘rāf, 7:167)
Other than Gog and Magog, there can be no other people so
divinely raised, whose mission of inflicting punishment on the
Israelite people would continue up to the Day of Qiyāmah.
The Sā‘ah or Last Hour is a period of time with a beginning
and an end between which, a series of events would occur that
would result in the end of the historical process, i.e. history as we
know it would end. That end of history, which precedes the end of
the world would witness the dramatic culmination of the struggle
between ‘truth’ and ‘falsehood’ in the historical process with final
and conclusive victory for ‘truth’ over all its rivals. The Sā‘ah
would then conclude with ‘the end of the material universe’ as we
know it when the mountains would become the equivalent of
pieces of wool that are blown hither and thither and the dead are
resurrected from their graves. The Qur’ān has warned mankind
that the event which would result in the end of the material
universe would be something truly awesome:
“O men! Be conscious of your Lord-God: for verily the violent
convulsion of the Last Hour will be an awesome thing!
(Qur’ān, al-Hajj, 22:1)
After the Sā‘ah has reached its culmination in the end of the
material universe, the Day of Qiyāmah would continue to its own
culmination in the events of Judgment Day. At that time every
human being would be resurrected and then be taken for judgment.
That day, in turn, is also described as the day when the way of life
based on truth would prevail over all rivals.
Among the events of the Day of Judgment as described in the
Qur’ān is a test of weight in which mankind would each be put on
a scale in order to be weighed for faith and righteousness of
conduct. Each would then be handed his or her book of deeds and
ordered to read that book. Finally each would be ordered to cross a
bridge which takes one to heaven but beneath which is the hellfire.
The bridge is narrow and the place is so dark that when those
without their own (internal) light put their hands before their faces
they would not be able to see their own hands. Allah Most High
bestows that light with which to see on that day upon the hearts of
those who have faith in Him and whose conduct is righteous. It is
not sold in the stock market!
No one but Allah Most High knows when the Sā‘ah would
take place (i.e. from the beginning of the Sā‘ah with which history
would culminate, to the end of the Sā‘ah when the material
universe would end, the resurrection takes place and judgment
“They will ask thee (O Prophet) about the Last Hour: "When will it come
to pass?" (literally, when will it set anchor and land, as with a ship that is
sailing) Say: "Verily, knowledge thereof rests with my Lord-God alone.
None but He will reveal it in its time. Heavily will it weigh on the
Samawāt and the Earth; (and) it will not fall upon you otherwise than of a
sudden." They will ask you - as if you could gain insight into this
(mystery) by dint of persistent inquiry! Say: "Knowledge thereof rests
with my Lord-God alone; but (of this) most people are unaware."
(Qur’ān, al-‘Araf, 7:187)
Nor does anyone know how brief or how long a period of time
would elapse after the end of history before the material universe
ends. It could even be as long as a few hundred years. But the
religion of Islam has provided a description of the end of the
material universe as well as ‘Signs of the Last Hour’ with specific
information through which it is possible for us to recognize the
approach of that moment in the Sā‘ah which would be the end of
history – the subject matter of this book.
The end of the material universe
The Qur’ān has declared that the material universe would end
when it is transformed into something new and different:
“One day the Earth will be transformed into a different Earth, and so too
the Samawāt (i.e. the other strata of space and time), and (men) will be
marshalled forth before Allah, the One, the Irresistible.”
(Qur’ān, Ibrāhīm, 14:48)
At that time all human beings would be resurrected into a new life:
“Those who are bent on denying the truth say (unto all who are likeminded): Shall we point out to you a man who declares when you will
have been scattered in countless fragments (after your death), you shall -
lo and behold - be (restored to life) in a new creation?”
(Qur’ān, Sabā, 34:7)
The Qur’ān goes on to declare that on that day the Earth would
speak and all secrets would be revealed:
"On that Day will she (i.e. the Earth) recount all her tidings".
(Qur’ān, Zilzāl, 99:4)
Those ‘cattle’ who swallowed the lies that came out of radio,
television, newspapers, and the British, American and Israeli
Governments concerning the identity of those responsible for the
September 11th terrorist attack on America (the number of people who swallowed those lies keeps on decreasing), would be horribly
surprised on that day when the Earth speaks and reveals the
identity of those who planned and executed that terrorist attack, as
well as others in London, Madrid, Mumbai, etc., i.e. the Israeli
Mossad, American CIA and others that assisted them. The innocent
Muslims who have been targeted, persecuted, terrorized and
tortured in Guantanamo, Abu Gharib and other such state-of-theart institutions of torture and slaughtered in unjust wars launched
as a result of such terrorist attacks, would not be surprised on the
day when the earth speaks, nor when the true and complete story of
the Jewish ‘six million’ holocaust in Europe is told.
The moment when the material universe ends would come
upon mankind suddenly:
“And Allah’s (alone) is the knowledge of the hidden reality of the
Samawāt and the Earth. And so, the advent of the Last Hour will but
manifest itself (in a single moment) like the twinkling of an eye, or closer
still: for, behold, Allah has the power to will anything.”
(Qur’ān, al-Nahl, 16:77)
Prophet Muhammad has described the suddenness of that moment
in the following Hadīth:
“The Hour will be established while two men are spreading a piece of
cloth in front of them (in order to do some business) but they will neither
be able to sell, nor fold it up (before the Hour overtakes them); and the
Hour will be established when a man has milked his she-camel and taken away the milk but he will not be able to drink it (before the Hour
overtakes him); and the Hour will be established while a man would be
repairing a tank (for his livestock to drink water) but they will be not be
able to do so (before the Hour overtakes them); and the Hour will be
established when a person has raised a morsel (of food) to his mouth but
will not be able to eat it (before the Hour overtakes him)."
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger as saying: The Last Hour would
come (so sudden) that a person would be milking the she-camel and the
(milk) would not reach the brim of the vessel that the Last Hour would
come while two persons would be engaged in buying and selling of the
clothes and their bargain would not be struck before the Last Hour would
come, and someone would be fixing his tank in order to provide water for
his animals and he would have hardly set it right when the Last Hour
would come.”
(Sahīh Muslim)
The end of history
The viewpoint of Islam is that the End of History would occur
when the religion or ideology that is authentically founded on
‘truth’ achieves its final and conclusive triumph over all other rival
religions and ideologies and, just as important, when the authentic
expression of truth prevails over all rival sects within that religion
or ideology. The Qur’ān has thrice repeated a verse which clearly
refers to such an end of history:
“He it is who has sent forth His Messenger with the (task of spreading)
guidance and the religion of truth, so that (eventually at the end of
history) He may cause it to prevail over all (false) religions (ideologies
etc.), however hateful this may be to those who ascribe divinity
(sovereignty, supreme authority, supreme law, etc.) to aught beside
(Qur’ān, al- Taubah, 9:22; al-Saff, 61:9)
“He it is who has sent forth His Messenger with the (task of spreading)
guidance and the religion of truth, to the end that He make it (eventually)
prevail (at the end of history) over all (false) religions (ideologies etc.),
and none can bear witness (to the truth) as Allah does.”
(Qur’ān, al-Fath, 48:28)
The most spectacular and compellingly insistent of all
ideological claims to truth emerged in the world when modern
Western secular civilization was born. With this civilization a ‘sun’
has risen triumphantly on the world from the ‘west’ with an
emphatic declaration that all claims to truth that preceded it are
now superseded and redundant. Arnold Toynbee was quite honest
when he declared “Western civilization is aiming at nothing less than
the incorporation of all of mankind in a single great society and the
control of everything in the earth, air and sea . . .” (Toynbee, Civilization
on Trial, p 166)
Not only has this civilization succeeded in dominating the
whole world but in addition, it has laid audacious claim to bringing
history itself to an end. Western philosophers of history such as
Francis Fukuyama argue that this civilization represents the
culmination of the historical process and the end of history since
there is nothing that can possibly challenge or replace its
triumphant dominance over all of mankind and over all its rivals
including Islam.
However, Fukuyama was completely innocent about the real
movement of history which would culminate with the dramatic
return of the true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary.
While this writer confesses his sense of surprise and
astonishment at the absolutely amazing spectacle of a Western
sunrise that continues to rise triumphantly, he recognizes it
nevertheless to be a false sunrise and, indeed, to be the fulfillment
of one of the Signs of the Last Day as prophesied by Prophet
Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), i.e. that the ‘sun would one
day rise from the west’. The above verse of the Qur’ān, repeated
three times in that blessed book, has conveyed a Divine assurance
that history will end differently. Islam is destined to prevail over
modern secular Western civilization as well as all other rivals at
the end of history.
The Islamic view on the subject is further revealed in verses
of the Qur’ān and prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (peace and
blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) that depict the final triumph of
truth and the consequent end of history to occur at the time of the
return of the true Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, and the advent
of the Imām al-Mahdi. Together they would rule the world from
Jerusalem with justice and such rule would also represent the
triumph of truth in the religion of Islam over all its rivals. Islam
has designated that moment in time as the major or ultimate ‘Sign’ of the Sā‘ah’ (i.e. Last Hour) and it is in connection with that ‘Last
Hour’ that Prophet Muhammad prophesied ten (major) Signs.
Since the dramatic return of the true Messiah, Jesus the son of
Mary, would validate Islam’s claim to truth, it may be that with his
return the Sā‘ah will commence. And Allah Knows best! But the
Last Hour would not end until the material universe ceases to exist.
All the Signs occurring prior to Jesus’ return would be Signs
foretelling the approaching Sā‘ah.
Some of these Signs are plainly visible. A dramatic example
of this was recorded in the Qur’ān. The disbelievers of Makkah
taunted the Prophet: “If you are indeed a Prophet then why do you not
split the moon and we will then believe in you.” The Prophet responded
by praying to Allah Most High to grant him this miracle and the
moon was promptly split. One half was seen over Mt. Saffa and the
other half over Mt Kaikaan. The Qur’ān made reference to this
event and declared that it represented a Sign that the Sā‘ah or Last
Hour had now drawn near:
The Last Hour draws near, and the moon is split asunder!
(Qur’ān, al-Qamar, 54:1)
The Key to the subject of the Last Hour
But the Qur’ān has also conveyed information concerning the
Sā‘ah and the Signs of the Sā‘ah in verses which must be
interpreted. And it is precisely in connection with such verses that
those bent on Fitnah have been hard at work with their
misinterpretations. They do so in order to mislead those who are
deceived into accepting those false interpretations. An example of
this is the critically important verse which identifies ‘someone’ or
‘something’ as the ‘Ilm (i.e. knowledge) of the Sā‘ah. That
‘someone’ or ‘something’ therefore constitutes the veritable key
with which to both unlock the subject of the Last Hour as well as
to recognize the Sā‘ah when it arrives and it is from that ‘Ilm that
we derive the core of the system of meaning of our subject:
“And he (or it) is the ‘Ilm (of the coming) of the Hour (i.e. the Last Hour:
therefore have no doubt about the (Last Hour) but follow ye Me: this is
the straight way.”
(Qur’ān, al-Zukhruf, 43:61)
Most commentators of the Qur’ān interpret the pronoun ‘he’
to refer to Jesus, and hence to his return. There are some modern
commentators (e.g., Muhammad Asad) however, who persuaded
themselves that Jesus died. Hence they rejected belief in his return.
(We propose to take up the subject in detail, Insha’ Allah, in our
forthcoming book entitled ‘An Islamic View of the Return of Jesus’.)
They are of the view that the pronoun in the above verse should,
rather, be understood to refer to the ‘Qur’ān’ itself, rather than to
Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām).
According to Arabic grammar the pronoun can refer to all
three, i.e. the ‘person of Jesus’, the ‘case of Jesus’ and the
‘Qur’ān’. But the context in which the pronoun is used is such that
it must refer to the ‘person of Jesus’ (‘alaihi al-Salām). The return of
Jesus and the (prior) appearance of Dajjāl are, therefore, events
that cause us to know (i.e. to acquire 'Ilm) that the Sā‘ah has
arrived. Neither the ‘case of Jesus’ (i.e. lessons and discussions
about Jesus) nor the ‘Qur’ān’, can cause us to know that the Sā‘ah
or Last Hour has arrived. Allah Most High has repeatedly informed
us in the Qur’ān that no one except Him knows when the Sā‘ah
will occur. And so the Qur’ān cannot cause us to know when the
Sā‘ah would arrive. Only the return of the true Messiah and the
(prior) appearance of the false Messiah (i.e. Dajjāl) would cause us
to know that the Sā‘ah has arrived. These two events are not just
signs or portents (ashrāt), but real knowledge ('Ilm) of the time of
the Sā‘ah.
A careful examination of the context in which the verse
occurs would confirm as correct, the interpretation which
recognises the pronoun ‘he’ or ‘it’ to refer to the person of Jesus
(‘alaihi al-Salām). Here is the passage in which the verse occurs. The
reader should pay careful attention to the use of pronouns in this
“Now whenever (the events connected with) the son of Mary are set forth
as a case (or example for study), (O Muhammad) lo! your people raise an
outcry concerning him/it (in both instances the pronoun refers to Jesus,
either to his person, or to the case of Jesus)m.
(Qur’ān, al-Zukhruf, 43:57)
and they respond, “Which is better - our deities or he (the pronoun ‘he’
clearly referring to Jesus)?” (But) it is only for the sake of argument that
they make this comparison before you: yea, they are contentious folk!
(Qur’ān, al-Zukhruf, 43:58)
“Surely he (the pronoun clearly refers to Jesus) was nothing but (a human
being) a servant (of Ours) We had bestowed grace on him (the pronoun
clearly refers to Jesus), and We made him (the pronoun clearly refers to
Jesus) a parable for the Israelite people (that they will have to carefully
study and decipher).
(Qur’ān, al-Zukhruf, 43:59)
“And had We so willed We could indeed have made from you angels
succeeding one another on Earth!
(Qur’ān, al-Zukhruf, 43:60)
“And surely he/it (the pronoun refers either to the person of Jesus or to
the case of Jesus) is indeed a means to know the Last Hour; hence, have
no doubt whatever about it (the pronoun is in the feminine hence it refers
to the Last Hour), but follow Me: this (alone) is a straight way.
(Qur’ān, al-Zukhruf, 43:61)
“And let not Satan bar you (from recognizing the truth of this matter) -
for, verily, he (the pronoun clearly refers to Satan) is your open enemy!
(Qur’ān, al-Zukhruf, 43:62)
“Now when Jesus came with all evidence of the truth, he (the pronoun
clearly refers to Jesus) said: “I have now come unto you with wisdom and
to make clear unto you some (matters) that you are at variance with it (the
pronoun refers to the matters): hence, be conscious of God and pay heed
unto me.
(Qur’ān, al-Zukhruf, 43:63)
“Verily, Allah is my Lord-God as well as your Lord-God; so worship
none but) Him (the pronoun refers to Allah): this (alone) is a straight
(Qur’ān, al-Zukhruf, 43:64)
“But factions from among those who came after (the reference is to those
who came after Jesus) began to hold divergent views: woe, then, unto
those who are bent on evildoing – (woe) for the suffering (that will befall
them) on a grievous Day!”
(Qur’ān, al-Zukhruf, 43:65)
The prophesies of Prophet Muhammad indicate to us that the
moment when Jesus returns would ipso facto remove all divine
veils which had hitherto clouded the recognition and penetration of
the subject of Signs of the Last Hour and would make it readily
perceptible that the Sā‘ah (Last Hour) has arrived. Consider the
“ . . .
It will be at this very time that Allah will send the Messiah, son of
Mary. He will descend at the white minaret on the eastern side of
Damascus, wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron and placing
his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he lowers his head, there
will fall beads of perspiration from his head, and when he raises it up,
beads like pearls will scatter from it. Every Kāfir (i.e. disbeliever) who
smells the odour of his body will die and his breath will reach as far as he
is able to see . . . .”
(Sahīh Muslim)
[Note: This writer finds it strange and perplexing that the miraculous
return of Jesus should occur in Damascus rather than Jerusalem, and
Allah knows best!)
“By Him in Whose Hand is my soul, the son of Mary will soon descend
among you as a just judge. He will break crosses; kill pigs and abolish
Jizyah and wealth will be so distributed that no one would accept charity
and one prostration (before Allah Most High) will be better than the
world and what it contains.”
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
It is clear from the above that the moment of the return of the
true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, would arrest attention in such
wise as to completely and convincingly validate Islam’s claim to
truth. Indeed a proper understanding of the verse would have made
it possible for the dissenters to have recognized all the Signs of the
Last Hour to have been connected in one way or another to Jesus and to his return. In other words, the system of meaning of this
subject is built on this event.
Both the moment of his return as well as the moment of the
end of the material universe would come suddenly and quickly:
And Allah’s (alone) is the knowledge of the hidden reality of the
Samawāt and the Earth. And so, the advent of the Last Hour will but
manifest itself (in a single moment,) like the twinkling of an eye, or closer
still: for, behold, Allah has the power to will anything.
(Qur’ān, al-Nahl, 16:77)
The Qur’ān has made a crucially important declaration
concerning that moment when Jesus returns. It says that every
Christian and Jew (who had rejected the truth in Islam and was
waging war on Islam) who encounters Jesus and then dies having
to face the dire consequences of such conduct (since Jesus will
give evidence against him), would have to believe in him (i.e. as
the true Messiah and as a true Prophet of the One God) before he
perishes (i.e. before that terrible death overtakes him):
“There is not one of the People of the Scripture but must believe in him
before his death and on Judgement Day he will be a witness against
(Qur’ān, al-Nisā’, 4:159)
The Qur’ān anticipates a dramatic moment when every
Christian and Jew would believe in him, or in it, before his death.
But the verse goes on to declare that despite that declaration of
faith he will give or it will be evidence against them on Judgement
The majority view concerning the interpretation of this verse
of the Qur’ān is that every Christian and Jew who encounters Jesus
at the time of his return would have to believe in him in the way
that Muslims believe in him as the true Messiah and as a Prophet
of the One God. This writer once addressed a large gathering of
American Jews at a synagogue in New Jersey, USA, and informed
them of this fate, described in the Qur’ān, that awaits them. They
were dumbfounded by this news and after the lecture was over they
crowded around him demanding an explanation for what they
perceived as something unjust: “Why should we be forced to believe
in that which we have rejected?” Our response was that the veils
would be removed from before their eyes on that day and they
would then directly perceive the truth that they had denied and
rejected all through their lives.
It would be at that moment and not before, that such a
declaration of faith would be of no avail since it would not save
such Christians and Jews from the dire consequences of their
conduct. We believe that moment would herald the commencement
of the Sā‘ah (i.e. the Last Hour), and Allah Knows best. We can
now conclude that the Qur’anic declaration that he (i.e. Jesus) is the ‘Ilm of the Sā‘ah indicates that it is with his return the Sā‘ah
would have arrived.
The Qur’ān disclosed a momentous Sign that would precede
that dramatic event in which certain Christians and Jews (but not
all) would die with the consciousness that they were waging unjust
war on the religion of truth and on the true servants of the One God
and hence would now face the dire consequences of such conduct.
A similar thing happened when Pharaoh was drowning. The veils
were removed from his eyes at the moment of death and he
perceived the truth. He had no choice but to accept the truth which
was now so plain and clear to him.
But it was too late to accept the
truth and die as a believer. Rather, Pharaoh was consigned to the
But Allah Most High ordained that his physical body be so
preserved that it might function (when discovered) as a Sign for a
people to come after him. The implication of that Sign would be
that those who lived the way he lived (i.e. rejecting the truth and
oppressing the believers), would die the way he died. And this is
precisely the way that Jews and Christians now waging war on
Islam and terrorizing Muslims, or supporting such war and terror,
would die when Jesus returns:
“(Nay) but today (O Pharaoh, as death overtakes you) We (have decided
to) save your (physical) body, so that you (i.e. your physical body – when
it reappears in history) may function as a (warning) sign for a people who will come after you (who will live the way you live and would therefore
die the way you died): for, behold, a good many people are heedless of
Our messages!"
(Qur’ān, Yūnus, 10:92)
In order to penetrate and understand the reality of the world
today we must carefully note that Allah Most High brought forth
the body of Pharaoh (1881-1898) at precisely that moment in time
when the Zionist Movement was created in Europe (1897) and the
final link in a mysterious European Jewish-Christian alliance was
about to be forged. Pharaoh’s body appeared precisely at that time
when the world was about to witness the final stage of Dajjāl’s
effort to ‘liberate’ the Holy Land from Muslim rule and to restore
an (imposter) Holy State of Israel in the Holy Land. Hence the
recovery of Pharaoh’s body was not only the fulfilment of a Divine
prophecy but also a Sign of the Sā‘ah or Last Hour.
W ‘ad al-Ākhirah (The Last Warning)
The Qur’ān has made reference to an event, which it has
described as W‘ad al-Akhirah (i.e. the ‘Last Warning’ before the
Sā‘ah or Last Hour overtakes mankind). That Last warning would
come at that time when, by Divine decree, the Jews are brought
back to the Holy Land:
“And after that We said unto the people of Israel: "You will dwell
(henceforth) on Earth (i.e. scattered all over the earth) - but (remember that) when the final Divine prophecy (pertaining to the arrival of the Last
Hour) is to come to pass, We will bring you back (to this Holy Land)
(scattered as you will be) from all parts (of the Earth)!”
(Qur’ān, al-Isrā, 17:104)
That return of the Israelites to the Holy Land 2000 years after they
were expelled by Divine decree cannot take place, however,
without Gog and Magog playing a decisive role in the matter. This
is absolute clear from the declaration of the Qur’ān located in
Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’:
“There is a ban on a town (i.e. Jerusalem) which we destroyed (and
whose people were expelled) that they (the people) can never return (to
reclaim that town as their own) until Gog and Magog are released and
they spread out in all directions (thus taking control of the world while
establishing the Gog and Magog world-order).”
(Qur’ān, al-Anbiyāh’, 21:95-6)
It should be clear, therefore, that all the Signs of the Last
Hour, including the release of Gog and Magog into the world, must
occur prior to the commencement of the Sā‘ah, i.e. the actual
commencement of the Last Hour and therefore prior to the moment
when the true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, returns. A Sign that
occurs after his return clearly cannot function as a Sign of the Last
Hour since with his return the Last Hour would have already
arrived and would have commenced in a manner that would be
readily perceivable. In addition the return of the Jews to the Holy
Land which was divinely prophesied and which was declared to be the ‘Last Warning’, could not take place without the release of Gog
and Magog into the world.
In addition to a mountain of evidence and of conclusive
arguments presented in this book which all prove that Gog and
Magog have already been released into the world, our readers
should reflect over the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu
‘alaihi wa sallam) located in Sahīh Bukhāri in which he declared:
“People would continue to perform the Hajj and ‘Umrah even after the
release of Gog and Magog” but then went on to prophesy that “the Sā‘ah
would not come before the Hajj was no more (i.e. the Hajj was abandoned
or the valid Hajj would cease to exist).
In other words the Prophet declared that the Sā‘ah would not
arrive until the Hajj would be abandoned or cease to have validity
(as in the time of Arab idolatry) but that Gog and Magog would
have been released even before that takes place. Very clearly,
therefore, Gog and Magog would have to be released before the
Sā‘ah arrives and not after.
It is in this context that this book questions the authenticity
and/or interpretation of a solitary Hadīth recorded in Sahīh Muslim
and elsewhere which purports to declare that the release of Gog
and Magog into the world would occur only after the return of the
true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, and only after he has killed
Dajjāl the false Messiah:
“. . .
It will be under such conditions that Allah will reveal to Jesus
these words: I have brought forth from among My servants such people
against whom none will be able to fight; you take these people safely to
the mountain, fa yab’athullahu Y’ajūja wa M’ajūj (and then Allah will
send or raise Gog and Magog) and they will spread out in every direction or occupy every place of advantage. The first of them will pass by Lake
Tiberias (i.e. the Sea of Galilee) and drink out of it, and when the last of
them passes, he will say: ‘There was once water here . . . .’”
(Sahīh Muslim)
While we will be returning to this subject in the chapter which
addresses the question: ‘Have Gog and Magog been released into
the world?’, we may here note that there would be conceptual
contradiction if we were to believe that Gog and Magog would be
released only after the return of Jesus and after such return has
delivered the news that the Last Hour has arrived. Such belief
would also be factually contradicted by evidence that the Sea of
Galilee is now close to drying up and that no one has ever found
the barrier of blocks of iron which was built to contain Gog and
Magog and which must still be standing on earth if Gog and
Magog have not as yet been released. This book also demonstrates
that such belief would also contradict the system of meaning of the
subject that has been extracted from the Qur’ān and Ahadīth in
addition to the plain and clear declaration of their release made by
Prophet Muhammad himself (peace and blessings of Allah Most High be
upon him).
Since the Qur’ān has declared Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām) to be the ‘Ilm of
the Sa’āh, the implication, in our opinion, is that his return would mark
the grande finale of the Signs of the Sa’āh. It follows that all parts of the
Gog and Magog profile must not only be interrelated to each other but
must also be related to the return of the true Messiah. When once we
recognize any part of that profile of Gog and Magog (we prefer to refer to
it as any of their ‘footprints’) in the world today, it should lead us to other
footprints which in turn eventually lead to the grande finale.
Secondly, and just as important, if we find a part of the Gog and Magog
profile located in the Qur’ān, it must be given greater recognition and
priority than other ‘footprints’ located in the Ahadīth.
We have attempted in this book to answer a number of
questions concerning Gog and Magog such as:
Who are Gog and Magog?
Have they been released as yet (by divine decree) into the
What would be the implications of their release into the world?
Can we identify them?
What would be the end of Gog and Magog?
In this chapter we attempt to answer only the first question
We noted earlier the incident in which Prophet Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allah Most High be upon him) met some of his
companions sitting and discussing a certain matter and he enquired
from them about the subject of their discussion. When told that it
was the ‘Signs of the Sā‘ah’ (i.e. Last Hour) he declared, as only a
true Prophet of the One God could have declared, “Lā takūmu alSā‘atu hatta . . .” (i.e. that “the Last Hour would not come until .
.”) ten Signs appeared in the world. Among the ten was the Sign of
Y’ajūj and M’ajūj (i.e. ‘Gog and Magog’).
The implication of the Prophetic declaration that the Sā‘ah
cannot occur until certain ‘Signs’ first manifest in the world, is that
these ‘Signs of the Last Day’ such as ‘Gog and Magog’, ‘Dajjāl,
’the sun rising from the West’, etc., have to occur prior to the
event of the Sa’āh. Hence a careful observation of these unfolding
Signs should allow a perceptive observer to discern a time-line of
the approaching Sa’āh. As a consequence no Sign including Gog
and Magog, should be studied by itself in isolation. Rather all
Signs must be recognized to be related to each other as an organic
Since the Qur’ān has declared Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām) to be the
‘Ilm of the Sa’āh, the implication, in our opinion, is that his return
would mark the grande finale of the Signs of the Sa’āh. It follows
that all parts of the Gog and Magog profile must not only be
interrelated to each other but must also be related to the return of
the true Messiah. When once we recognize any part of that profile
of Gog and Magog (we prefer to refer to it as any of their
‘footprints’) in the world today, it should lead us to other footprints
which in turn eventually lead to the grande finale. Secondly, and just as important, if we find a part of the Gog
and Magog profile located in the Qur’ān, it must be given greater
recognition and priority than other ‘footprints’ located in the
Misinformation on the subject of Gog and Magog to which
Muslims are exposed constitute a problem affecting understanding
of an already difficult subject explained in the Qur’ān and Ahadīth
in verses that sometimes have to be interpreted. Those verses can
be misinterpreted, and have been previously misinterpreted and it
is to precisely such misinterpretation of verses that the Qur’ān has
referred when it declared of its Mutashābihāt verses:
“. . . Now those whose hearts are given to swerving from the truth go
after that part of the Book which has been expressed in tashābuh
(allegory) seeking a (mis)interpretation of their meaning that sows
confusion and discord. . . ."
(Qur’ān, Āle ‘Imrān, 3:7)
Our method of response is to begin with a carefully extracted
profile of Gog and Magog derived primarily from the Qur’ān
(Sūrah al-Kahf in particular) and secondarily from the Ahadīth, in
order to bring clarity to the subject.
The Qur’ān introduces the subject of Gog and Magog
Let us begin with the text of that critically important passage
from Sūrah al-Kahf of the Qur’ān (18:82-97) which has introduced
the subject of Gog and Magog:
And they question you (Oh Muhammad) about Dhūl Qarnain. Say: “I
will narrate to you something about him.” (18:83)
• Commentary:
Dhul Qarnain literally means someone who possesses two ‘qarns’.
The Arabic word ‘Qarn’ can have the meaning of ‘horn’ but it can
also mean ‘epoch’ or ‘age’. Whenever the word occurs in the Qur’ān
however, it is always used in the latter sense. The implication is that
Sūrah al-Kahf has here presented a narration that finds application in,
or impacts upon, two ages. Our view is that they are an age in the past
and another that would be the Last Age. The two ages would be so
different that they would be opposite to each other.
The Jewish Rabbis in Yathrib (now renamed Madīnah al-Nabi) had
posed a question to Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)
concerning the great traveler who had traveled to the two ends of the
earth. If he could answer this question (as well as two others) it would
constitute conclusive proof that he was indeed a true Prophet of the
One God. It is to this question that the Qur’ān now responds in this
“Behold, We established him (with power) in the Earth and endowed
him with the ways and means (i.e. capacity) for journeying therein in
order to accomplish whatever he wanted to do . . . (18:84)
• Commentary:
Dhūl Qarnain was a man of faith, and his Divinely-ordained political
and military power in his world-order (Pax Qarnain) rested on the
foundations of faith. What is the most essential aspect of the
relationship that should exist between politics and morality? When
Divinely-ordained power in a world-order rests on the foundations of
faith, what kind of a world-order would it establish and sustain? Sūrah
al-Kahf proceeds to teach a lesson that makes it possible for us to
recognize the reality of the second of the Qarnain (i.e. two ages)
which would be exactly opposite to the one now described. Our view
is that the second of the two ages is today’s world-order that JudeoChristian modern European civilization has created.
“(Here is an instance of how he used his power). He followed a way
(by marching westwards and by choosing the right means to achieve a
right end). (18:85)
(He traveled) until, when he came to the setting sun, (since there was
no land beyond, it appeared like the end of the Earth) and he found it
setting in a dark, turbid sea; and nearby he found a people. We said, “O Dhūl-Qarnain! (you have authority), either punish them, or treat
them kindly.” (18:86)
Power can be used to create and sustain a political culture that rests on
the foundations of moral and spiritual values. It can be used to so
assist and reward as to promote values. But power can also be used
unjustly to punish and oppress. The purpose of the story of this
journey is to demonstrate how power is used when it is founded on
Many scholars of Islam have, over the ages, identified that the dark
turbid sea described in the verse to be the Black Sea.
He answered: “In time, (we will use our power) to punish he who is
guilty of oppression, injustice, wrongdoing, etc. and when he returns
to his Lord-God then He (Allah) would also inflict upon him terrible
punishment . . . ” (18:87)
• Commentary:
When power is anchored in faith, it is used justly to punish the
oppressor and those who act unjustly. Peace and happiness are not
possible in an unjust world. In firmly establishing justice, Dhūl
Qarnain’s world-order would thus make peace and happiness on
Earth possible. This is how the world could have been if mankind had
accepted Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) and followed
Sūrah al-Kahf thus makes it possible for us to recognize the reality of
the second of the two ages (Qarnain) i.e. the Last Age, or the Age of
Fitan. In that second age mankind which had rejected Prophet
Muhammad and did not follow his way of life would experience the
exact opposite of Dhūl Qarnain’s world-order. Power in that age
would eventually rest on foundations which would be godless
(otherwise known as secular), and instead of being used to punish the
oppressor, it would be used unjustly to oppress the innocent. Peace
and happiness would disappear in such a world-order of universal
“ . . . but as for him who has faith and whose conduct is righteous,
he would have the ultimate good (of the life to come) as his reward;
and we will use our power to ensure that he has ease (here in his life
on Earth).” (18:88)
• Commentary:
When power is founded on faith it is also used to support and reward
those living lives of faith and whose conduct is righteous. That would
be the best of all worlds and it would deliver maximum peace and
happiness to people living in it.
Secondly, when he uses power to punish the unjust and the oppressor
and to reward and support those who lead lives of faith and righteous
conduct, Dhūl Qarnain points to the essential harmony that would
then exist between his world-order (Pax Qarnain) here below and the
heavenly world above.
Sūrah al-Kahf here delivers an ominous warning that the second of
the Qarnain (i.e. two ages) would witness the emergence of a worldorder in which power would rest on essentially godless foundations
devoid of moral and spiritual values. Expediency, opportunism,
oppression, a cynical disregard for the godly life of faith, mockery of
piety and righteousness would characterize that world-order. Such a
world-order would target and oppress those who sincerely follow the
religious way of life. Indeed it would wage war on Islam and
Muslims. In consequence such a world-order would display
disharmony between the world hereunder and the heavenly world
above. That is precisely the world in which we now live.
“Again, (for a second time) he chose to pursue an objective (or a goal)
through the right means . . .
• Commentary:
Here is another instance of how he used his power. He marched
eastwards and, once again, he chose the right means to achieve the
right goal.
“. . until when he (eventually) came to the rising sun (i.e. to the
farthest point eastwards that he could go since there was no land
beyond and it appeared like the end of the Earth and that the sun was rising from beyond that land); he found it rising on a people for whom
We had provided no covering (for protection from sunshine, weather,
environment) other than (the natural) covering. (18:90)
• Commentary:
The implication is that he encountered another large sea while
traveling East, as he had done while traveling West, and it was from
beyond that sea that he saw the sun rising. If the sea to the West was
the Black Sea, it would imply that the sea to the East would be the
Caspian Sea.
Sūrah al-Kahf now delivers a second lesson on the use of power. How
would Dhūl Qarnain use power when, for example, the rights of a
primitive people stand in the way of such material progress as the
exploitation of huge (Caspian) oil reserves that are located in their
territory? Would he give preference to the material value of the oil or
to the value of human rights of even a poor primitive people? Would
he wage war and wreak havoc and destruction in order to gain control
of Caspian oil or would he give priority to human rights over greed
for oil resources?
The verse may also indicate that people living in that region of the
Earth may one day need more protection from the elements (such as,
for example, atmospheric pollution or fallout from nuclear warfare
etc.) than that which was given by nature.
“Thus (did he meet them and thus did he wisely and compassionately
leave them undisturbed in their natural way of life); and We (i.e. Allah
Most High) did encompass with Our knowledge his grasp of the
situation (and his response to it). (18:91)
• Commentary:
When power rests on the foundations of faith, it upholds a standard of
justice, wisdom, compassion and good sense that allows even those
who live a primitive way of life, or who live contentedly in a state of
bare subsistence (as the native tribes did in North America, Australia,
etc. prior to the arrival of the modern European) to continue to do so
undisturbed by the demands of modernization, industrialization and
the exploitation of resources, etc.
Sūrah al-Kahf here delivers a profound warning of a second Qarn (i.e.
age) of the Qarnain (i.e. two ages) when those who wield power in
the world would be essentially godless and would act in a manner
completely opposite to that of Dhūl Qarnain. They will uphold no
standard of justice, wisdom, compassion or even good sense except on
the basis of expediency (i.e. when it is advantageous for them to do
so). Those who relentlessly exploit the resources of the Earth in
pursuit of even greater wealth than they already possess and to sustain
a lifestyle they created, would mercilessly attack primitive people and
destroy their way of life. They would do so in the name of godless
modernity, globalization and economic demands that would take
precedence over human rights. In addition, those who live contentedly
in a subsistence economy would have their way of life attacked and
destroyed and they would experience unimaginable suffering. Such is
the fate that has already overtaken North America, Australia, Africa
and indeed, most of the rest of the world and such is the fate that now
awaits the oil-rich region of the Caspian basin.
Dhūl Qarnain was, perhaps, also aware that the second of the two
ages (Qarnain) would be an age in which great events would
eventually occur in that Eastern location. Those events would be
mysteriously linked to ‘Signs of the Last Day’. As a consequence he
left the area undisturbed. It is possible that the struggle for control of
Caspian oil would eventually lead to great wars that would be linked
to Signs of the Last Day and Allah Knows best.
“(Finally here is the third instance of how he used his power. He
marched in a third direction and once again) he chose the right means
(to achieve a right end). (18:92)
“(And he marched on) till, when he reached (a pass) between the two
mountain-barriers, he found before them a people who could scarcely
understand anything spoken (i.e. any utterance in his language).
• Commentary:
The implication of coming upon people who could not understand
anything of the language spoken by the ruler of the world is either that
they had a unique language not connected to other languages spoken
in that part of the world, or that they lived in a state of isolation from
the rest of the world.
(Eventually, when they were able to communicate with each other)
they said, “O Dhūl Qarnain! Behold, Gog and Magog are corrupting
(and destroying) this land (in which we live). May we offer (to pay)
you tribute on the condition that you build a barrier (saddan) between
us and them (to protect us from them)?” (18:94)
• Commentary:
Who are Gog and Magog, the two tribes that have descended from
Nabi Ādam (‘alaihi al-Salām)? Whoever they are, Gog and Magog are
similar to Dhūl Qarnain in respect of the power they possess. This is
clear from the fact that the people who were under attack from Gog
and Magog had to request Dhūl Qarnain to build a barrier to protect
them. That power which they possessed was also confirmed in a
Hadīth al-Qudsi recorded in the Sahīh of Imām Muslim in which
Allah Most High is reported to have said, “I have created creatures of
mine (i.e. Gog and Magog) so powerful that none but I can destroy
But Sūrah al-Kahf also delivered the extraordinary news that Gog and
Magog used their power in exactly the opposite way from that of Dhūl
Qarnain. They inflicted Fasād fil Ard, i.e. they destroyed everything
that they targeted with their indestructible oppressive power. Random
murder, organized murder, spreading of fear, acts of terrorism,
oppression, etc. are all recognized as Fasād fil Ard. Those convicted
of Fasād fil Ard are to be punished in accordance with Allah’s decree,
either by “being put to death, crucifying after cutting off hand and
foot on opposite sides or by banishment from society” (Qur’ān, alMāidah, 5:36) These punishments correspond to the different types of
Fasād. This is by far the most severe of all divinely ordained
punishments promulgated in the Qur’ān.
The amazing implication of the above is that when Gog and Magog
are finally released into the world, mankind would be subjected to a
world-order that would be the opposite of that of Pax Qarnain. That second Qarn (i.e. age) of the Qarnain (i.e. two ages) would be one in
which Gog and Magog would inflict universal Fasād upon mankind.
This verse must qualify as one of the most important in Sūrah al-Kahf
in so far as the Sūrah explains the modern age.
He answered, “That wherein my Lord-God has so securely established
me is better (than any tribute that you could offer me); hence, do but
help me with (your) manpower, (and) I shall fill up a barrier between
you and them!” (18:95)
• Commentary:
Dhūl Qarnain agreed to construct a structure, which he described as
Radmun. He thus gave a specific description of the kind of barrier
(Saddun) he was going to build. The act of “filling up” describes
perfectly the construction of a dam that would ‘fill up’ a narrow pass
or defile in between mountains. He must have put the blocks of iron
one on top of the other starting at the bottom until he reached the top
of the mountains, filling the width and height of the gap.
In agreeing to ‘fill up’ a barrier that would contain Gog and Magog
and so protect the people from their evil, Dhūl Qarnain also provided
further evidence confirming that they (i.e. Gog and Magog) were
people with unique power which he could only endeavor to contain
since even he could not destroy them.
“Bring me ingots of iron!” Then, after he had (piled up the iron and)
filled the gap between the two shell-shaped mountainsides, he said,
“(Light a fire and) ply your bellows!” At length, when he had made it
(glow like) fire, he commanded: “(Now place the copper in the fire
and then) bring me molten copper, which I may pour upon it . . . ”
• Commentary:
Only a barrier built of the strongest possible metal could contain Gog
and Magog. The Qur’ān confirmed in Sūrah al-Hadīd (57:25) that
iron was a metal that possessed such strength. After Dhul Qarnain
built that iron barrier, he then poured molten copper on the iron in
order, perhaps, to prevent rust.
The implication of the above is that when Gog and Magog are
released by Allah Most High into the world in that second of the
Qarnain (i.e. two ages) they would resume their Fitnah or evil reign
of terror with which they would terrorize mankind. At that time
believers would have to protect themselves behind very strong
barriers that would keep them out. One possible further implication is
that believers may have to build an invisible barrier with two things
that would be analogous to iron and molten copper. The verses of the
Qur’ān would represent the ‘blocks of iron’ while the ‘Sunnah’ would
be the ‘molten copper’ which would flow between the ‘blocks of iron’
and thus perfect the construction of that impregnable invisible barrier.
We have suggested that such an invisible barrier be built around
Muslim Villages located in the remote countryside.
The reference in this verse to the two shell-shaped mountain sides is a
perfect geographical description of the two sides of the narrow pass or
defile in the Caucasus Mountains. Those mountains are located
between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.
“And thus (the barrier was built and Gog and Magog) were unable to
scale it, and neither were they able to penetrate it (by digging through
it. As a consequence, mankind was safe from their attacks).” (18:97)
• Commentary:
So long as that barrier built by Dhūl Qarnain remained intact,
mankind was safe from the ravages of Gog and Magog. We can now
discern the two ages represented in the name Dhūl Qarnain. The first
is the age of safety from the ravages of Gog and Magog. It would last
for as long as the barrier remained intact. The second would be the
age of Fasād and Fitnah which would overwhelm mankind when
Allah Most High chose to destroy/demolish/level the barrier and let
Gog and Magog loose upon mankind. It is in that second Qarn (i.e.
age) that ‘Signs of the Last Age’ would constantly unfold. The
believers whose conduct is righteous would then have to shield
themselves from Gog and Magog’s Fasād (i.e. universal corruption
and destruction) with an invisible barrier built with the Qur’ān and
(Dhul Qarnain) said, “(Our success in constructing this barrier) is
mercy from my Lord-God! Yet when the time appointed by my
Lord-God has come (i.e. the Last Age), He would
destroy/demolish/level it (i.e. make flat) (the natural implication
being that He would reduce the barrier to ruins): and my LordGod’s promise (i.e. warning) would have come true . . . ”
• Commentary:
Sūrah al-Kahf has here delivered the momentous warning that
Allah Most High would Himself one day demolish or level the
barrier and release Gog and Magog into the world. When He, Most
High, does so, the implication would be that power in the world
would eventually rest on godless foundations and that power
would be used to oppress, corrupt, destroy and wage war on Islam.
Such a world-order would be dual-poled, with Gog as one pole
and Magog as the other. That is precisely the world-order in which
we now live.
“ . . . and on that Day We shall (begin a process which would
eventually) cause some of them to surge like waves (that merge
with or crash against) others of them and the trumpet (of
judgment) would be blown, and We shall gather them all
together.” (18:99)
• Commentary:
The Qur’an informs us that the blowing of the trumpet will take
place on several occasions (18:99; 23:101; 36:51; 39:68 twice;
50:20; 69:13). The blowing of the trumpet in the above verse
could indicate the commencement of the age of Fitan. It is more
likely, however, that it indicates the arrival of the Sā‘ah’, i.e. the
moment of general destruction followed by resurrection from
graves. But this extraordinary verse of Sūrah al-Kahf may also
anticipate universal conflict and strife caused by a voracious Gog
and Magog world-order as well as the amazing spectacle of
Dr Tammam Adi, the Qur’an semanticist, is indeed very
perceptive in his comment that “Gog and Magog would be
unleashed as waves that later merge into each other and support
each other - one wave fails, the next succeeds, describing precisely
what has already happened. Gog and Magog infiltrated all nations
and religions in waves after waves and those waves later came
together as the victim nations were merged and mixed, often
manipulated or so coerced as to migrate to godless melting pots set
up by Gog and Magog. This points to America and other
interracial mergers where the Khazars from different origins come
together and collaborate with each other to accomplish nationwrecking.” (personal correspondence with this writer).
Finally, the verse can also mean that horrendous nuclear ‘star
wars’ clashes between Gog and Magog would eventually take
place, which would reduce large parts of the Earth to barren dustbowls (See Qur’an, al-Kahf, 18:8, “and verily, in time We shall
reduce all that is on it to barren dust.”) That in turn, would lead to
the end of the world and the resurrection. In fact the verse is
specific in declaring that Gog and Magog would surge (as waves)
against each other. The implication is that either Gog or Magog
would not be content with a dual-poled world-order and would
surge against the other in order to reduce it to a unipolar worldorder. Dajjāl needs a unipolar world-order under his control if he is to succeed in ruling the world. It is that conflict that would
eventually lead to the blowing of the trumpet.
“ . . . and on that Day (when the time comes for the horrendous
Gog vs Magog clash to take place and for Dukhān or smoke in the
form of nuclear mushroom clouds to appear in the sky) We shall
place hell, for all to see, before those who denied the truth . . . ”
• Commentary:
The verse indicates that very large numbers of people would
perish in those wars and hence that the population of the Earth
would be substantially reduced. Most of those who perish would
be a people who would have Hell spread out before their horrified
eyes. Muslims do not need any more evidence confirming that
they now live in such a world and hence, they should now separate
themselves from increasingly godless and decadent mainstream
society that is doomed for horrific destruction when that
momentous Gog vs Magog (Armageddon) clash takes place..
“ . . . they (would be a people) whose eyes had been veiled
against any remembrance of Me because they could not bear to
listen (to the word of truth).” (18:101)
• Commentary:
The implication of this verse is that those who had eyes and yet
could not see, ears and yet could not hear, hearts and yet did not
comprehend, would have been unable to recognize the second of
the Qarnain (i.e. two ages) and hence recognize the essentially
godless and decadent reality of the world in which they lived.
They would not recognize that second of two ages itself
constituting a ‘Sign’ of the Last Day.
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 83-101)
It is from the above passage of the blessed Qur’ān (with our
commentary) as well as from relevant Ahadīth quoted throughout
the text of this book that we carefully extracted a profile of Gog
and Magog. We discovered them to be ‘human beings’ who are
‘double-faced’ and are capable of swift motion. They possess
extraordinary military “power” but they use ‘power’ to oppress. Of
critical importance in identifying them is the very clear ‘Sign’
delivered in the Qur’ān that Gog and Magog would make it
possible for “people” who were expelled by divine decree from
their ‘town’ (destroyed by Allah Most High) to one day return to
that ‘town’ and reclaim it as their own (Qur’ān, al-Anbiyāh’,
21:95-6). Since Gog and Magog are a major Sign of the Last Day,
and since this is the only Sign concerning their release into the
world given in the Qur’ān, it follows that the ‘town that was
destroyed’, ‘the people who were expelled’ and the Gog-andMagog-assisted ‘return of those people to that town’, must also be
connected to the subject of ‘Signs of the Last Day’.
In a crucially important chapter of this book devoted to
methodology we explained that the system of meaning of the
subject of ‘Signs of the Last Day’ must be grasped before we can interpret and understand any verse of the Holy Book or any Hadīth
which relates the Gog and Magog. In the previous chapter devoted
to terminology we argued that the Qur’ān had itself identified
Jesus as the ‘Ilm of the Sā‘ah, or the ‘key’ to understanding the
subject of the Last Hour.
There are those who adamantly refuse to accept our
identification of the ‘town’, derived through the application of that
methodology, to be Jerusalem. Hence they also refuse to recognize
Gog and Magog as dominant actors in the restoration of a State of
Israel in the Holy Land, and in the ever escalating oppression with
which that imposter state seeks to achieve its rule over the world.
They turn a blind eye to the obvious fact that the unfolding drama
in the Holy Land will culminate with the return of Jesus (‘alaihi alSalam), and that his miraculous return is the ‘Ilm of the Sā‘ah’. Such
doubters should be challenged to provide the explanation in the
Qur’ān with which it explains the unfolding drama in the Holy
Land and thus fulfills its claim to “explain all things” (Qur’ān, alNahl, 16:89).
Here now is the profile:
• Gog and Magog are human beings (Qur’ān and Hadīth)
Are Gog and Magog strange creatures with strange shapes,
height, etc., or are they human beings? Are they Jinn or angels? Or
are they like Dajjāl the false Messiah, neither human, Jinn nor
angels, but like Dajjāl would one day appear as human beings? It
is to the blessed Qur’ān that we must first turn in order to answer
this question
Verse 94 of Sūrah al-Kahf (above) informs us that a
community of human beings complained to Dhūl Qarnain about
Gog and Magog and their acts of Fasād (i.e. conduct which
corrupts to the extent of reducing to a state of destruction) in their
territory. They requested him to build a barrier containing Gog and
Magog and thus protecting them from Fasād. He responded by
building a material barrier with blocks of iron and in doing so,
successfully contained them behind that barrier.
The Islamic moral code distinguishes between sins which
result in punishment in the hereafter and those (recognized as
crimes) which are punishable in this world.
The Islamic penal code
recognizes Fasād (i.e. conduct that is destructive in nature such as
organized murder, interest-banking (because it destroys the fair market),
organized robbery, starvation, mass poisoning with drugs and vaccines,
forced worship of idols (destruction of souls) as the greatest of all such
crimes (crimes which can destroy society itself) and has prescribed
deterrent punishment for Fasād which includes banishment,
cutting off hands and legs on opposite sides, and crucifixion
‘The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His
Messenger, and strive with might and main to commit Fasād through the
land is: execution crucifixion cutting off hands and feet from opposite
sides or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world and a
heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter. (Qur’ān, al-Māidah, 5:33)
The implication of the use of the word Fasād to describe the
behaviour of Gog and Magog indicates that they are beings who
are responsible for their deeds which thus qualify as ‘conduct’. But
such would be possible only if Gog and Magog possessed a ‘selfdirected will’ with capacity for ‘choice’ and could thus be held
accountable for their sinful conduct.
Angels do not possess a self-directed will and cannot commit
sin, thus they cannot commit acts of Fasād. Nor can invisible
angels be contained behind a material barrier. Although Jinn
possess a self-directed will and are hence responsible for their
conduct, they are invisible to human beings who therefore cannot
identify them as perpetrators of acts of Fasād. In addition invisible
Jinn exist in a dimension of space and time other than our own and
hence, like angels, cannot be contained behind a material barrier.
The only other created beings who possess a self-directed
will, can commit sin, and hence can commit acts of Fasād are
human beings. In addition, unlike angels and Jinn, human beings
can be contained behind a material barrier. The inescapable
conclusion is that Gog and Magog are human beings.
When we turn to the Ahadīth we find information which
supports the conclusion that Gog and Magog are human beings:
Abu Saeed al- Khudri narrates that the Prophet said: "On Judgment Day
Allah will ask Adam to pick out from his entire progeny those who would
enter the hellfire. Adam will ask: 'O Lord-God, who are they?' Allah will
say: 'Nine hundred and ninety nine of a thousand are for the hellfire while
one is for heaven.' On hearing this, the companions were overtaken by
fear and they asked, "O Messenger of Allah who will that one for heaven
The Prophet said: 'Do not grieve, the nine hundred and ninety nine will be
Ya’jūj and Ma’jūj while you will be the one for heaven."' (i.e. your
numbers in relation to them will be one in a thousand).
(Bukhāri, Muslim)
“Verily Gog and Magog are of the progeny of Adam”.
(Kanz al-Ummal, Hadith No 2158)
The above Ahadīth confirm Gog and Magog to be human beings,
who belong to the progeny of Ādam (‘alaihi al-Salam).
There is also a Hadīth al-Qudsi recorded in Sahīh Muslim in
which Allah Himself describes Gog and Magog as His ‘Ibād (i.e.
servants or slaves):
“I have created servants of mine (i.e. Gog and Magog) so powerful that
none but I can wage war on them.
(Sahīh Muslim)
Servants of Allah who have the capacity to wage war and to defeat
armies, are usually human beings.
Our conclusion, based on substantial evidence derived from
both the Qur’ān and Hadīth, is that Gog and Magog are human
• They are a double-faced people who are capable of
swift motion (Qur’ān semantics)
‘Ya’jūj’ and ‘Ma’jūj’ are names used in the blessed Qur’ān
for Gog and Magog. Dr Tammam Adi, the Qur’ān semanticist, has
pointed out that they are two word-forms from the Arabic root
“hamza jeem jeem” that grammatically denote the active tense
(ya’jūj) and passive tense (ma’jūj). This could indicate their
characterization as a double-faced people with conduct that ‘ebbs
and flows’. They ‘attack’ and ‘occupy’ (Ya’jūj) and then feign
‘withdrawal’ (Ma’jūj). They commit ‘aggression’ (Ya’jūj) and then
pose as ‘peacemakers’ or as ‘victims of aggression’ (Ma’jūj). They
‘violate’ (Ya’jūj) and then ‘pacify’ (Ma’jūj). They pose as
‘religious people’ (Ya’jūj) when in fact they are devoid of faith and
essentially ‘godless’ (Ma’jūj).
The Qur’ān itself has very significantly commenced with a
warning of precisely such double-faced people:
“And when they are told, ‘Do not commit Fasād on Earth,’ they answer,
‘We are but peacemakers!’ Oh, verily, it is they, they who are committing
Fasād, but they perceive it not.”
(Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:11-12)
“And when they meet those who have faith (in Allah Most High), they
assert, ‘We believe (as you believe)’; but when they find themselves alone
with their Satanic comrades, they say, ‘Verily, we are with you; we were
only feigning (faith)!’
(Qur’ān, al-Baqarah, 2:14)
The grammarians have also pointed out that Ya'jūj (Gog) and
Ma'jūj (Magog) are derived in the Arabic language from ‘ajj’ or
‘ajij’ in the grammatical forms of yaf'ūl and maf`ūl. ‘Ajij’ means
‘harshness’, ‘the flaming of fire’, but ‘ajja’ also means ‘asra`a’ or
‘he walked fast’, hence Ya'jūj (Gog) and Ma'jūj are a people
characterized by swiftness of motion and intense agitation. One
sees evidence in the accumulation of medals at Olympic Games of
people who invariably humble the rest of mankind combined. But
evidence also exists of the combination of ‘flaming fire’ and
‘swiftness of motion’ when those same people wage their barbarian
wars of aggression and oppression through which they succeed in
unjustly occupying and colonizing the greater part of the Earth.
Perhaps the most dangerous of their double-faced antics is
their pretense to be people within the fold of religion when in fact
they are essentially godless people. They despise true religion as
well as those who would sincerely live the religious way of life
while striving to attain to piety and righteousness.
Since Ya’jūj or Gog is in the active tense (in the Arabic
language), and Majūj or Magog is in the passive tense, it follows
that in a contest between the two, Gog will eventually prevail over
Magog. This book will attempt to identify both Ya’jūj (Gog) and
Majūj (Magog) in today’s world, and in so doing it will offer a
glimpse of the end of history when a gigantic (Armageddon) clash
between the two will take place.
• They possess extraordinary military power (Qur’ān and
The Qur’ān has clearly depicted Gog and Magog as people
who possess extraordinary military power. It did so in the passage
of Sūrah al-Kahf in which Dhūl Qarnain was informed about their
Fasād (i.e. corrupt, wicked, unjust and oppressive conduct) and
was requested to build a barrier, which would protect the people
from that Fasād. This request came after he had previously
traveled to both East and West. On his journey westwards he had
come across people concerning whom Allah Most High had
enquired how he would treat them. His response was to declare
that he would punish those who committed acts of Dhulm (i.e.
injustice and oppression). And since the Qur’ān further declared
that he had been divinely bestowed with the capacity (and that
includes power most of all) to pursue whatever objective he chose,
his normal and natural response should have been one of inflicting
punishment on Gog and Magog.
The fact that Dhūl Qarnain did not attempt to punish Gog and
Magog but, rather, agreed to build a barrier with which to contain
them, indicates that they possessed a military power which he
could not subdue.
The ominous implication is that when Gog and Magog are
released into the world by divine decree, they would take control
of the world while wielding a unique military power. They would
project power that could not possibly be matched by any power
combination or alliance in the world.
The Ahadīth confirm this profile of Gog and Magog which
has emerged from the blessed Qur’ān. In a Hadīth al-Qudsi
recorded in the Sahīh of Imām Muslim Allah Most High is reported
to have said about Gog and Magog
“I have created servants of mine so powerful that none but I can wage war
on them.”
(Sahīh Muslim)
It should therefore be clear that when Gog and Magog are released
into the world by Divine decree they would eventually become the
ruling power in the world since no combination of rivals could
possibly match their power. Mankind would then be subjected to
the Gog and Magog world-order!
• They use ‘power’ to oppress (Qur’ān)
Sūrah al-Kahf of the Qur’ān has provided us with a
description of how power was used when it was founded on faith
(in Allah Most High). Dhūl Qarnain possessed faith in Allah Most
High to such an extent that Allah established his rule on Earth and
bestowed on him the means to achieve whatever objective he chose
to pursue. Allah Most High even spoke to him and addressed him
by name while offering him a choice of using power to punish or to
use in a manner which was kind and gracious. His choice and
response (see al-Kahf, 18:87-8 above) was unambiguously based
on values and integrity.
Dhūl Qarnain’s use of power was again described in Sūrah
al-Kahf in a second instance where he encountered a people “for
whom We (Allah) had provided no cover other than that (i.e.
naturally provided).” His response was to respect their human
rights and to unconditionally recognize the precedence of such
rights over all other interests regardless of their primitive way of
life and regardless of even such strategic interests as the
acquisition of territory, mining for diamonds and gold, extracting
(Caspian) oil resources, etc. He left them as they were.
But the use of the name ‘Dhūl Qarnain’ (i.e. he who
possesses two horns, or he of two ages) in Sūrah al-Kahf indicated,
in our opinion, the existence of ‘two’ ages, one described in the
Sūrah, and another to which the Sūrah implicitly directed attention.
The second age that was to come, in consequence of which the
term ‘Dhūl Qarnain’ (i.e. pertaining to two ages) was divinely
used in the Sūrah, would emerge when Gog and Magog were
released by divine decree. The world would then witness power
founded on godlessness rather than faith in Allah Most High.
Power would then be used in a manner completely opposite to that
of Dhūl Qarnain.
Instead of power being used to punish the oppressor, it would
rather be used to oppress and target those who have faith (in Allah
Most High) and whose conduct is righteous. The world would then
witness war on ‘Islam’ in particular, and on the ‘religious way of
life’ in general. Secondly, those who possess power would not care
a fig-leaf for human rights. Instead, they would exterminate and
oppress even the weakest of human beings (who live a primitive
way of life) like cockroaches as they unjustly seize control of
territory or resources such as diamonds, gold, oil, water, etc.
Gog and Magog would be people whose profile of conduct is
anarchical, aggressive and oppressive.
• They make possible the return of people to their
‘town’ (Qur’ān) (In our view the Qur’anic verse (al-Anbiyah’,
21:95-6) refers to the return of the Jews to Jerusalem, and that
explains the restoration in the Holy Land of a State of Israel)
This part of the Gog and Magog profile (or what we describe
as footprints) that is located in the Qur’ān in Sūrah al-Anbiyah’, is
by far the most important of all their footprints with which they
can be recognized.
The Qur’ān delivered the astonishing news that
the people of a ‘town’ (that was destroyed by Allah Most High)
would never be able to return to their town (i.e. after Allah Most
High had expelled them and banned their return) to reclaim it as
their own, until Gog and Magog were released and, in addition,
they had spread out in all directions (hence take control of the
world). We have argued in our book entitled Jerusalem in the
Qur’an that the ‘town’ is Jerusalem:
“There is a ban on a town (i.e. Jerusalem) which we destroyed (and
whose people were expelled) that they (the people) can never return (to
reclaim that town as their own) until Gog and Magog are released and
they spread out in all directions (thus taking control of the world while
establishing the Gog and Magog world-order).”
(Qur’ān, al-Anbiyāh’, 21:95-6)
This is a dramatic instance of such verses of the Qur’ān which
can only be penetrated and correctly understood through
employing the system of meaning methodology as well as through
an acute examination of emerging data located outside of the
Qur’ān. It is this Gog and Magog footprint that Allah Most Wise has located for us in the blessed Qur’ān which must be recognized
to be supremely important and which must be given priority over
any contradictory footprint located in the Ahadīth.
• They absorb mankind into their global godless
melting pot (Qur’ān and Hadīth)
Sūrah al-Kahf of the Qur’ān has recorded Dhūl Qarnain’s
warning that Allah Most High would one day
destroy/demolish/make-level the barrier that he had built with
blocks of iron. When the barrier is destroyed and Gog and Magog
are released into the world by divine decree, they would merge like
waves into all the different nations, tribes and people who
constitute mankind in such wise that all of mankind, save the true
servants of Allah Most High, would be absorbed into the godless
decadent Gog and Magog meltingpot. This is quite clear from the
Hadīth which disclosed that on Judgement Day, 999 out of every
1000 of mankind would have become Y’ajūj and M’ajūj and would
all enter into the hellfire:
“Narrated Abu Said Al Khudri: The Prophet said: On the day of
Resurrection Allah will say: O Adam! Adam will reply: Labbaik our
Lord, and Sa’daik. Then there will be a loud call (saying): Allah orders
you to take from among your offspring a mission for the (Hell) Fire.
Adam will say: O Lord! How many are they for the (Hell) Fire? Allah
will say: Out of each thousand, take out 999. At that time every pregnant
female shall drop her load (have a miscarriage) and a child will have grey
hair. “And you shall see mankind as in a drunken state, yet not drunk, but
severe will be the torment of Allah”. (Qur’ān, al-Hajj, 22:2) (When the
Prophet mentioned this), the people were so distressed (and afraid) that
their faces got changed (in color) whereupon the Prophet said: From Y’ajūj and M’ajūj nine hundred and ninety-nine will be taken out, and
one from you. You Muslims (compared to the large number of other
people) will be like a black hair on the side of a white ox or a white hair
on the side of a black ox and I hope that you will be one-fourth of the
people of Paradise. On that we said: Allahu-Akbar! Then he said: I hope
that you will be one-third of the people of Paradise. We again said:
Allahu-Akbar! Then he said: (I hope that you will be) one-half of the
people of Paradise. So we said: Allahu-Akbar.”
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
There would be very few (i.e. one in a thousand) left in the
world who would successfully resist the test and trial of Gog and
Magog. They would be equivalent to ‘square’ pegs incapable of
being absorbed in ‘round’ Gog and Magog holes. They would be
those who faithfully followed the blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa
• They can wage ‘star wars’ (Hadīth)
Not only do they possess formidable military power but, in
addition, it is clear from the use of the word ‘arrows’ in the Hadīth
quoted below that they will be capable of waging what is now
known as ‘star wars’. After all did the blessed Prophet (sallalahu
‘alaihi wa sallam) not say: "It is incumbent on those who are present to
convey this message (of mine) to those who are absent. May be that some
of those to whom it will be conveyed will understand it better than those
who have actually heard it." (Sahīh Bukhāri)
“. . .
Gog and Magog would walk until they would reach the mountain
of al-Khamar and it is a mountain of Bait-ul-Maqdis and they would say:
We have killed those who are upon the Earth. Let us now kill those who are in the sky and they would throw their arrows towards the sky and the
arrows would return to them besmeared with blood. . . .”
(Sahīh Muslim)
• They would target Arabs in particular for oppression
The special hostile attitude that Gog and Magog have for
Arabs was disclosed by the blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam) after he experienced a vision concerning these evil beings.
The vision disclosed to him that a hole had been made in the
barrier built by Dhūl Qarnain and hence that the release of Gog
and Magog into the world had now commenced or would soon
commence. And it was in consequence of information disclosed to
him in the vision that he exclaimed “Woe to the Arabs”:
“Narrated Zainab bint Jahsh: One day Allah’s Apostle entered upon her in
a state of fear and said: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah!
Woe to the Arabs from the Great evil that has approached (them). Today
a hole has been opened in the barrier of Gog and Magog like this. The
Prophet made a circle with his index finger and thumb. Zainab bint Jahsh
added: I asked: O Allah’s Apostle! Shall we be destroyed though there
will be righteous people among us? The Prophet said: Yes, (it will come
to pass) when wickedness increases (i.e. scum, evil, disgusting conduct,
sexual perversity, etc. overtakes the world).” (This indicates not only
political, economic and military oppression of Arabs but also, they would
be demonized in every conceivable obscene and malicious way.)
(Sahih Bukhari)
Thus Gog and Magog would target Arabs with special
persecution and oppression. This would have ominous implications
for the Hajj as well as for the Islamic Khilāfah. Neither would
survive the onslaught of Gog and Magog. Nor would it ever be
possible to restore either the valid Hajj or the Sunni Islamic
Khilāfah so long as the Gog and Magog world-order survives.
Persecution and oppression of Arabs would also include
racial profiling and demonization to such an extent that
mankind would be brainwashed into despising Arabs.
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
• Would Gog and Magog be sent/raised after Jesus
(‘alaihi al-Salam) has returned and after he has killed
Dajjal? (Hadīth)
It will be under such conditions that Allah will reveal to Jesus
these words: I have brought forth from among My servants such people
against whom none will be able to fight; you take these people safely to
the mountain, (fa yab’athullahu Y’ajūja wa M’ajūj) and then (in those
periods of history which lead to such events) Allah will send or raise Gog
and Magog (this does not necessarily imply that the release or unleashing
of Gog and Magog will have to take place only after Jesus returns) and
they will spread out in every direction or occupy every place of
advantage. The first of them will pass by Lake Tiberias (i.e. the Sea of
Galilee) and drink out of it and when the last of them would pass (and
that would have to be a very long time later), he will say: ‘There was once
water here . . . .’”
(Sahīh Muslim)
This Hadīth has been almost universally understood to state or
imply that the release of Gog and Magog into the world cannot
take place until Jesus (‘alaihi as-Salām) has returned and has killed
Dajjāl. This which focuses attention on a solitary Hadīth interpreted in a way
that nullifies all the evidence to the contrary that has been amassed
from both the Qur’ān and Ahadīth.
• They consume an excessive amount of water (Hadīth)
The Qur’ān has declared that Allah Most High created every
living thing from water (al-Anbiyāh’, 21:30). Water therefore
enjoys the status of ‘mother’ of all living things including human
beings. The Qur’ān has further declared that Allah’s ‘Arsh (i.e. the
command center from which He controls the entire creation) rests
on water (Hūd, 11:7). Water thus occupies a unique status in all of
The religious way of life is one which insists on respect for
water and which prohibits waste or excessive consumption of
water. Yet the profile of Gog and Magog emerging from the
Ahadīth of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alahi wa sallam) is that of a
people who consume water so excessively (and foolishly) that even
the Sea of Galillee in the Holy Land, would eventually become
dry. Hence they are the authors of their own destruction:
“. . . the first of them (i.e. Gog and Magog) will pass by Lake Tiberias
(i.e. the Sea of Galilee) and drink out of it, and when the last of them
passes, he will say: ‘There was once water here . . . .’
” (This implies
such excessive consumption of water that nature will not be able to
replenish such water and that the water-level would constantly decrease
until the Lake would dry up).
(Sahīh Muslim)
“They will so drink (i.e. consume) the water of the world that when some
of them pass by a stream they will drink all that is in it and leave it dry.”
(Kanz al-Ummāl, Hadīth No 2157)
In addition they commit Fasād, hence they can be expected
to corrupt and destroy not only the water resources of the world
but, also, ‘respect’ for water. This has ominous implications for the
preservation of the Sunnah in respect of both the quantity and
purity of water used in Wudu (ablution) and Ghusl (bath).
• Gog, Magog and the Sea of Galilee (Hadīth)
The above Hadīth also discloses that a constantly diminishing
water level of the Sea of Galilee (until it runs dry) would be
evidence of a continuing passage of Gog and Magog to the grande
finale in Jerusalem. Scholars who undertake a study of this subject
while neglecting to examine that critically important part of the
Gog and Magog profile relating to the weter level of the Sea of
Galilee, would make a very grave mistake indeed.
• They will take most of mankind into the hellfire hence
they are an essentially godless and sinful people
The Hadīth narrated by Abū Saīd al-Khudri and recorded in
the Sahīh of Imām al-Bukhāri (quoted above) contains within it a
Hadīth al-Qudsi (i.e. direct speech of Allah Most High) indicating
that Gog and Magog would transform 999 out of every 1000 of
mankind into Ahlu Y’ajūj wa M’ajūj (i.e. members of their
household) and, as a consequence, all those people would enter
into the hellfire. The inescapable implication is that the Gog and
Magog mainstream way of life would be godless and sinful and
would lead to the hellfire.
• They are linked to the abandonment of the Hajj (Hadīth)
A Hadīth recorded in Sahīh Bukhāri disclosed a link that
exists between Gog and Magog and the abandonment of the Hajj:
Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: The Prophet said, “The people will
continue performing the Hajj and 'Umra to the Ka‘ba even after the
appearance of Gog and Magog.” Narrated Shu'ba extra: The Hour (i.e.
Last Hour) will not be established till the Hajj (to the Ka'ba) is
What this prophecy does is to direct attention to the
eventual abandonment of the Hajj and to inform that the
release of Gog and Magog into the world is an event that
would precede that abandonment of the Hajj. In other words,
when the Hajj is abandoned it would no longer be possible
for any Muslim to deny the release of Gog and Magog. (This
writer expects the Hajj to be finally abandoned at that time
when Israel wages her big war and attempts to take control of
all territory between “the river of Egypt and the river Euphrates” (see
Genesis: -15:18, “On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abraham,
saying: To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the
great river, the river Euphrates . . .”) Israel’s great war can take place
at any time now, and will most certainly take place before
Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salām) returns. We may not have long to wait
before this important part of the Gog and Magog profile
manifests in the world to silence all critics who reject the
view that Gog and Magog have already been released into the
Gog is the Anglo-American-Israeli alliance and Magog is
This chapter might well qualify as the most important of this
book. As a consequence we need to proceed with the greatest
caution while recognizing inherent limitations in the quest to
identify Gog and Magog.
We must first locate the geographical territory in which they
resided at the time when they were contained behind the iron
barrier that Dhūl Qarnain had built. Fortunately for us, the blessed
Qur’ān and Ahadīth of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of
Allah Most High be upon him) have provided explicit geographical
information and descriptions making it possible for us to locate
both the region in which Dhūl Qarnain traveled as well as the
exact place within that region where the barrier was built.
We note, first of all, that the territory had to be located north
of the Holy Land since Ahadīth of the blessed Prophet (sallalahu
‘alaihi wa sallam) previously quoted in this book informed us that
Gog and Magog would pass by the Sea of Galilee on their way to
Jerusalem. The Sea of Galilee is located north of Jerusalem. Here
are two relevant Ahadīth:
“. . . It will be under such conditions that Allah will reveal to Jesus
these words: I have brought forth from among My servants such people
against whom none will be able to fight; you take these people safely to
the mountain, (fa yab’athullahu Y’ajūja wa M’ajūj) and then (in those
periods of history which lead to such events) Allah will send or raise Gog
and Magog (this does not necessarily imply that the release or unleashing
of Gog and Magog will have to take place only after Jesus returns) and
they will spread out in every direction or occupy every place of
advantage. The first of them will pass by Lake Tiberias (i.e. the Sea of
Galilee) and drink out of it, and when the last of them passes (and that
would have to be a very long time later), he will say: ‘There was once
water here . . . .’”
(Sahīh Muslim)
“Gog and Magog would walk until they reach the mountain of alKhamr and it is a mountain of Bait al-Maqdis (i.e. Jerusalem)...”
(Sahīh Muslim)
We must now search north of the Holy Land for a sea that fits
the description given in the Qur’anic account of Dhūl Qarnain’s
westward travel. It had to be a very large body of water since it
was not possible for him to travel beyond that sea any further
westwards. It also had to be an unusually dark colored sea:
(He traveled) until, when he came to the (land of the) setting sun,
(since there was no land beyond, it appeared like the end of the Earth)
and he found it setting in a dark, turbid sea; and nearby he found a
people. We said, “O Dhūl-Qarnain! (you have authority), either
punish them or treat them kindly”.
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:86)
He must also have encountered another sea on his eastward
travel as well if we are to explain both the Qur’anic account of the
‘rising of the sun’ as well as the declaration the Rabbis of Madina
that he traveled to the confines (i.e. the two ends) of the Earth.
Here are the questions posed by the Rabbis (quoted in my book
‘Surah al-Kahf and the Modern Age’ in the chapter entitled ‘The
Historical Background to the Revelation of Surah al-Kahf’
available for download on my website
“Ask him what happened to the young men who disappeared in ancient
days, for they have a marvelous story;
Ask him about the mighty traveler who reached the confines of both East
and West;
And ask him what is the spirit (Ruh)!
If he can give you the answer then follow him, for he is a Prophet. If he
cannot, then he is a forger and treat him as you will. ”
(Ibn Ishaq, Sīrat Rasūl Allah. Trans. By A. Guillaume, Oxford Univ.
Press. Karachi. 1967. p. 136)
Here is the Qur’anic description of his eastward journey:
“. . until when he (eventually) came to (a land which was the farthest
point eastwards that he could go since there was no land beyond and it
appeared like the end of the Earth) and that the sun was rising from
beyond that land; he found it rising on people for whom We had provided
no covering (i.e. perhaps no protection against the sun (climate,
atmospheric pollution etc.) other than the natural covering).
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:90)
The stretch of land for which we are looking must not only be
bounded on both west and east by two large seas but must also be
geographically characterized by impassable continuous mountain
range. We need to find a series of more or less connected
mountains ranged in a line stretching from the shores of one sea
to the other. Only thus can we accept that the construction of a
barrier blocking a solitary pass between the mountains could
effectively seal off the passage of marauding tribes from one side
of the mountain range to the other side:
“And thus (the barrier was built and Gog and Magog) were unable to
scale it and neither were they able to penetrate it (by digging a hole
through it) (and these had to be the only two options available to them
since Dhul Qarnain proceeded to declare that the construction of the
barrier was an act of Divine Kindness, i.e. implying that mankind was
henceforth safe from the ravages of Gog and Magog).”
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:97)
Dhul Qarnain used the Arabic word Radmun to describe the
barrier which he was going to construct. While Saddun in Arabic
means barrier, Radmun implies a construction which fills up a
space akin to a dam. Let us repeat; we must look for a geographical
region North of the Holy Land which is bounded on both west and
east by large seas, with the Western sea characterized by a dark
Between those two seas there must be a continuous
unbroken impassable mountain range that is relieved by a single
gap or mountain pass allowing passage of people from north to
south and vice versa. The Qur’ān has described the very shape of
the two sides of that mountain pass to be akin to an open sea-shell,
i.e. the two sides of an open sea-shell that are joined at the bottom
and separated at the top:
“Bring me ingots of iron!” Then, after he had (piled up the iron and)
filled the gap between the two mountain-sides (shaped like two sides
of an open sea-shell), he said, “(Light a fire and) ply your bellows!”
At length, when he had made it (glow like) fire, he commanded:
“(Now place the copper in the fire and then) bring me molten copper
which I may pour upon it . . . .”
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:96)
When we search north of the Holy Land for large bodies of
water we immediately dismiss the Mediterranean Sea and the area
east of that sea since they do not fit any of the above descriptions.
That leaves only one other possible answer; and it fits all the
descriptions perfectly.
North of the Mediterranean Sea is the ‘Black Sea’. A possible
explanation for the name ‘Black Sea’ is located in the unusually
dark color of its deep waters. Being further north than the
Mediterranean and much less saline, the microalgae concentration
is much richer causing the dark color. Underwater visibility in the
Black Sea is much less than the Mediterranean Sea. The satellite
photograph of the Black Sea in Map 1 below readily depicts that
dark color. It should therefore be quite clear that the Sea to the
West in Dhūl Qarnain’s travels cannot be other than the Black Sea.

Map 1
Once we recognize the Black Sea to be the sea located at the
Western end of Dhūl Qarnain’s travel, the sea to the right would
then be the Caspian Sea

Map 2
In between these two seas are located the Caucasus
Mountains. Indeed this mountain range stretches from one sea to
the other and in the process it separates Europe from Asia (see map
3 below):

Map 3
Now that we have located the two seas as well as the
mountain range that extends all the way from one sea to the other,
we have to find a solitary pass between the mountains and
evidence of iron from the ruins of Dhūl Qarnain’s barrier. Sure
enough, the Georgian Military Highway that was built by the
Russians in the 19th century is the only passable road that connects
the area north of the mountains to the southern area. It is the main
road running for 220km from Tbilisi in Georgia to Vadikavkaz in
Russia. So named by Tsar Alexander I, this route actually dates
from before the 1st century BC and is still important as one of the
only links to Russia through the Caucasus Mountains.
Information readily available on the internet describes it as “a
spectacular highway, which winds its way through towering
mountains, climbing to above 2300m at the Krestovy pass.
Heading north from Tbilisi one first reaches the medieval fortress
of Ananauri, overlooking the Aragvi river and valley. Nearing the
Russian border, one comes to the town of Kazbegi, overlooked by
the monumental Mount Kazbegi (5033m), the highest peak in the
Georgian Caucasus. The last point is the Daryal Gorge, where the
road runs some kilometres on a narrow shelf beneath granite cliffs
1500m high.
” “Daryal was historically important as the only
available passage across the Caucasus and has been long fortified
at least since 150 BC. Ruins of an ancient fortress are still visible.”
We have now located the pass between mountains and it now
remains for an archaeological search to be made for the remains of
the barrier. Dr Tammam Adi has pointed out in personal
correspondence with this writer: “I would expect any leftover
debris (i.e. of the barrier built by Dhūl Qarnain to be at the bottom
of the gorge and to be made of bronze, an alloy of iron and
brass/copper, as the verse clearly states”. We must also look for
evidence of iron ore in and around the region south of the
Caucasus Mountains since that is where the people would have had
to locate the iron to bring pieces or blocks of iron for Dhūl
The Wekipedia article on Daryal Gorge which incorporates
text from Encylopedia Britannica (11th edition) locates the origin of
the name of the Gorge in Dār-e Alān meaning Gate of the Alans in
Persian. The Gorge, alternatively known as the Iberian Gates or
the Caucasian Gates, is mentioned in the Georgian annals under
the names of Ralani, Dargani, Darialani.” In other words, the name
Daryal has preserved the historical fact of some form of a barrier
constructed from metal that once existed in that Gorge.
Finally the mountain sides on both sides of the Daryal Gorge
are shaped like two sides of an open sea-shell exactly as described
by the Qur’anic word Sadafain. Here are photographs of the Daryal
Gorge taken 1872:
Here is a photograph of an open shell showing its
sadafain i.e. two sides joined at the bottom and separated at
the jagged top, and then two more photographs which clearly
depict the sadafain or shell-shaped features (i.e. two sides of
an open shell) of the Gorge:
We also have to find a language spoken south of the Caucasus
Mountains, which is different from all the other languages spoken
in and around that region of the then known world. We need to do
so because wage war against them”.) They must have spread out their power
and established their dominance around the world while occupying
every possible position or place of advantage (min kulli hadabin).
They must be people extracted from mankind who yet possess
certain unique features which sets them apart from the rest of
Can we locate such people? If we can, we would have
identified Gog and Magog.
At least some European Jews who created the Zionist
Movement must have originated from tribes in Eastern Europe who
converted to Judaism. The Khazar tribes who resided in territory
north of the Caucasus Mountains not only converted to Judaism
but also created history in early Islam when they successfully
blocked the path of the all-conquering Muslim armies that were
poised to conquer Europe.
They thus possessed a military power
greater than any in the then existing world. The Muslim armies that
were so blocked had just defeated both the Persian and Byzantine
empires (the two superpowers existing in the world at that time).
The Khazar military power appears therefore to have been unique.
(See Kevin Alan Brook’s scholarly work, The Jews of Khazaria,
Jason Aronson, 1999; see also the website
It is not really necessary for us to conduct a genealogical
Khazarian survey of Jews who have been continuously leaving the
region of the Caucasus Mountains and these include Russian Jews,
and migrating to the Holy Land and to the State of Israel. What is
important is that we have located people who have been making
that journey to the Holy Land from the very region where Dhūl
Qarnain built the barrier. It is these European or Caucasian Jews
who have been also responsible for seducing the Israelite Jews to
leave wherever they were residing (in the Muslim World in
particular) and to return to the Holy Land.
And so our conclusion is that Gog and Magog were originally
located in the Khazars of Eastern Europe. While many of them
became European Jews it is certain that some of them must also
have become European Christians and that the forging of the
mysterious European Judeo-Christian alliance was possible since
the Khazars were present on both sides of that once bitterlydivided fence. This, perhaps, is included in the meaning of the
Qur’anic verse which declared that Gog and Magog would one day
merge with each other as waves merge into each other (yamūju fi
But the verse may also mean that they will one day clash with
each other in a mighty clash in which they would surge against
each other as waves crashing into each other. That war of the
Titans would qualify as the war of all wars and, in turn, would
make way for and herald the blowing of the trumpet that
announces the imminent arrival of the Last Hour. A Hadīth of the
blessed Prophet quoted elsewhere in this book (see profile of Gog
and Magog) has described them shooting their arrows in the sky.
Gog is the Anglo-American-Israeli alliance and Magog is
We have interpreted ‘arrows’ to imply that Gog and Magog
possess ‘star wars’ military technology. Both Russia and the
Anglo-American-Israeli alliance are capable of waging star wars.
There is emerging evidence confirming Khazar origins of
modern Russia. Gog, on the other hand, would have to be located
in Christians of Western Europe who dramatically reconciled with
Khazar Jews to create the Western alliance which Britain and USA
If our identification is correct, then the coming ‘star wars’
clash between Gog and Magog would be a clash between Russia
and the Western Anglo-American-Israeli alliance. Such a gigantic
Gog and Magog nuclear war that would result in (40 days?) of
smoke (see Qur’ān, al-Dukhān, 44:10-11) and would significantly
reduce the world’s population and render large parts of the Earth
barren is not far-fetched. Sūrah al-Kahf (verse 8) delivered
precisely such a warning when it declared “ . verily (in time) We
shall reduce what is on it (i.e. the Earth) to barren dust.” Also consider
the following Hadīth:
"There will be a battle the like of which has never been seen, so that even
if a bird were to pass their ranks, it would fall down dead before it
reached the end of them".
(Ahmad, Muslim)
A coming nuclear attack on Pakistan, ostensibly in response to
alleged terrorist activity, but actually to destroy that country’s
nuclear plants, would convince Russia that she would eventually
suffer the same fate unless she responds vigorously to Western
(NATO) encirclement and intimidation. That is the recipe for
eventual war. It is in that context that we can understand and
anticipate the fulfilment of the prophecy concerning the conquest
of NATO-controlled Constantinople (i.e. modern-day Istanbul):
Prophet Muhammad said: "Lataftahanna al-Qustantiniyya wa lani`ma alamiru amiruha wa lani`ma al-jayshu dhalika al-jaysh." "Verily you shall
conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her leader be, and
what a wonderful army will that army be!"
(Ahmad, Bukhari)
Russia’s most immediate strategic military goal in any contest
with the West would have to be conquest of Constantinople that
would permit access for the Russian navy to the Mediterranian Sea
and thus to Israel. That conquest is likely to be achieved through
the alliance between Rūm (i.e., Russia) and the Muslims as
prophesied by the blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi was sallam).
Since the Qur’ān uses the word Ya’jūj in the active tense and
Ma’jūj in the passive tense it may imply that Gog would eventually
prevail over Magog in that (Armageddon) contest, i.e, the Western
Anglo-American-Israeli alliance will prevail over Russia. The
more likely outcome however would be mutual destruction of both
Gog and Magog.
The most important implication of the coming star-wars clash
between Gog and Magog is one which relates to Israel and the
Holy Land. Israel would be left completely defenceless after that
war since Gog’s possible victory over Magog would still leave the
victor incapacitated. We can anticipate that the modern world of
sophisticated electronic military technology will collapse in the
wake of that nuclear war (perhaps because of such things as
nuclear radiation). It would, perhaps, be at that time that the world
would witness the fulfilment of Prophet Muhammad’s prophecies
that Muslims would liberate the Holy Land from Jewish oppression
and tyranny:
Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet said: “Black banners shall emerge
from Khorasan (i.e. area which includes Afghanistan, North-West
Pakistan, Iran and parts of Central Asia) and no force will be able to stop
them until they are inserted in Aelia (Jerusalem).”
(Sunan Tirmīdhī)
Abu Hurairah reported Allah’s messenger as saying: “The Last Hour will
not come before the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them, to
the extent that Jews will hide behind rocks (i.e. very large stones) and
trees and the rock and tree will say, ‘O Muslim, O servant of Allah. There
is a Jew (hiding) behind me; so come and kill him’. . . .”
(Sahīh Muslim)
Winston Churchill identifies Gog and Magog
Winston Churchill anticipated a coming cold war between
Russia and the Western Anglo-American alliance (Israel had not as
yet been created) that would dominate world politics for decades to
come. He did so when he presented his Sinews of Peace, (the Iron
Curtain Speech), at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri on
March 5, 1946 in which he declared: “From Stettin in the Baltic to
Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the
Continent”. We note that the term iron curtain bears an uncanny
resemblance to Dhūl Qarnain’s iron barrier.
On November the 9th 1951, Winston Churchill made another
speech at the Lord Mayor of London's Banquet at the Guildhall,
marking the occasion of the restoration of the effigies of Gog and
Magog to their traditional places of honour in the west end of the
Guildhall in the City of London. They had been removed during the
Blitz to prevent them from being damaged. Earlier figures had been
destroyed in the Great Fire of London in 1666. The present pair were
carved by Richard Saunders in 1708. Churchill identified Gog and
Magog as the two world powers then dominating the world, i.e., the
Anglo-American alliance on the one hand and Russia on the other:
"It seems that they (i.e. Gog and Magog) represent none too badly the
present state of world politics. World politics, like the history of Gog and
Magog, are very confused and much disputed. Still, I think there is room for
both of them. On the one side is Gog, and on the other is Magog. But be
careful, my Lord Mayor, when you put them back, to keep them from
colliding with each other; for if that happens, both Gog and Magog would
be smashed to pieces and we should all have to begin all over again and
begin from the bottom of the pit." (Source: The Times, London, 10
November 1951)
Those who insist that Gog and Magog have not as yet been released into
the world cannot deny the inescapable implication that emerges from such
a claim, namely that Allah Most High has not as yet destroyed or leveled
Dhūl Qarnain’s barrier. This book insists that such doubters have had a
religious obligation for the longest while to search for the barrier, which
according to them is still standing.
There may be some who stubbornly reject all the arguments
raised so far in this book, as well as in ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’ān’,
in support of the view that the release of Gog and Magog
commenced in the Prophet’s lifetime and has been continuing ever
since. Such people may choose to disregard arguments based on
the Qur’ān as well as Ahadīth quoted in this book in support of the
view mentio day level or destroy the barrier and only then would Gog and
Magog be released into the world.
Those who insist that Gog and Magog have not as yet been
released into the world cannot deny the inescapable implication
that emerges from such a claim, namely that Allah Most High has
not as yet destroyed or leveled Dhūl Qarnain’s barrier.
Search for the barrier
This book insists that such doubters have had a religious
obligation for the longest while to search for the barrier, which
according to them is still standing. If they made absolutely no
effort whatsoever to embark on that search, they must at least
provide some form of an explanation which justifies this curious
act of omission in their duty towards the Qur’ān. They must also
explain why no one in the more than a thousand years has ever
seen the barrier standing. In addition, they must inform us whether
they ever intend to embark on such a search. After all, this is an
age in which the exploration of the Earth has advanced to an
unprecedented extent and satellite technology has made it possible
for literally every square inch on the Earth to be photographed (see
Google Earth).
Such an exploration to locate Dhūl Qarnain’s iron barrier
should be of very great importance indeed to them in the light of
another Hadīth quoted by Ibn Kathīr in Al-Bidāyah wan Nihāyah
(i.e., ‘the beginning and the end’) in which Abū Hurairah reported
that the Prophet said:
"Every day, Gog and Magog are trying to dig a way out through the
barrier. When they begin to see sunlight through it, the one who is in
charge of them says, 'Go back; you can carry on digging tomorrow,' and
when they come back, the barrier is stronger than it was before. This will
continue until their time comes and Allah wishes to send them forth. They
will dig until they begin to see sunlight, then the one who is in charge of
them will say, 'Go back; you can carry on digging tomorrow, Insha’
Allah.' In this case he will make an exception by saying Insha’ Allah, thus
relating the matter to the Will of Allah. They will return on the following
day, and find the hole as they left it. They will carry on digging and come
out against the people . . .”
(Tirmīdhi, Ibn Mājah, Ahmad)
There are serious implications in this Hadīth for those who
stubbornly insist that the barrier is still standing to this day (since
they believe that Gog and Magog have not as yet been released
into the world). For example, the barrier must today be stronger
than ever before hence it should not be difficult to recognize and
locate it. Secondly, when once they locate the barrier they will not
have to even search for Gog and Magog. According to the Hadīth
Gog and Magog would themselves be coming daily to the barrier
to continue their effort to dig through it. Should that opportunity to
actually see Gog and Magog themselves digging not be sufficient
to rouse our critics to pack their bags and embark on the quest to
find that barrier?
If such rejectionists do not pack their bags and embark on a
search to locate Dhūl Qarnain’s barrier which they insist is still
standing somewhere on Allah’s Earth, and if they offer no
explanation why no one has ever seen that barrier in the more than
a thousand years and yet obstinately persist in their rejection of the
view that the barrier has already been leveled or destroyed and Gog
and Magog have already been released into the world, we advise
our dear readers to regard the objections of such critics as frivolous
and not meriting serious consideration. Those readers who choose
to reject this advice of ours and persist in believing that there is
merit in the view that the barrier is still standing would now
themselves have to explain why they are not prepared to embark on
the search to locate the barrier.
The strange world today
We may now proceed to look at the strange world today while
insisting that it must be explained. If our critics cannot themselves
provide an explanation of the reality of the strange modern age,
they cannot dismiss, as false, our explanation involving Gog and
Magog, given in this book.
For the first time in human history one people today totally
dominate and control the entire world, its money, politics,
international affairs, economy, markets, culture, food, news, sports,
communication, entertainment, fashions and travel, etc. They
possess absolute power that keeps on continuously increasing and
which no possible combination of rivals can now challenge.
Moreover, there is no secular evidence to suggest that their
powerful grip over the whole world can ever be successfully
They do much more than control the world. They keep on
transforming it at will by breaking down all the barriers that have
for ages were preserved, and the wonderful diversity of human
societies which separated peoples from each other. They have
already globalized mankind in such wise that a single godless
global society has now emerged for the first time in human history.
They created modern Western secular civilization and a
European world-order to function as the medium through which
they pursued their goals. Through their still unfinished scientific,
technological, industrial, information and feminist and sexual
revolutions (of which pornography is an integral part), they have so
impacted upon society as to make the past look obsolete. They
caused the new and the latest gadget, style or fashion to be happily
embraced as the best. They succeeded in the process, in getting
mankind to recognize their way of life to represent the supreme
They have continuously changed, unfolded and reinvented
themselves thus changing the entire godless global society as well
with them until it became a carbon copy of their way of life. But
that way of life is decadent and destructive of human happiness
and social stability. They seduced women, for example, into taking
off their clothing to such an extent that they now dress themselves
and are yet naked. Men were so provoked by that nakedness
(among other things) that a sexual revolution resulted in which sex
has become as freely available as sunshine. Marriage is becoming
obsolete, most children are born out of wedlock, and people
increasingly embrace a way of life replete with sexual promiscuity
and casual sexual encounters. Pornography was used to whip up
lust and carnal desires to such a sexual frenzy that eventually
sexual harassment and rape became commonplace. Eventually the
insatiable thirst created by lust could no longer find sexual
satisfaction in normal private sexual relations and so public sex is
now taking over and people will soon commit sexual intercourse in
public like donkeys. Also normal male-female sexual relations no
longer satiate the sexual thirst and so homosexuality and
lesbianism are fast emerging as a replacement or substitute.
They created a spectacular Manhattan skyline with skyscrapers and succeeded in getting all the rest of the world of naked
barefooted shepherds to then compete with each other in the
construction of such tall buildings.
Their success has been so spectacular that regardless of belief
in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism or Islam, and
despite the Prophet Muhammad’s grave warning that to Muslims
that “you will follow them even down into a lizard’s hole”, all of
mankind including Muslims imitated and followed their decadent,
secular and essentially godless way of life.
The Judeo-Christian alliance
European Christians and European Jews forged a strange
alliance through reconciling their hatred and hostility for each
other. They have now embraced each other in mysterious mutual
friendship and alliance. They have become the rulers of the whole
world and they are an absolutely unique phenomenon in history.
But they are a racially ominous world-order, ominous for nonEuropeans in general and for Arabs and Muslims in particular, who
dare to resist their racial jingoism, globalization, injustice and
oppression. Their world-order waged relentless wars of aggression
in order to occupy nearly all the non-European territories of the
world. The world witnessed such ethnic cleansing in North
America, Southern Africa and Australia etc., as could not have
been perpetrated except by those who had hearts of beasts without
as much as even a grain of a mustard seed of either Christian or
Jewish faith in them.
Judeo-Christian European colonial rule over the rest of the
world was used to steal, plunder and exploit the wealth that
belonged to the rest of mankind. But Judeo-Christian European
colonization of the rest of the world had an agenda that
transcended the exploitation of those territories for wealth. Rather,
the ultimate agenda was that of putting political, economic, cultural
and educational institutions in place through which the JudeoChristian Europeans could continue to transform such colonial
territories even after decolonization took place. The transformation
was meant to secularize society through a process of dismantling
all institutions which provided sustenance for the religious way of
life in general and for the way of life of Islam in particular.
Their secularism had already so transformed medieval EuroChristendom that it became essentially godless and amazingly
decadent modern secular civilization. But they pursued their
sinister agenda with such powers of deception that ‘appearance’
and ‘reality’ have always been opposite to each other in everything
they did and still do. Hence they succeeded in deceiving most of
mankind to join with them in embracing godlessness and
They used their absolute power to corrupt, to oppress, and to
engage in acts of injustice and wickedness unparalleled in history.
Their wickedness and oppression is constantly escalating even as
they offer public-relations apologies for European slavery. Even
those European Christian and Jewish people who would live lives
of piety, faith and righteousness and speak out against injustice and
oppression were not spared. Former US President Jimmy Carter is
now caricatured an “old fool”. Jewish-Christian Western war
crimes inflicted on Arab Muslim Iraq and Israeli genocide of
Palestinian Muslims and Christians in Gazzah are worse than
anything black Christian South Africa ever experienced during
Their greed is indescribable. They suck the wealth of all of
mankind through legalized theft (otherwise known as inflation and
as money-lending on interest) and even take from the poor the little
they possess. Eventually they imprison all of mankind in a new
economic slavery through Ribā (usury). They lend huge sums of
money on interest with the knowledge that the borrower would not
be able to repay the loan with interest. They do so in order to gain
a capacity for such financial blackmail that borrower nations
eventually fall under their control. They also replace real-moneywith-intrinsic-value such as gold and silver coins, with nonredeemable paper currency, whose value is externally assigned and can be manipulated to their advantage. As paper-money fell in
value, the masses around the world were reduced to miserable
poverty while those who were already rich further enriched
themselves at the expense of those who were so enslaved.
Finally, they are a world-order that is strangely and
mysteriously obsessed with liberating the Holy Land. Europe
became Christian and then waged essentially European Holy Wars
called ‘the Crusades’ for a thousand years until success was finally
achieved, when a British army led by General Allenby defeated the
Ottoman Islamic Empire’s army and triumphantly entered
Jerusalem in 1917. Allenby then declared “today the crusades
have ended”. He should have said “today the European Crusades
have ended”. In fact, the European Crusades are still continuing
and will not end so long as Muslims resist Judeo-Christian
European oppression in the Holy Land and elsewhere in the world.
Some Europeans also became Jewish and created the EuroJewish Zionist Movement, which then fanatically and pig-headedly
pursued the goals of the Jewish return to the Holy Land and
restoration of a State of Israel in that Holy Land. Those European
Jews, natives of the Khazar tribes of Eastern Europe, were converts
to Judaism. Europeans are not Semitic people, yet they
successfully led the way, employing means more crooked than
ever before, for the restoration of a State of Israel in the Holy
Land. They used same means to literally force the semitic oriental
(non-European) Israelite Jews, long residing in the Muslim world,
to migrate to that secular State of Israel. They demonized all
resistance to their oppression as anti-Semitism. The JudeoChristian European world-order has protected and strengthened
that Israel to such an extent that it has now become a superpower.
Indeed it will soon become the ‘ruling state’ in the world.
Can all of this be an accident of history? Can it be something
without meaning and explanation? If not, then what is that
There are scholars and writers who might obstinately shrug
their shoulders and dismiss all of the above as mere chance. And
there are others, who would be convinced by the evidence we
present in this book derived from the blessed Qur’ān as well as
from the Ahadīth of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)
that today’s strange and mysterious Judeo-Christian European
world-order is the Gog and Magog world-order.
The evidence also reveals that Dajjāl (the false Messiah or
Anti-Christ) exploited the Zionist Jews and their Christian allies
while defying every moral and religious law in order to pursue that
‘pig-headed’ effort to make Israel the ‘ruling state’ in the world.
The effort was made while riding the back of the ‘Gog and Magog
world-order’. At the end of it all that part of the Jewish world
which persists in oppression and in ‘war on Islam’ will face the
Messiah they had rejected and whose crucifixion they had
demanded. At that time Allah Most High, who created Gog and
Magog and gave to them their indestructible power, would Himself
destroy an unjust Gog and Magog world-order. Prophet
Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) prophesied that an
unstoppable Muslim army would then march to Jerusalem while
liberating every occupied territory on its way. The ‘Holy’ State of
Israel will replace the present imposter, the ‘oppressors’ would be
punished and history would thus end with the triumph of Truth
over falsehood and of justice and freedom over oppression and
This writer is confident that rapidly unfolding events in and
around the Holy Land in particular would continuously validate the
central thesis of this book and in doing so, invalidate the arguments
raised by critics of that central thesis.
In Sūrah al-Kahf of the Qur’ān as well as in Prophetic
commentary (Ahadīth), Gog and Magog are described as two
people who descended from father Adam (peace and blessings of Allah
Most High be upon him). They were created by Allah Most High and
endowed with great power. “None but I can destroy them”, said
Allah Most High. Sūrah al-Kahf has described how they had to be
contained behind an iron barrier because they were using their
power to commit acts of Fasād (acts of wickedness, oppression
corruption). The Sūrah also implied that they would use power to
wage war on those who lived lives of faith and righteousness and
that they would act malevolently against those who lived the
primitive way of life or who eked out a bare subsistence living (as
in Haiti, Somalia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Egypt,
etc.). Thus the picture emerged of an absolutely godless and
ruthless people who had the hearts of beasts.
The Sūrah went on to inform that when the “warning of my
Lord-God” came to pass (i.e. when the age of Fitan or Last Age
would commence), “Allah will bring down or level the barrier”
and Gog and Magog (who are a major sign of the Last Age) would
be released into the world. Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’ then revealed that
they would eventually “spread out or unravel in every direction
thus infiltrating all people” indicating that with an invincible
power they would take control of the whole world and that, for the
first time in history, one people would rule all of mankind. It also
indicates that with their subtle infiltration they will transform or
refashion all of mankind into carbon copies of themselves
But since that world-order would witness oppression and war
on religion, it would be in total conflict with the heavenly order
above. No believer could possibly be comfortable with
‘mainstream society’ in such a world.
Hadīth reveals Gog and Magog’s release
There are no less than eight Ahadīth recorded in Sahīh
Bukhāri which clearly indicating that the release of Gog and
Magog commenced in the lifetime of the blessed Prophet more
than 1400 years ago. The Ahadīth inform us that the blessed
Prophet had a vision while he was in a state of sleep in which he
saw a hole opened in the barrier of Gog and Magog. We know of
only one barrier that is connected to Gog and Magog, and it is the
barrier that was built by Dhūl Qarnain.
When the Prophet awoke from sleep he immediately
recognized that he had a true vision of the Divine destruction of the
barrier since he declared “woe unto the Arabs because of an evil
which has now come close”. He even went on to make a circle
with his fingers in order to describe the hole that was made in the
barrier. Since the Qur’ān had declared that Allah Most High would
Himself bring down the barrier at a particular time, it was clear that
He, Most High, had to be responsible for that hole made in the
” He said: This (i.e. the barrier) is a mercy from my Lord-God: but when
the warning of my Lord comes to pass, He will level it (or reduce it to
dust); and the warning of my Lord-God would have come true.“
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:98)
It was also clear that this true vision communicated the news
that the release of Gog and Magog commenced on the day of that
Prophetic vision. The Ahadīth describing this event recorded in the
Sahīh of Imām al-Bukhāri enjoy a status of the greatest
authenticity. The reader should not be surprised by repetition in the
eight Ahadīth. These are not different Ahadīth. Rather their subject
matter is the same. But the Hadīth is narrated by different people
with slightly different texts. In consequence the Hadīth is
mutawātir making it the strongest possible Hadīth:
“Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Prophet said: A hole has been opened in the
barrier of Gog and Magog. Wuhaib (the subnarrator) made the number 90
(with his index finger and thumb).”
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
“Narrated Zainab bint Jahsh: That one day Allah’s Apostle entered upon
her in a state of fear and said: None has the right to be worshipped but
Allah! Woe to the Arabs from the great evil that has approached (them).
Today a hole has been opened in the barrier of Gog and Magog like this.
The Prophet made a circle with his index finger and thumb. Zainab bint
Jahsh added: I said: O Allah’s Apostle! Shall we be destroyed even
though there are righteous people among us? The Prophet said: Yes, (you
will be destroyed if and when) evil, wickedness and decadence increases
(i.e. to such an extent as to dominate the world).”
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
The above Hadīth is repeated in Sahih Bukhari with slightly
different texts as follows:
“Narrated Zainab bint Jahsh: The Prophet got up from his sleep with a
flushed red face and said: None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.
Woe to the Arabs, from the great evil that is nearly approaching them.
Today a gap has been made in the barrier of Gog and Magog like this
(Sufyan illustrated this by forming the number 90 or 100 with his
fingers.) It was asked: Shall we be destroyed though there are righteous
people among us?" The Prophet said: Yes, (you will be destroyed if and
when) evil, wickedness and decadence increases (i.e. to such an extent as
to dominate the world).”
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
“Narrated Zainab bint Jahsh: that the Prophet came to her in a state of
fear saying: ‘None has the right to be worshiped but Allah! Woe to the
Arabs because of evil that has come near. Today a hole has been made in
the wall of Gog and Magog as large as this’ (pointing with two of his
fingers making a circle). Zainab said: ‘O Allah's Apostle! Shall we be
destroyed though amongst us there are pious people?’ He said: Yes, (you
will be destroyed if and when) wickedness and decadence increases (i.e.
to such an extent as to dominate the world).”
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
“Narrated Zainab bint Jahsh: That the Prophet once came to her in a state
of fear and said: ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah. Woe
unto the Arabs from a danger that has come near. An opening has been
made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this’ (making a circle with his
thumb and index finger). Zainab bint Jahsh said: ‘O Allah’s Apostle!
Shall we be destroyed even though there are pious persons among us?’ He
said: Yes, (you will be destroyed if and when) wickedness and decadence
increases (i.e. to such an extent as to dominate the world).”
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
“Narrated Umm Salama: The Prophet woke up and said: ‘Glorified be
Allah: What great (how many) treasures have been sent down, and what
great (how many) afflictions have been sent down!’” (This appears to be
the same occasion as the vision about the hole.)
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
“Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Prophet said: ‘Allah has made an opening
in the wall of the Gog and Magog (people) like this (and he made with his
hand (with the help of his fingers).’”
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
“Narrated Ibn Abbas: Allah’s Apostle performed the Tawaf (around the
Ka‘ba while riding his camel and every time he reached the corner (of
the Black Stone) he pointed at it with his hand and said: ‘Allahu Akbar.’
Zainab said: The Prophet said: ‘An opening has been made in the barrier
of Gog and Magog like this and this’ (forming the number 90 with his
thumb and index finger).”
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
These Ahādith of Sahīh Bukhāri that have come from four
different sources, Abū Hurairah, Zainab bint Jahsh, Umm Salama,
and ‘Abdullah ibn Abbās (radiallahu ‘anhum), are quite explicit in
revealing that a barrier connected to Gog and Magog had been
breached with ominous consequences for Arabs in particular.
There is only one barrier connected to Gog and Magog that we
know of and it is one built by Dhūl Qarnain. Hence the
inescapable conclusion is that the destruction or levelling of the
barrier built by Dhūl Qarnain commenced in the lifetime of the
Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam).
Water in the world and in the Sea of Galilee
There is additional evidence supporting our conclusion
derived from the above Ahadīth, for example, Gog and Magog
have a profile already described, of such great consumption of
water that rivers and lakes would run dry. The world is already
experiencing precisely such a phenomenon of diminishing sweet
water resources and evidence of such continues to increase as
nations and tribes threaten to wage wars over increasingly scarce
water resources.
Dramatic evidence related to water confirming the release of
Gog and Magog is also located in the Hadīth describing them
passing by the Sea of Galilee on their way to Jerusalem and
drinking the water in that sea to such an extent that it would
eventually dry up:
“. . . It will be under such conditions that Allah will reveal to Jesus
these words: I have brought forth from among My servants such people
against whom none will be able to fight; you take these people safely to
Tur, and then Allah will send Gog and Magog and they will swarm down
from every slope. The first of them will pass by Lake Tiberias (i.e. the
Sea of Galilee) and drink out of it, and when the last of them passes, he
will say: ‘There was once water here . . . .’”
(Sahih Muslim)
The water level in the Sea of Galilee is now so low that it is
considered essentially dead, i.e. it is only a matter of time before it
dries up. As we write this book, the water-level in the Sea is fast
approaching the “black line” level of -214.4 meters below sea
level. When it reaches that level, removing water from the lake,
which is one of Israel's major water resource, will no longer be
possible because the pumps will be above the water level. This is
almost certain to occur before this book is published and reaches
our readers.
Readers are advised to keep abrest of the situation
through Google search using ‘Lake Kinneret Black Line’.
Additional dramatic proof of the release of Gog and Magog
can be found in the growing evidence of the world’s great lakes
now drying up. Canada’s Lake Superior for example, the greatest
Great Lake and the world's largest freshwater reservoir, is now at
its lowest water level ever.
Hadīth linking Gog and Magog to Jerusalem
Finally the Qur’ān makes mention of Gog and Magog for a
second and last time in two verses of Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’ which
refer to a certain ‘town’.
Allah Most High had destroyed that town
and expelled the people of the town banning them from ever
returning to reclaim that town as their own. However the verse
went on to declare that the ban would remain in force only until
Gog and Magog were released and they spread out in all directions
to occupy every position of advantage:
“And there is a ban on (the people of) a town which We destroyed: that
they (the people of the town) shall not return (to reclaim their town) until
Gog and Magog are released and (eventually) they spread out in every
direction (or descend from every height to occupy every position of
(Qur’ān, al-Anbiyāh’, 21:95-6)
If we can identify the town and if there is evidence the people
of the town have already returned to reclaim it as their own (after
having been expelled from it by divine decree), it would constitute
further evidence of both the release of Gog and Magog as well as
their identity.
In addition to analysis based on the system of meaning of the
subject, our method by which we identify the town is to also search
our Qur’ān and Hadīth database to locate any such town which is
connected to Gog and Magog. And sure enough ‘Jerusalem’
emerges as the only such town. Firstly, we quoted above a Hadīth
which informed us that Gog and Magog would pass by the Sea of
Galilee. That Sea is located only 50 miles north of Jerusalem. In
addition, the only town mentioned by name that is linked to Gog
and Magog is Bait al-Maqdis (i.e. Jerusalem):
“Gog and Magog would walk until they reach the mountain of alKhamr, and it is a mountain of Bait al-Maqdis (i.e. Jerusalem)...”
(Sahīh Muslim)
Secondly, we recognize a similarity between the above two
verses of Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’ and the verse in Sūrah Ale ‘Imrān
referring to Makkah by its old name, ‘Bakkah’. In neither instance
can we penetrate the verses of the Qur’ān without referring to
events and other such data located outside of the Holy Book.
The Qur’ān has informed us that Allah Most High gave the
Holy Land to the Israelite people (Qur’ān, al-Māidah, 5:24).
Jerusalem is the capital city of that Holy Land. The historical
record is that they were expelled from that town some 2000 years
ago. However they have now returned to the ‘town’ to reclaim it as
their own. Jerusalem lies at the very heart of events connected to
the true Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary. It is from Jerusalem that
he will rule the world. It is also from Jerusalem that Dajjāl the
false Messiah must attempt to rule the world. As history progresses
to its end, Jerusalem must replace Washington, London and other
such cities as the center of the world.
It was certainly not by accident that neither the Qur’ān, nor
the blessed Prophet to whom the Qur’ān was revealed and who
was declared to be the teacher of the Qur’an, ever identified the
‘town’ linked to Gog and Magog. It is certain that the reason for
this was to provoke scholars of the Qur’ān to critically observe
unfolding events in the historical process in order to recognize the
Signs of Allah Most High and to thus eventually identify the
‘town’. The Qur’ān had directed specific attention to precisely this
aspect of its miraculous text when it declared:
“In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages (through
what they perceive) in the utmost horizons (of the universe) and within
themselves (which includes the unfolding historical process), so that it
will become clear unto them that this [revelation] is indeed the truth.
(Still) is it not enough (for them to know) that thy Lord-God is witness
unto everything?”
(Qur’an, Fussilat, 41:53)
Iqbal Ansari and Said Nursi
It was the Muslim philosopher/poet, Dr Muhammad Iqbal
who, in recognizing this aspect of the Qur’anic revelation, applied
the methodology (Usūl al-Tafsīr) of critically examining unfolding
events in the historical process in order to penetrate the meaning
and significance of certain verses of the Qur’ān. He responded to
the successful conclusion in 1917 of Western civilization’s
thousand years of Crusades to liberate Jerusalem with a verse of
Urdu poetry in which he declared that all the forces of Gog and
Magog had been released. The verse went on to direct Muslim
attention to the supreme importance of studying and penetrating
the two verses of Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’ of the Qur’ān that are linked
to Gog and Magog:
Khul ga’ae Ya’jūj aur Ma’jūj kay lashkar tamām,
Chashmay Muslim dekh lay tafsīray harfay yansilūn!
[Set loose are all the hordes of Gog and Magog
To the Muslim eye manifest is the meaning of the word
[Bāng-e-Darā ─ Zarīfāna:23]
[Bāng-e-Darā means ‘Signal for start of Caravan’
Zarīfāna means ‘Witty Observations’]
It is amazing, really, that Iqbal could have penetrated these
two critically important verses of the Qur’ān and identified the
‘town’ as Jerusalem as soon as the European Crusades had finally
succeeded in its quest for liberating Jerusalem. After all, it was not
until 1948 that a State of Israel was restored in the Holy Land.
Iqbal’s verse which directed attention to the two verses of
Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’, and thus to the ‘town’, did not escape the
attention of the outstanding Islamic scholar, Maulānā Dr
Muhammad Fadlur Rahmān Ansāri – himself a student of Iqbal. Dr
Ansāri also recognized the ‘town’ to be Jerusalem. Evidence of this
is recorded in Ebrahim Ahmad Bawany’s truly remarkable booklet
entitled: ‘Gog Magog and the State of Israel’, which was published
in Pakistan about fifty years ago by the Aisha Bawāny Wakf (i.e. in
the late 1950’s, no date of publication was given for this booklet).
Commenting on the same two verses of Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’ and to
the ‘town’, Bawāny declared in that booklet: “we firmly believe, and
for which we have advanced solid arguments in the following pages, that
this Ayah refers in particular to the city of Jerusalem . . .” (page 2). He
went on to declare: “Thus the Ayah of the Holy Qur’ān (i.e. alAnbiyāh’: 95-6), beyond doubt, relates to the establishment of the State of
Israel by the connivance and support of the powers of Gog and Magog.”
(page 3).
He also acknowledged his debt to Maulānā Fazlur
Rahmān Ansāri “whose interpretation and explanation of the Ayāt
relating to the return of the people to the ‘town’ which was destroyed . . .
inspired me to make research and to write on the subject” (page iii). We
can only lament the fact that Dr Ansari, for reasons of which are
unaware, chose not to write himself on the subject, nor to speak on
it publicly. However it is certain that he was able to identify the
‘town’ as Jerusalem because of his methodology (i.e. Usūl alTafsīr) of seeking to discover the system of meaning pertaining to
the subject (see chapter two).
Since we also recognized the ‘town’ mentioned in Sūrah alAnbiyah’ to be Jerusalem, we understand the verses of the Qur’ān
referred to above to have declared such a return to have been
impossible unless and until Gog and Magog had been released and
had spread out in every direction. In other words, since the Israelite
people have now returned to Jerusalem to reclaim it as their own, it
follows that the one thousand years of European Crusades to
liberate Jerusalem was a Gog and Magog phenomenon, and thus
Gog and Magog must have been released into the world a long
time ago. In coming to this conclusion this hunble book has done
nothing more than to take to its logical conclusion the trail that was
previously blazed by the outstanding Islamic scholars of the
modern age, Dr Muhammad Iqbal, his student, Dr Muhammad
Fadlur Rahman Ansari (rahimahumullah) and the Turkish Islamic
scholar, Badiuzzamān Saīd Nursi.
There is considerable additional evidence, such as the unique
phenomenon of globalization in the modern world, the increasingly
ominous corruption of the moral fabric of society around the world
today, the amazing replication of the essentially godless and
decadent Western way of life amongst all of mankind (including
the world of Islam), which can be used to further argue the case
that the release of Gog and Magog into the world took place a long
time ago.
We leave that task to others who are convinced by the
central thesis of this book, and who may consequently be inspired
to further extend the arguments here raised.
When that release takes place power would be established on foundations
opposite to those of Dhūl Qarnain’s. Power would be established on
foundations that would be essentially godless, and instead of being used
to punish the oppressor, it would be used to oppress and persecute the
innocent. Power would also be used to target those possessing faith in
Allah Most High and living lives of righteousness. Finally, power in such
a world would be used with an absolute disdain for human rights,
oppressing, destroying and exterminating even those living a primitive
way of life, and reducing the miserably poor masses of the world to a
state of even greater destitution.
Sūrah al-Kahf of the blessed Qur’ān informs us of the
implications of Gog and Magog’s release into the world. Allah
Most High referred in that Sūrah to the great traveler who traveled
to the two ends of the Earth by the title of Dhūl Qarnain. We have
previously pointed out that the word Qarn in Arabic can mean
either ‘horn’ or ‘age’. But since the Qur’ān has always used the
world Qarn to mean ‘age’, and has never used it to mean ‘horn’,
the implication is that Allah Most High gave a subtle indication
that the narrative concerning Dhūl Qarnain applied to two ages.
In the first age, i.e. that of Dhūl Qarnain, power in the world
would be founded on faith in Allah Most High, and used to punish
the oppressor to support, assist and reward those possessing faith
and righteous conduct, and who respect the human rights of those
living even the most primitive of lives.
The second age to which the narrative applied would be that
of Gog and Magog, commencing with their release into the world.
When that release takes place power would be established on
foundations opposite to those of Dhūl Qarnain’s. Power would be
established on foundations that would be essentially godless, and
instead of being used to punish the oppressor, it would be used to
oppress and persecute the innocent. Power would also be used to
target those possessing faith in Allah Most High and living lives of
righteousness. Finally, power in such a world would be used with
an absolute disdain for human rights, oppressing, destroying and
exterminating even those living a primitive way of life, and
reducing the miserably poor masses of the world to a state of even
greater destitution.
The present is precisely that second age. Modern Western
civilization possesses power in the world today, but it is
established on foundations that are essentially godless. It uses its
to oppress the innocent while protecting and
supporting oppressors as well as others who are
unjust in conduct,
to wage war on religion in general and on Islam in
particular, while targeting those who have faith in
Allah Most High and live lives of righteousness, and
to target even the most primitive and defenseless
people while trampling on their human rights to
exterminate them like cockroaches.
Yesterday’s barbaric ‘ethnic cleansing’ and blatant oppression
of the native populations of North and South America, Australia,
Southern Africa and Haiti, etc., are sorrowful examples of the kind
of conduct that still persists today in the brutal and sadistic
occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia, etc. No instance of
slavery in history was ever as disgustingly barbaric, oppressive and
destructive as Western civilization’s enslavement of black African
people and the exploitation of their labor to build the United States
of America and Canada, and the equally barbaric exploitation of
the native Indian population of South and Central America to
enrich the white ruling elite.
Malcolm X was the most powerful and authentic voice to
have emerged to denounce that North American oppression. The
oppressed South American Indians now have in Venezuala’s Hugo
Chavez and Bolivia’s Evo Morales, equally powerful and authentic
voices championing their cause of liberation from oppression. The
face of (white) Western oppressors (not all whites are oppressors)
has become so ugly and despised around the world that it has now
become necessary for them to hide behind an American President
with a black face.
Wherever Western civilization occupied non-European
territory the native population faced danger. They were sometimes
enslaved, but at other times they were even exterminated. Consider
the following news report in the ‘Sunday Times’ of India dated
June 26, 1938 which was diligently preserved by our teacher of
blessed memory, Maulānā Dr Muhammad Fadlur Rahmān Ansāri:
Extermination of an entire race
Britain’s record in Tasmania
Imperial expansion exterminated a whole race in 104 years, observes
J. W. Pynter, tracing the tragic history of the Tasmanians in The
The island of Tasmania got its name after Abel Jansen Tasman, who
first discovered it in 1642. Not until a century and a half later did any
white man set eyes on the aborigines of the island. A French Captain
landed with his party there in 1772 and was met by a party of natives,
one of whom advanced and offered a lighted stick to a sailor. The
Frenchmen interpreted the act as an attack and opened fire on the
natives, who fled, leaving one dead and several wounded.
Frightful Outrages
In 1803, a British Captain was commissioned to form a settlement in
Tasmania. The tragedy began . . . One day some natives, including
women and children, appeared on a high land above the camp of the
whites. They showed no hostility, but for some unknown reason fire
was opened on them and several were killed.
So frightful was the white attitude that in 1817 Governor Sorell was
compelled to issue a proclamation against base outrages on the
persons of aborigines.
Used as Targets!
The worst enemies of those natives were the white out-laws and
bushrangers. They would tie natives to trees and use them as targets,
or drag native women by force. And their crimes led to the issue of a
proclamation in 1824, warning “settlers and others” against
massacring natives.
The intermittent warfare, however, continued.
And the ultimate doom of the native race came with the heartless
decision to remove all of them from the main island to one of the
islets in Bass’s Strait – a barren spot, where they died off quickly. In
February 1869, the last Tasmanian man died – William Laune. In May
1876, died Truganina, the last woman.
USA succeeded Britain as the leader of a mysterious JewishChristian alliance which controlled the world and was waging war
on Islām and Muslims on behalf of the Euro-Jewish State of Israel.
It was that Jewish-Christian alliance which created modern
Western secular civilization and was using that civilization to
embrace all of mankind in a decadent godless embrace. The
Jewish-Christian alliance secured major victories in the destruction
of the Ottoman Islamic Caliphate and Dār al-Islām, replacing them
with client-States such as the Republic of Turkey and the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia. As a consequence, the Jewish-Christian alliance
effectively controlled the Haramain and the Hajj.
This book recognizes that Jewish-Christian alliance to be the
creators of a Gog and Magog world-order. It seems to be only a
matter of time before they would also succeed in fulfilling Prophet
Muhammad’s prophecy located in Sahīh Bukhāri that “people
would continue to perform the Hajj and ‘Umrah even after the
release of Gog and Magog, but the Last Hour would not come
before the (valid) Hajj no longer existed.”
A verse of Sūrah al-Māidah of the Qur’ān anticipates the
emergence of a Jewish-Christian alliance and goes on to strictly
prohibit Muslim friendship and alliance with such Jews and
Christians. It is difficult to translate the verse without interjecting
explanatory comments. However, we put such comments within
brackets in order to distinguish them from the translated text which
is in bold type:
“Oh you who have faith (in Allah Most High) do not take Jews and
Christians as your friends, allies, patrons or sponsors. (Why so?)
(because) some (from amongst them) are (or would be) friends, allies,
sponsors of others (amongst them). (Thus this verse did not prohibit
friendly relations with all Jews and Christians, but it did prohibit Muslims
from joining with them in such alliances as CENTO, SEATO, NATO or
such relations as that which has transformed Arabia into the SaudiAmerican Kingdom. Rather it anticipated a time when Jews and
Christians would strangely and mysteriously reconcile with each other,
and would then go on to establish a Jewish-Christian alliance. The Qur’ān
distinguishes between such Christians who align themselves with the
Jews and others (see Qur’ān, al-Māidah, 5:82) who would eventually
become the dearest of all friends to Muslims. It was with reference to
only such Jews and Christians who are allies of each other that the divine
command was sent down prohibiting friendship and alliance.) And
whoever amongst you turns to them (as an ally, etc.) becomes, verily,
one of them. (Such Muslims would be absorbed into that Judeo-Christian
Gog-Magog godless global society and would lose their Islam.) Surely
Allah does not guide those who commit Dhulm. (The verse here
delivers a warning that the trademark of that Jewish-Christian alliance
would be their acts of Dhulm i.e. injustice, oppression and wickedness,
and that Muslims should have the commonsense not to associate with
such people whom Allah Himself would not guide).”
(Qur’ān, al-Māidah, 5:51)
This verse of the blessed Qur’ān delivered to Muslims a very
serious warning indeed, against ever entering into the embrace of
those who today rule the world (i.e. the Gog and Magog worldorder) and wage war on Islam and Muslims. And this was precisely
what the client-State Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had done, and what
so many neo-Salafi scholars either could not recognize, or found it
inconvenient to do so. Indeed this is what the entire world of Islam
has done in allowing themselves to be trapped in the wicked
embrace of a United Nations Organization, International Monetary
Fund and World Bank, etc. It was in anticipation of the oppression
unleashed by precisely that Jewish-Christian alliance that Prophet
Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) had declared 1400 years ago:
“You (Muslims) will most certainly fight the Jews (i.e. those Jews who
are oppressing you), and you will most certainly kill them (i.e. you will be
victorious) to such an extent that even the stone will speak and say Oh
Muslim, there is (such) a Jew hiding behind me, so come and kill him”.
(Bukhari, Muslim)
Allah Most High had declared, “those who turned towards
them with friendship and as allies would belong to them (and
hence eventually no longer belong to us)”, hence Muslims now
need an Islamic political theology with which they can respond to
the implications of conduct that was so harshly denounced by
Allah Most High Himself. That conduct has now ominously
appeared in their midst in the form of mindless senseless universal
Muslim worship at the altar, for example, of a US Visa, Green
Card and Citizenship.
Additional implications of the release of Gog and Magog into
the world are spelled out in Sūrah al-Kahf of the blessed Qur’ān.
After Dhūl Qarnain built the barrier which effectively contained
Gog and Magog, he declared that the (construction of the) barrier
was (as a result of) Allah’s Mercy. He warned, however, that when
that time came of which Allah Most High had warned (i.e. the
commencement of Youm al-Qiyāmah) He, Most High, would level
or destroy the barrier and release Gog and Magog into the world:
(Dhul Qarnain) said: "This (barrier that was successfully constructed and
which has contained Gog and Magog) is a mercy from my Lord-God! But
when the time appointed by my Lord-God shall come, He will make this
(barrier) level with the ground (i.e. demolish it): and my Lord-God’s
promise always comes true!"
(Qur’an, al-Kahf, 18:98)
The next two verses of the Sūrah described the major implications
of that release:
And on that Day We shall (call forth all mankind and) leave them to surge
like waves (that dash) against one another (or merge with each other); and
the trumpet (of judgment) will be blown, and We shall gather them all
And on that Day We shall place hell spread out for those who rejected the
truth (in this Qur’ān).”
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:98-100)
In the first verse above, the Qur’ān provides an explanation
for the phenomenon of contemporary globalization. The brutal
process of European conquest and colonization of the non-
European world, and its subsequent transformation into carboncopies of decadent godless European way of life was aptly
described as “waves crashing against each other and then merging
with each other”. The second verse warned that globalization
would produce a ‘hell’ of a world, and in order for the faithful
servants of Allah Most High to preserve faith at that time they
would have to progressively disconnect from that godless and
decadent global society.
Allah the all-Knowing already knew that very few indeed
would choose to so disconnect and that is why the Hadīth revealed
that 999 out of every 1000 would join the Gog and Magog melting
pot and enter into the hellfire:
The modern secular Euro-world order is not only essentially
godless, decadent, lawless and oppressive, but is also hell-bent on
embracing all of mankind in one global godless society. That goal
is already almost achieved. The objective for the establishment of
the global society is, of course, to deliver all of mankind willy-nilly
to the feet of the Jewish State of Israel so that they may submit to
Israel as the ruling state in the world.
The true followers of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam), can be recognized by their efforts to resist being embraced
by mainstream godlessness and decadence in the world today.
Most of the rest of mankind appear to be content to drift with that
mainstream society is it wends its miserable way to destruction.
In consequence of this defiance on the part of Muslims, the
Gog and Magog Euro-world order is waging undisguised war on
Islam. How should Muslims respond to this ever-increasing
Any people who allow themselves to be embraced by
godlessness eventually forget Allah. Such Muslims eventually end
up dancing semi-nude on the streets in Gay and Lesbian Rights
Day Parades. Such Muslims become a part of the decadent crowd
that revels in the vulgarities of modern music and songs. The
Qur’ān warns the believers not to be like such people since the
price which they would pay for forgetting Allah (i.e. turning their
backs on Allah) is that they would forget their own selves, i.e. they
lose consciousness of their own essential humanity. (Qur’ān, alHashr, 59:19) Such a society no longer produces human offspring.
Rather the children of such a society would become beasts in
human bodies. In other words they would behave like animals –
pigs, dogs, monkeys etc. Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam) warned of a time that would eventually come when people
would engage in sexual intercourse in public like donkeys. Those
who have eyes with which to see can already recognize that the
time of public sex is just around the corner. How should Muslims
respond to a society and a world which is entering a sexual garbage
Political globalization has resulted in Shirk permeating the
entire political system around the world. That Shirk is very clearly
present in the modern State when it declares itself to be sovereign,
its authority and law to be supreme, possessing authority to make
Halāl anything that Allah made Harām (and it has consistently
done so). How should Muslims protect themselves from the Shirk
of the modern State?
Economic globalization, on the other hand, has produced a
world economy that is based on Ribā, and that in turn is bringing a
new economic slavery upon the masses around the world. In
consequence of political godlessness and economic deprivation,
there is constant increase in lawlessness, violence, anarchy, killings
and rape, etc. It certainly appears as though society itself is
collapsing and disintegrating.
The family is the foundation stone of society and even that
foundation stone is collapsing in consequence of an ominous
feminist revolution captivating so many in the world of women and
leading them dangerously astray.
Dajjal – the False Messiah, is the master-mind who fashioned
today’s godless World Order, and he is using it to test all of
mankind with the greatest of all tests and trials.
Stages of Release of Gog and Magog into the world
Once we have confirmed that the release of Gog and Magog
has taken place we need to determine the manner of their release.
There are several indications that their release into the world would
be gradual, i.e., in stages. This is clear from the Hadīth which
describes them passing by the Sea of Galilee:
“The first of them will pass by Lake Tiberias (i.e. the Sea of Galilee)
drink out of it, and when the last of them passes, he will say: ‘There was
once water here . . . .’”
(Sahīh Muslim)
It is also clear from the verses of the Qur’ān (alAnbiyāh’:21:95-6) which declare that after they are released Gog
and Magog will have to spread out in all directions or descend
from every height and only then would the people of the ‘town’ be
brought back to reclaim the ‘town’ as their own. As a consequence
we are now in a position to determine their precise stage of release.
Since the water level in the Sea of Galilee is now so low that
the Sea can be considered to be dead (a fact that readers can easily
verify with a Google search) it follows that the release of Gog and
Magog is now close to the final stage.
This is further confirmed by our recognition of ‘Jerusalem’ as
the ‘town’ mentioned in the two verses of Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’ (95
and 96). The fact that the Israelite people have now returned to
reclaim that ‘town’ as their own indicates that Gog and Magog
have now successfully spread out in all directions and taken
control of the world.
There are truly ominous implications which emerge from our
recognition that Gog and Magog are close to the final stage of their
release, and it concerns the following:
• the state of the world, and
• the fate of the Arabs.
When the blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)
experienced the vision reported by Zainab bint Jahsh indicating
that the release of Gog and Magog had commenced (see chapter
three for Hadīth) he woke up with the words “La ilaha illa Allah!
Wailun lil Arab min sharrin qad iqtaraba” “Woe unto the Arabs
because of evil which is drawing close.” Zainab (radiallahu 'anha)
responded to the disclosure of the information concerning the
release of Gog and Magog and the danger to the Arabs by asking,
“shall we be destroyed even though there are righteous people in
our midst?” The Prophet replied with the words, “N’am izā
kathura al-khabath” “Yes! When khabath prevails (in the world)”.
Khabath (kha ba tha) means refuse, garbage, scum, etc. But
Khubth (kha ba tha) means wickedness, viciousness, etc. Hence
not only would the Arabs be eventually destroyed but, also, their
destruction would take place at a time when wicked evil people
prevail in the world and the world would also have become the
equivalent of a global garbage dump of moral filth, corruption,
vulgarity and indecencies.
What this Hadīth has done is to establish a time-line for the
destruction of the Arabs, i.e. as Khabath increases in the world
their destruction at the hands of Gog and Magog would draw closer
and yet closer. It is clear, even as we write this book, that the world
is now ruled by the wickedest people ever experienced in history,
that it is already collapsing to a state equivalent to a garbage dump,
and also that the destruction of the Arabs has already commenced.
The world will now witness the paradoxical drama of a
destruction of the Arabs in the Holy Land and elsewhere in
the Arab world, prophesied by the Arabian Prophet
Muhammad more than fourteen hundred years ago,
confirming his claim that he was indeed a Prophet of the One
God, and thus confirming Islam’s claim to Truth.
There is only one way through which Muslims can preserve
their faith in such a world and it is given in Sūrah al-Kahf of the
Qur’ān (the Sūrah which protects from Dajjāl). That way to
salvation is to disconnect from the godless world. The process of
disconnection or withdrawal from the godless and oppressive Gog
and Magog world-order, and the global society that they create,
can best be achieved if Muslims were to follow the example of the
young men in Sūrah al-Kahf who fled from precisely such a world
and sought refuge in a cave.
The Qur’ān itself directs the Muslim to disconnect from the
abode of evil:
“So separate us from this sinful rebellious people!”
(Qur’ān, al-Māidah, 5:28)
The blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) as well,
anticipated that such a time of disconnection would come, and
gave the following advice:
Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri: Allah's Apostle said, "There will come a
time when the best property of a Muslim will be sheep which he will take
to the tops of mountains and the places of rainfall so as to flee with his
religion from the afflictions.
(Sahīh Bukhāri)
If Muslims seek guidance from the story of the young men in
Sūrah al-Kahf they would eventually realise that they can
effectively protect themselves and their families from the
godlessness and evil that now surrounds if they were to retreat to
remotely-located Muslim Villages disconnected from the Gog and
Magog society.
Muslims must concentrate on establishing micro-Islamic
communities wherever they can. If an authentic Muslim Village is
to be established and if it is to provide Muslims with the means of
preserving their faith in today’s increasingly godless world, then it must fulfil the following conditions:
• The public life of a Muslim Village must be established on
the firm foundations of the Qur’ān and Sunnah. Whatever is
not based on the Qur’ān and Sunnah cannot be recognized
essential for survival. If a Muslim religious practice cannot
be so established then, regardless of how beneficial it may
be, or how long Muslims may have observed it, it should not
be brought into the Masjid and into the public life of the
Muslim Village, nor should it be allowed to become the
grounds for division and conflict between Muslims. Only
thus would the Muslim Village survive the sinister
contemporary effort directed at purging Muslim communities
of all practices (both harmless and harmful) that are not
based on the Qur’ān and Sunnah and the way of the Aslāf
(plural of Salaf, i.e. early Muslims). One implication of the
above would be that the Halaqa of Dhikr of the collective
recitation of Sūah al-Kahf on every day of Jumu’ah would be
held in a private location within the village.
• The Muslim Village must be self-sufficient in food
production and energy. Sūrah al-Kahf of the Qur’ān points
to solar energy as the means through which the village can
achieve energy independence:
“Thou wouldst have seen the sun when it rose declining to
the right from their Cave and when it set turning away from
them to the left while they lay in the open space in the midst
of the Cave. Such are among the Signs of Allah . . . . Thou
wouldst have deemed them awake whilst they were asleep
and We turned them on their right and their left sides . . . .”
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:17-18)
The ‘turning’ of the youths to the right and left was achieved
through the ‘sun’. Phototropism of a plant takes place
through attraction to sunlight. The plant turns to face the
sunlight. And so it was in consequence of attraction to the
sunlight that the bodies of the sleeping youths were turned
from side to side over such a long period of time. Also, the
plant transforms sunlight into energy and this is called
photosynthesis. It was through this supply of energy that
their vital organs were kept alive through this long sleep. A
Muslim Village will have to master both these processes of
photothropism and photosynthesis so that it can harness solar
energy for the purpose of achieving energy independence.
• The Sūrah also warns concerning absolute purity in food,
hence abstinence from chemical fertilizers, genetically reengineered food, hormones in milk and meat, etc. Surplus
production of this organic food of the Muslim Village can be
marketed out of the Village and this would form part of the
foundation of the Village economy. An effective marketing
strategy can include, for example, an explanation of the link
between food, sexuality and sexual virility. In the process of
producing pure and healthy food a Muslim Village would
demonstrate capacity to do what the rest of the people are
increasingly incapable of doing. The same would be true for
the capacity of a Muslim Village to cure alcoholism and drug
addiction, to reverse the decline in sexual morality, and
preserve the family unit at a time when it is collapsing
around the world, etc.
• A Muslim Village would also have to establish a micromarket which would be as independent as is possible from
the macro-market, and which would use real money (i.e. gold
and silver) rather than the artificial paper money (to be later
replaced by cashless electronic money) of the macro-market.
In this way the micro-market would survive when the
fraudulent international monetary system based on paper
money collapses. I expect the international monetary system
based on paper money to collapse at that time when Israel
wages her great war of territorial expansion to embrace the
entire area from ‘the river of Egypt’ (Nile?) to the river
‘Euphrates’ in Iraq. That war is likely to take place at any
time now. One of the most important characteristics of the
micro-market of a Muslim Village is that it would ensure
circulation of wealth throughout the village economy. In this
way the poor of the village would not remain permanently
poor and the rich would not remain permanently rich. Since
all forms of Ribā would be prohibited in the village (this
includes both ‘front door’ and ‘back door’ Ribā) so-called
Islamic banks would not be allowed to do business in the
Muslim Village.
• A Muslim Village would have to make a determined effort to
pursue al-Ihsān (or Tasawwuf) in order to achieve internal
spiritual insight. Thus village life would have to be one of
great simplicity, austerity and piety. There will have to be a
strict enforcement of the Shariah. In addition, a Muslim
Village would have to take complete control over education.
The Qur’ān must remain at the center of the system of
education throughout all stages of education. The Muslim
school in a Muslim Village would have one great advantage
over the Muslim school located outside. The children of
such a Muslim school would be supported by a Muslim
community that would be living Islam! Only such children
can truly be trained and educated as Muslims!
• All those Muslims who reside in a Muslim Village must
collectively constitute One Jamā’at under the leadership of
One Amīr. The Amīr must be someone who would know the
Dīn (religion) and live the Dīn. He must also know the world
today. Regardless of whether he is Arab, African, Turk,
Indian, Malay or other, he must enforce the Dīn on the
members of the Jama’at and they must respond with asSam’u wa at-Tā’atu (listening and obeying). This will
preserve the internal integrity and discipline of a Muslim
• A Muslim Village cannot be used, and must not be used, as a
stepping-stone for the eventual control over the State. Islam
cannot take control of the State and the Islamic Khilāfah
cannot be restored while a Gog and Magog world-order
survives. However armed resistance of oppression and
occupation in the territory stretching from Khorasan to the
center of oppression in Jerusalem must never cease since
there is a guarantee of eventual success mentioned elsewhere
in this book.
• The only purpose of a Muslim Village is to preserve the faith
of the believers. Thus, the Village would not be armed except
with the weapons needed to defend it against robbers,
bandits, rapists and thieves! It would have no capacity to
defend itself if attacked by the State. In addition, the Village
would encourage Hindus, Christians and others to reside with
Muslims in the Village on the condition that they are not
hostile to Islam and they agree to abide by the public norms
of conduct of the Village. In this way, non-Muslims would
themselves be able to dispel the rumor-monger and the
‘doubting Thomas’ concerning the peaceful non-threatening
nature of the Muslim Village. But the Muslim Village,
despite not being armed, would still have to develop the
means of ensuring the safety and collective security of all
villagers. This cannot be a Village in which people have to
live like prisoners with iron bars on every window of their
homes, and with expensive security and burglar-alarm
systems installed in every home. Security in the Village
should be such that even a woman can walk in and around
the Village at night in complete safety and security. This
security of the Muslim Village would make a tremendous
political statement to the rest of the beleaguered world.
The entire guidance, which emerges from the Qur’ān and
Sunnah and which must be applied to the task of establishing the
micro-Muslim communities in Muslim Villages, needs to be
extracted and classified. This is precisely the task that our teacher
of blessed memory, Maulana Dr Muhammad Fadlur Rahman
Ansari (rahimahullah) has accomplished in his magnificent work
entitled ‘The Qur’ānic Foundations and Structure of Muslim
Society’. He has also articulated the concept of Islamic spirituality
with great care and with quite some detail, and in so doing he has
answered critics who had not even emerged at the time that the
book was written. But ‘spirituality’ cannot be achieved unless
there is a prior moral struggle for the achievement of moral purity.
One of the major achievements of his book is its detailed
exposition and classification of the Islamic moral code and the
beautiful explanation and guidance that it provides of the
methodology of Tazkiyah (i.e. moral purification) and of Dhikr (i.e.
the fragrance which only true love can deliver when it embraces
the heart and provokes, in the privacy of the heart, a constant
remembrance of the beloved).
“The Qur’ānic Foundations and Structure of Muslim Society”
constitutes a textbook, workbook and a navigator for the survival
of Muslims in the stormy seas of the present age. It can be used as
a manual that would guide Muslims as they now seek to establish
authentic Muslim communities in remotely-located Muslim
Villages that are disconnected from the Gog and Magog worldorder and hence facilitate withdrawal from modern-day godless
decadent secular society.
This book was written with the specific objective of inviting a response
from those rivals of Islam in the modern age claiming to possess truth.
The book also invites a response from the multiplicity of sects that now
inhabit the house of Islam – sects that are obsessed with waging war on
those who pursue the authentic Islamic spiritual quest (i.e. al-Ihsān or
One of our objectives in writing this book was to attempt to
bring such clarity to the subject of Gog and Magog as would dispel
the layers of cobwebs that have accumulated over time. These
cobwebs made it impossibly difficult for the subject to be
understood. Even the Jewish Encyclopedia found it mysteriously
necessary to add a substantial amount of cobweb (fairly dense
cobweb at that) when choosing material which describes Gog and
Magog in Arabic literature. Since this book is now completed we
can, perhaps, take the liberty of sharing that hilarious cobweb with
“They are of small stature, attaining to only one-half the size of a man
(another report, in Yaḳut, i. 113, makes them larger). Very ferocious, they
have claws instead of nails, teeth like a lion, jaws like a camel, and hair
which completely hides the body. Their ears, hairy on one side, are so
large that they use one for a bed and the other for a covering. They live
principally on fish, which are miraculously provided for them. They
resemble animals in their habits; and Mas'udi classes them among the
beasts. They used to ravage the country, devouring every green thing; and
it was to prevent this that the people living near them begged Alexander
to build the wall shutting them in. It is even said that they were
cannibals.” (Jewish Encyclopedia, Article on Gog and Magog by Emil G.
Hirsh and Mary Montgomery).
This book has presented arguments confirming that Gog and
Magog are human beings. They were released into the world a very
long time ago and began, with the European Crusades, their
‘thousand-year-old’ quest to liberate the qaryah (i.e., ‘town’) of
Jerusalem and bring the Israelite people back to reclaim the Holy
Land as their own. In pursuing that quest they fulfilled their role
described in the blessed Qur’ān in Sūrah al-Anbiyāh’:94-5.
We recognize the proactive Gog to be located within Western
Europe’s mysterious Judeo-Christian alliance, which in turn,
created modern Western secular civilization and the AngloAmerican-Israeli triple alliance. We recognize the reactive Magog to be presently located in Russia.
The Qur’ān has strictly
prohibited Muslims from maintaining, with a Jewish-Christian
alliance, precisely the kind of friendly ties and alliance that the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Pakistani elite (for example)
have established with Britain and USA. The Qur’ān declared of
those acting the way of the Saudi regime, as well as most
governments in the Muslim world and the scholars supporting such
governments, that they belong to that alliance rather than to the
community of Islam (Qur’ān, al-Māidah, 5:51). However, to the
extent that Russia does not become a part of that Western JudeoChristian alliance, there is no prohibition of Muslims entering into
an alliance with Russia. This may yet take place since the blessed
Prophet prophesied that “you will make an alliance with Rūm”.
A large number of Signs of the Last Hour (i.e. Last Day) as
prophesied by Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)
connect to Western civilization created by the Jewish-Christian
alliance, for example: “women would dress like men” (hence a
feminist revolution seducing women to assume the functional role
of men in society), “women would be dressed and yet be naked”
(and this will provoke a sexual revolution in which sex would
eventually be as freely available to all and sundry as is sunshine),
“people would have sexual intercourse in public like donkeys”
(hence a strange preference for public rather than private sex),
“men would dress like women” (and this requires that beards be
shaven), “Dajjāl would ride on a donkey which would travel as
fast as the clouds and would have its ears stretched out wide” (i.e.
the modern aircraft); etc.
That Western civilization emerged in the historical process by
divine decree with a mission of first seducing into its embrace, and
then blending or merging all of mankind so seduced, into one
global godless society. Nine hundred and ninety-nine out of every
one thousand of mankind would eventually become members of
that global society. The entire Gog and Magog tainted global
society that was so embraced, and which copied an essentially
godless and decadent way of life, would then be lead into the
Modern Western secular civilization would achieve that
success in so seducing all of mankind (save the true Muslim)
because it would deceive mankind with a dazzling claim to a new
secular dawn in human history that appears from the West rather
than the East. Religious ‘Truth’, which rose upon the world with
Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them and upon
all other Prophets of the One God), would become obsolete and
moribund and would be consigned to the museums of history.
However that “sun rising from the west” would be false sunrise
that the true Muslim would recognize and reject.
The Judeo-Christian alliance also created a Gog and Magog
world-order with a mysterious obsession for liberating the Holy
Land – hence the European Crusades. That world-order eventually
succeeded in bringing the Israelite Jews back to the Holy Land to
reclaim it as their own 2000 years after they were expelled by
divine decree. It also succeeded in restoring an (imposter) Holy
State of Israel in the Holy Land and is now poised to deliver to that
imposter Israel the status of ruling state in the world. All of this
was done in order that an evil being, created and programmed by
Allah Most High, i.e. Dajjāl the false Messiah, could rule the
world from Jerusalem and then declare himself the true Messiah.
However the Qur’ān has informed us that Allah Most High
would one day cause a momentous Gog and Magog clash to take
place. As soon as we recognize Russia to be the Magog of the
Qur’ān, we can anticipate the coming world-shattering ‘star-wars’
clash in which Gog (i.e. the Anglo-American-Israeli ‘Western’
alliance) and Magog will “surge against each other” like waves
(Qur’ān, al-Kahf, 18:99). In the process they would not only
destroy themselves as well as, perhaps, most of North America and
Europe, but also leave the arrogant oppressor Euro-Jewish State of
Israel totally defenseless. That Armageddon is now so close that
children now at school should live to see it.
We have in a previous chapter, examined the implications
which emerge from release of Gog and Magog into the world. The
most frightful of all was prophecy that 999 out of every 1000 of
mankind would enter into the hellfire. That would naturally include
a very large number of Muslims. In addition there was the frighful
prophecy of “destruction of the Arabs” which would take place
when Khabath (such as public nudity and public sex) prevails in
the world. Nabi Muhammad made explicit reference to that
Khabath when he prophesied that donkey-sex in public would one
day take place.
The warning for those (Muslims in particular) who read this
book is that if they live in a society which has already descended
into such Khabath (such as USA, Britain and many parts of
Europe, etc), or is embracing Khabath, they must part from such
people or they will be counted to be one of them and will share in
the punishment that awaits such people. Since the Prophet
prophecied that women would be the last people to follow Dajjāl
the implication is that women would lead the way to this Khabath.
It is in this context that we have suggested the creation of Muslim
Villages in the remote countryside.
This book was also written with the specific objective of
inviting a response from those rivals of Islam in the modern age
claiming to possess truth. The book also invites a response from
the multiplicity of sects that now inhabit the house of Islam – sects
that are obsessed with waging war on those who pursue the
authentic Islamic spiritual quest (i.e. al-Ihsān or Tasawwuf).
That spiritual quest is pursued in order to acquire Nūr (i.e.
It is only with Nūr which comes from Allah Most High that
one can see and understand the strange modern world (that
otherwise cannot be seen or understood), and only those who can
explain the reality of the world today can validate their claim to
truth. This book, written from an Islamic perspective, lays claim to
correctly explaining the reality of the strange world today, in
which events are fast unfolding that are all linked to a grande
finale in the Holy Land. In explaining those unfolding events in the
way that it does, this book provides evidence that validates Islam’s
claim to truth.
This writer cherishes knowledge, and has the greatest respect
for those servants of Allah Most High who are blessed with
knowledge. He prays that this hunble book may be blessed to make
a positive contribution to knowledge. Āmīn!
Muslims who read this book and are convinced by the
evidence presented and the interpretation of the blessed Qur’ān
and Ahadīth, should now be firm in their resolve to follow Prophet
Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) rather than the Gog and
Magog global society. That global society has already embraced
most of mankind in its destructive embrace – destructive most of
all of faith in Allah Most High and of righteous conduct..
Secondly, members of such sectarian groups and movements
as Shiasm, Ahmadiyyah, Wahhabism, Tableegh Jama’at, Islamic
modernist movements and Elitist Sufi sectarianism who are
conviced by the argumants raised in this book, should now
critically examine the validity of their sectarian Islamic affiliations.
Finally, while the views expressed in Dr Tamman Adi’s
brilliantly written Introduction to this book have largely coincided
with this writer’s views expressed in the book, there were some
differences between the two, and it is our hope that these
differences, as well as the book as a whole, would provoke such
further research in the subject as would extend the frontiers of
knowledge Insha’ Allah.